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The green movement at 50: Can the world be saved?
В США зародился экологический капитализм.
Schimbarea climei în grafice.
SC şi Arctica în grafice.
Россияне "дорого заплатят за эту теплую зиму"
Американцы намерены построить в Молдове завод по производству биотоплива.
Потепление не остановить.
Методы метеорологических исследований и прогнозирования погоды.
Ученые рассчитывают через девять лет точно предсказать климатические изменения на Земле.
Сегодня сурок Фил по традиции даст знать, скоро ли в США придет весна.
Снегопады застали Европу врасплох.
Отходы винодельческой промышленности переработают в электроэнергию.
В рамках Полярного года ученые получат данные об изменениях климата.
Комиссия ООН доказала существование глобального потепления.
Похолодание обошлось без последствий для виноградников – Гидрометеослужба.
Проекты Всемирного Банка в сельской местности.
Россия впечатлила мировую элиту.
Цивилизацию майя погубило изменение климата.
Импорт нефтепродуктов Молдовы в 2006 г. сократился на 4,7% - до 553 тыс. т.
Гидрометеорологическая служба в декабре и январе зарегистрировала самые высокие за последние 120 лет температуры воздуха.
В Москву пришли настоящие морозы.
Потепление климата делает погоду "более нервной" – ученые
Республика Молдова присоединилась к международной акции «Час земли 2009»
Încălzirea globală, o problemă intens discutată la summitul G8
Schimbarea climaterică va duce la exilul a 75 milioane de persoane din Pacific
Rezultatele summitului G8 privind încălzirea globală sunt insuficiente, spune Ban Ki-moon
Încălzirea globală este, de fapt, răcire
Încălzirea globală este “ireversibilă”
Încălzirea globală mută graniţe şi aprinde conflicte pe întreaga planetă
Salvează copacii artificiali lumea de încălzirea globală?
A III-a Conferinta internationala privind clima
Саммит по проблеме изменения климата
Specia umană va dispărea. Planeta, nu!
Americanii, "analfabetii schimbarilor climatice"
Majoritatea oamenilor neaga pericolul incalzirii globale
Adevarul: Un tren pe ruta Kyoto-Copenhaga
Planeta se va încălzi cu 4 grade în următorii 50 de ani
Omenirea are 50% şanse să scape de efectele catastrofice ale încălzirii globale
Raport WWF: Daca economia verde nu se dezvolta in urmatorii 5 ani, schimbarile climatice vor fi de neoprit
ONU prevede ajutor pentru Ucraina, orientat la susţinerea măsurilor de protecţie în legătură cu schimbarea climei
Cum va „fierbe“ Pământul la o climă mai caldă cu 4 grade
Gordon Conway: Schimbarile climatice vor devasta Africa
Majoritatea cetăţenilor lumii speră într-un acord asupra combaterii schimbărilor de climă
Inainte de Copenhaga: UE face pasi prudenti | Tot mai mult pesimism in legatura cu un acord global
Acorduri la nivel inalt privind combaterea efectelor climatice
Mai bine mai tarziu
SUA şi China, arătate cu degetul pentru proasta gestionare a problemei climatice
Gheţar dispărut
Încălzirea climatică pune în pericol marile oraşe ale Asiei
Bangladesh: Natiunile sarace nu accepta un esec la Copenhaga
Sudul planetei, prima victimă a încălzirii globale
Oamenii de ştiinţă mai au la dispoziţie 10 ani pentru a controla încălzirea globală
Obama a dezamagit urmand politica lui Bush in ceea ce priveste incalzirea globala
Schimbările climatice, pe masa PE
Thomas Friedman: Cum pot salva soarta Planetei ultimele 38% din padurea amazoniana
Topirea gheţarilor ar putea provoca pagube de 28.000 miliarde de dolari în oraşele de coastă
Dispelling myths about India and climate change
Искривление потепления
ООН впаривает метан
Peste 100 de ghetari se indreapta catre Noua Zeelanda
Fewer Americans believe in global warming, poll shows
Price of global warming cuts may stop deal at U.N. meeting
Republicans say global-warming e-mails show scientists hiding data
Temperatura globala ar putea creste cu 7 grade pana in 2100
Anul 2009, in topul celor mai caldurosi cinci ani din istorie
Crestere record a gazelor cu efect de sera in atmosfera
Evenimentul Zilei: Magazin eco la Ploiesti
SUA vor oferi la Copenhaga o reducere a emisiilor cu 42% între 2005 şi 2030
Încălzirea globală ar putea costa UE peste 65 de miliarde de euro
Curbing global warming saves lives, studies say
'Significant' US change on global warming: Al Gore
Studies: Fighting global warming reduces diseases
Britanicii ne sfatuiesc sa mancam mai putini carnati pentru binele planetei
China isi reduce voluntar emisiile cu 40% pana in 2020
UE sporeste presiunea asupra Chinei si SUA, inaintea summitului mediului de la Copenhaga
Incalzirea globala declanseaza razboaie in Africa
Cei mai mari poluatori ai lumii
China şi SUA au anunţat proiecte de reducere a emisiilor de gaze
UE, acuzata ca pericliteaza negocierile de la Copenhaga
China must show climate change leadership, EU says
Leaders say momentum building on climate change
Warnings on flu and diseases related to global warming
«Россия сдала свои позиции в науке»
Дания предлагает сократить выбросы парниковых газов на 50% к 2050 году
China Joins U.S. in Pledge of Hard Targets on Emissions
Summitul de la Copenhaga raceste relatiile SUA-Franta. Sarkozy catre Obama: Lumea nu va sta in asteptarea unui sef de stat
What Is the Right Number to Combat Climate Change?
China urca in trenul spre Copenhaga
Coreea de Sud isi reduce emisiile cu 30%
Summitul de la Copenhaga ar putea aduce Africii fonduri pentru paduri
Australia respinge sistemul de comercializare a certificatelor de carbon
La Conferinţă Convenţiei ONU cu privire la schimbarea climei Moldova va fi reprezentată de patru experţi
Индия намерена сократить выбросы парниковых газов на 24% за 10 лет
Уровень моря будет подниматься в два раза быстрее, чем ожидалось
Australia's Parliament defeats global warming bill
Climate Change Impact on Nepal
Global warming measures will cost ‘twice as much as predicted’
Global Warming Scandal Makes Scientific Progress More Difficult, Experts Say
Global warming threatens China harvests: forecaster
Global warming threatens food supply: Vietnam
India rejects Danish climate proposal
Mexico to pledge halving emissions by 2050
Moves by U.S., China induce India to do its bit on climate
S.Korea in dilemma over gas emissions cut: minister
UN expects final climate change treaty by June
UN: US, China climate offers 'can still evolve'
Planificarea familiala, posibila solutie pentru reducerea emisiilor
Statele mari in curs de dezvoltare resping planul climatic de la Copenhaga
Topirea gheţii polare va determina o creştere de circa 1,4 metri a nivelului mărilor
Summitul de la Copenhaga este ultima şansă de a salva planeta
Vorbiţi cu jurnaliştii care participă la summitul de la Copenhaga pentru climat
88% dintre oameni sprijina actiunile impotriva incalzirii globale
Europenii si schimbarile climatice
Proiect pentru Copenhaga
Scuze tardive de la liderii planetei in 2020
The White House Convenes Young Green Leaders
Игры в климат-контроль
A inceput cel mai important summit climatic al deceniului
Manifestatii de amploare, in Europa, inaintea summitului pe tema climei
Premierul indian vine la Copenhaga
UE va oferi tarilor sarace intre 1 si 3 miliarde de euro ca ajutor climatic
Тезисы о климатических изменениях
Углекислый газ недооценили
Incepe conferinta de la Copenhaga privind schimbarile climatice
Acoperire media fara precedent pentru COP15
COP15: Ionut Purica: ”Negocieri pe muchie de cutit”
Evenimentul Zilei: SUA va limita emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera
Casa Alba critica scandalul Climategate si face apel la ratiune
ONG-urile denunta metoda de lucru a presedintiei daneze la COP15
SUA deschid calea unei reglementari a normelor privind emisiile poluante
Un esec la COP15 ar costa economia mondiala 500 miliarde de dolari pe an
Ziua a doua la COP15
Climate change already driving migration: IOM
Climate: 'Moving Toward Modest Cooperation'
Copenhagen: Leaked draft deal widens rift between rich and poor nations
Developing nations furious over Danish climate text
Россия затаила квоты
Температура выбивается из графика
Ce trebuie să ştim despre Conferinţa de la Copenhaga
"Climate change is global, but its effects are local; 2007 drought in Moldova just the beginning";, says 2009/2010 National Human Development Report
Liderii UE au renuntat la ambitiile pentru Copenhaga
Suedia contribuie cu 765 de milioane de euro la fondul climatic
China si SUA, cheia succesului la Copenhaga
Divergente la COP15, optimism la Bruxelles
China plays important role in addressing climate change
Copenhagen summit: Tuvalu holds up talks, proposal hangs fire
EU president commits to growth and environment
Japonia ameninta ca isi retrage angajamentul climatic
Prima „ciorna oficiala” a acordului climatic
Yvo de Boer: Valabilitatea Protocolului de la Kyoto trebuie prelungita
«Соглашение в Копенгагене должно быть подписано»
Rezumatul primei saptamani la COP15
Africa cere 5% din PIB-ul statelor bogate
Arhiepiscopul de Canterbury: Frica blocheaza un acord la COP15
Developing Countries Say ‘No Money, No Deal’ in Climate Talks
Majority of countries want continuation of Kyoto Protocol
UN chief sounds a cautious note on talks
COP15 la startul saptamanii decisive
Tarile sarace isi suspenda participarea la COP15
Haos organizatoric la summitul climatic
Statele africane au revenit la negocierile de la COP15
UE va contribui cu 2,4 miliarde pe an la ajutorul rapid pentru mediu
Climate negotiators in race against time
Japan to offer $10 bln to fight global warming: report
Hillary Clinton vine la COP15
Participarea Romaniei in a doua saptamana la COP15
Ban Ki-moon tells Copenhagen summit to 'seal a deal'
Copenhagen talks enter ‘new phase’
Часы, которые всегда отстают
Copenhaga, la cateva zile de succes sau esec
Ed Miliband: Summitul COP15 se poate transforma intr-o farsa
We are in an all-or-nothing situation: UN climate chief
Negocieri in impas la COP15, in pofida angajamentelor tarilor dezvoltate
Scenariu posibil pentru Copenhaga
Yvo de Boer: Urmatoarele 24 de ore sunt cruciale pentru obtinerea unui acord climatic
Copenhaga, centrul lumii pentru o zi
ONU: Planeta se incalzeste cu 3 grade, potrivit angajamentelor actuale
Obama s-a alaturat negociatorilor de la Copenhaga
ULTIMA ORA Barack Obama: Nu mai avem timp de pierdut!
Peste 30 de sefi de stat nu s-au prezentat la COP15
Operatiune de salvare la COP15, pe ultima suta de metri
Zi cruciala la Copenhaga pentru viitorul planetei
Angela Merkel: Este contraproductiv sa se spuna numai lucruri negative despre summitul de la Copenhaga
Acordul de la Copenhaga a devenit operational
Gardianul: SUA si China sunt principalele vinovate pentru esecul summitului de la Copenhaga
Борьба с потеплением заморозилась
Углекислый грех
Angela Merkel mai spera intr-un acord climatic
COP15 a scazut valoarea certificatelor de carbon
Cuba denunta "aroganta" lui Obama la COP15
Dupa Copenhaga: de la dezamagire la realism
Summit Leaves Key Questions Unresolved
What did the Copenhagen climate summit achieve?
China defends Wen Jiabao's role in Copenhagen talks
Copenhagen blame game not helpful: UN climate chief
Medvedev dissatisfied with Copenhagen climate summit
Mexico wants binding climate accord at 2010 summit
UE cere SUA eforturi suplimentare pentru combaterea incalzirii globale
Indonezia planteaza paduri pentru a-si reduce emisiile
McDonald's studiaza reducerea emisiilor de la vaci
San Francisco vrea sa-si injumatateasca emisiile
Singapore ramane la tinta pentru emisii fixata inainte de COP15
BASIC to meet in Delhi, discuss targets under 'Hagen accord'
China Says Achieved Goal In Copenhagen Climate Deal
President Obama Spearheads a Climate Agreement in Copenhagen
U.K. to Meet Carbon Goals Only Due to Recession, Lawmakers Say
Urmatorii 40 de ani, cruciali pentru mediu
Emisiile din SUA vor creste in urmatorii doi ani
Urşii polari migrează pe continente, în lipsa gheţurilor din Arctica
UN, Denmark get active on Copenhagen deal
‘US-Japan ties is essential pillar of Asia-Pacific security’
Climate scientists convene global geo-engineering summit
Gore Urges Senate to Defend EPA’s Power to Limit Greenhouse Gas
Casa Alba spera intr-un acord post Copenhaga
China, India, Brazil and South Africa prepare for post-Copenhagen meeting
India Plans $16 Billion Energy-Saving Credit Market
U.S. envoy optimistic Senate will pass climate bill
Un scut solar ar putea bloca incalzirea globala
La Râşnov, în judeţul Braşov, au înflorit ghioceii şi panseluţele
Connie Hedegaard, audiata in Parlamentul European: Discutiile de la Copenhaga trebuie continuate repede
Frigul din această iarnă ar putea anunţa o "pauză" a încălzirii globale
Preşedintele UE vrea ca Europa să aibă un rol mai important în lupta împotriva schimbării climatice
Urmatoarele saptamani, cruciale pentru soarta acordului COP15
China, 3 others to chart climate roadmap
Indonesia ready for binding targets on emissions reduction
'Kyoto is in intensive care'
Nominee admits EU lacks 'world authority'
UE isi mentine tinta de reducere a emisiilor
Expertii IPCC isi revizuiesc previziunile privind topirea ghetarilor
În Alaska gheţarii se topesc mai greu
Binding climate deal 'reachable this year': UN
Copenhagen Climate Accord Now Accepted By Nine Nations, UN Says
Copenhagen & beyond: Stage set for BASIC meet in Delhi
Govt preparing decree to cut gas emissions
Rovana Plumb: COP 16-Mexic 2010 trebuie sa se incheie cu un acord juridic obligatoriu
Ultimul deceniu a fost cel mai calduros inregistrat vreodata
China to rich nations: Hand out climate money now
China, India, Brazil Commit to Meet Copenhagen Accord Deadline
Emerging nations pledge climate change unity in India
U.N. climate panel chief: Error shouldn't derail global warming efforts in India
FMI ar putea infiinta un fond verde, care sa ajute statele sa faca fata incalzirii climatice
Schimbarile climatice, tema zilei la Davos
SUA isi reduc emisiile cu 28%
UE incearca sa construiasca pe fundatia acordului de la Copenhaga
UE si SUA si-au confirmat tintele pentru emisii la ONU
Canada files emissions target with UN
Copenhagen climate deal gets low-key endorsement
Global deal on climate change in 2010 'all but impossible'
Nations quietly reaffirm Copenhagen climate pledges
States renew vows to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
55 de tari si-au anuntat tintele pentru emisii
55 countries send UN their carbon-curbing plans
Major emitters set carbon goals after Copenhagen
World’s Biggest Emitters Sign Up to Copenhagen Accord
Emisiile Marii Britanii au scazut cu 2% in 2008
EU agrees billions to fund renewables, CCS
India asks G-77 to stay united over climate change talks
Phishing attack nets 3 million euros of carbon permits
Spain Sees Emissions To 2012 Breaching Kyoto Limit
Tibetul a inregistrat temperaturi record in 2009
Indian PM backs UN climate panel
Focus Social: Iarna schimbarilor climatice
Climate Fight Is Heating Up in Deep Freeze
Climate group admits to making mistakes
Emissions to Rise More Slowly Through 2011, DOE Says (Update2)
EU ETS intervention call howled down
Green watch: No time to waste for detailed climate action plan
New federal climate change agency forming
U.N. Climate Panel and Chief Face Credibility Siege
US government plans new climate service
SUA infiinteaza o agentie consacrata schimbarilor climatice
ANALYSIS - Tokyo CO2 credit trading plan may become a model
Australia and Japan pledge larger emission cuts than EU
G-20 reflects growing importance of India, China: Obama
India skeptical of US pledge to combat climate change
CLIMATE CHANGE: U.N. to Mobilise Funds for Developing Nations
Economists hail EU emissions trading success
The Continuing Climate Meltdown
UN panel approves 32 China wind farms, blocks six
Poluarea transforma oceanele in acid
Incalzirea globala provoaca mai multe fulgere
After Menon, Shyam Saran to get MoS rank
BP deals blow to Obama fight on climate
Poland May Seek 5.5% Increase in Its EU Carbon Quota (Update1)
ANALYSIS-Kyoto risks dying, no new climate deal in sight
Tajikistan threatened by climate change, says Oxfam
Clima României se schimbă deja, potrivit cercetătorului ONU, Roxana Bojariu
Ajutor climatic romanesc de 5 milioane de euro pentru tarile sarace
Secretarul ONU pentru schimbari climatice a demisionat
Climate pact appears increasingly fragile; U.N. official quits
U.N. Climate Chief Resigns
UN climate chief quits, leaves talks hanging
Climate-Change Fervor Cools Amid Disputed Science, Defections
Kenya: Sh2 Billion Grant to Fight Changes in Climate
Mexico-Caricom Summit Pledges Fight against Crime, Climate Change
Senate weighs final push to move climate bill
Tropical storms to be more intense but less frequent: climate study
Eroare: Predictiile de crestere a nivelului marii cu pana la 82 cm au fost retrase
Bonn to host extra U.N. climate talks, treaty unsure
Climate meeting in April aims at reviving UN process
More countries pledge to cut emissions under Copenhagen Accord
China envoy says deep divides threaten climate talks
Danish PM appreciates Chinese premier's role in Copenhagen conference: FM spokesman
Tackling climate change 'urgent,' Hu says
“India should look at alternative model of growth”
Australian carbon laws vote delayed till May
Indonesia's president officially opens UNEP conference on environment
Pledged emissions cuts targets will not be effective: Study
Sulfina Barbu: Fiecare om poate contribui la ameliorarea schimbarilor climatice
Emisiile de noxe din industria UE au scazut cu 11% in 2009
China, India back Copenhagen Accord: UN Climate chief
Climate change a global danger, Ban says
Push to Oversimplify at Climate Panel
U.N. says will create science panel to review IPCC
China says moving to enforce greenhouse gas goals
Climate Group Plans Review
LEAD: Climate negotiators explore ways to advance talks toward Mexico meeting+
Senator Kerry Says Compromise Climate Bill Coming
US Senators seen ditching cap and trade in new bill
Jurnalul national: Poluarea omoara anual 56 de milioane de oameni
ONU va evalua expertii de mediu care au comis erori intr-un raport climatic
55 countries send UN their carbon-curbing plans
Major emitters set carbon goals after Copenhagen
World’s Biggest Emitters Sign Up to Copenhagen Accord
55 de tari si-au anuntat tintele pentru emisii
Tribunalul UE a respins cererea Arcelor de anulare a unor prevederi din legislatia emisiilor de CO2
Japan’s Draft Climate Bill Omits Mandatory Limit on Emissions
Qatar in race to host UN climate summit in 2012
Rich need to be clearer on climate cash: de Boer
UN Climate Process ‘Needs a Good Spanking,’ Yvo de Boer Says
Yvo de Boer: Cop 16 won’t produce binding agreement
75 de simboluri ale lumii sting lumina pe 27 martie
Investitii intr-o instalatie de desulfurare la Rovinari
Americanii dau in judecata companiile petroliere pentru provocarea incalzirii globale
Grup ONU pentru finantarea tehnologiilor de combatere a schimbarilor climatice
Mett Office: Omul provoaca incalzirea globala
Lawmakers move to restrain EPA on climate change
Met Office analysis reveals 'clear fingerprints' of man-made climate change
World leaders, top academics selected for Ban’s climate change advisory group
Germany casts doubt on 2010 climate change deal
Global warming doubts could hamper climate legislation
IMF Suggests How To Raise Climate Change Funds
U.S. Should Not Wait For China & India To Act On Climate- Change: EPA
CE chestionata privind ajutorul pentru fermieri in lupta cu schimbarile climatice
China, India give nod to climate deal
EU comes up with exit strategy for climate talks
EU to Call for Urgent Aid on Climate Projects in Poorer Nations
China şi India au semnat acordul pentru climat de la Copenhaga
UE asigura asistenta financiara de 2,4 de miliarde de euro pentru tarile sarace
Occidentul este ingrijorat de intoarcerea Rusiei catre carbune
Raportul IPCC din 2007, luat la verificat
Schimbari climatice: Comisia Europeana vrea continuarea eforturilor, dupa esecul de la Copenhaga
West worries about Russia turning to coal
More Americans say global warming exaggerated: poll
Scientists take another run at climate change
Stern backs $100bn IMF climate fund plan
48% dintre americani considera exagerata grija pentru incalzirea globala
Predictiile IPCC, contrazise din nou
Climate report shows Australia getting warmer
Greenpeace chief: breaking law justifiable in fight against climate change
India will fight attempts to unseat Pachauri: Jairam Ramesh
Scientists warn of demise of Canadian climate research
Wen battles claims of 'arrogance'
EU backs UN climate report despite scepticism
EU calls for urgent action to fight climate change
India desperately looks for a chief negotiator as Bonn climate talks near
Mexico urges rich states to deliver on climate aid pledges
Race for climate top job hots up
Australia se incalzeste
Romania saluta noua strategie UE de combatere a schimbarilor climatice
Africans 'take blame for climate change'
Cancun Climate Talks Get Dim Prognosis Nine Months Before Start
Carlgren: Mexico Climate Talks Will Fail
Climate debated should be reframed: Malidives president
Africanii se autoinvinovatesc pentru schimbarile climatice
Romania stinge din nou lumina de Earth Hour
ROMENVIROTEC: Solutiile pentru schimbarile climatice stau in mana autoritatilor locale
Bolivia creates a new opportunity for climate talks that failed at Copenhagen
Bolivian world conference representative to propose int'l referendum on global warming
EU climate chief urges U.S. to act
EU Climate Envoy: White House Hopes For Climate Bill Waning
Kyoto protocol's substitute unlikely by Mexico conference
Bangladesh to hold regional climate conference on May 19-20
China furthers low carbon efforts after Copenhagen
Climate change funding raises little hope
Senate Climate Bill To Give Free Permits: Sources
Inca un candidat la sefia UNFCCC
China climate chief: EU should not backtrack on Kyoto
Chinese envoy urges EU to raise its emission cut target
Spanish EU Presidency - EU to make its first decisions for the "Europe 2020” strategy for sustainable economic growth
Schimbarile climatice, urmatorul punct pe agenda lui Obama
Earth Hour nu reduce emisiile de carbon
Gandul: "Ora Pamantului" n-a avut succces in Romania. Consumul de energie chiar a crescut
Ora Pamantului a stins luminile in toata lumea
Pamantul a intrat intr-o noua era geologica
Romania a stins lumina de Earth Hour
Climate can-do in Cancun?
RI wants ASEAN to adopt Copenhagen Accord
The trillion-dollar question is: who will now lead the climate battle?
World's iconic sites go dark to fight global warming
E.P.A. Delays Plants’ Pollution Permits
Science alone not enough to boost world farm output
UN 2010-2012 Emissions Spread Widens to Record After Suspension
17 orase din Romania s-au angajat in combaterea schimbarilor climatice
Urias producator american de petrol finanteaza sceptici climatici
Padurile nu scad in suprafata, dar sunt amenintate de schimbarile climatice
Parcul National Glacier din SUA a mai pierdut doi ghetari
Pomii fructiferi combat foametea si schimbarile climatice in Tadjikistan
Romania, din nou intre cei mai mari 30 de poluatori
Bonn meet to clear road for climate talks
Climate change deal could take another year
Post-Copenhagen clear-the-air summit kicks off in Bonn
UN climate talks to resume amid fear of more divisions
U.N. climate talks resume, scant chance of 2010 deal
Only serving government officials on climate talks team
Barbados seeks top U.N. climate post
I will be chief climate change negotiator: Jairam Ramesh
Stick to Kyoto Protocol targets, China tells West
Chilean Delegation Prepares For Morales’ Global Climate Summit
UK Inquiry Clears Climate Scientists In Email Row
UN Sees Climate Architecture, Not Binding Deal, as Cancun Goal
Un ghetar a produs un tsunami masiv in Peru
India, Brazil committed to reducing impact of climate change
Indonesia to revise forest CO2 revenue rules: official
Obama says China can't 'wait' on climate change
UN climate adviser seeks top post at UNFCCC
Liderii UE cer taxa pe importurile din statele ce nu-si reduc emisiile
Banca Mondiala: China isi poate stabiliza emisiile pana in 2025
O nouă răcire globală ameninţă Emisfera nordică: un nou vulcan islandez ar putea să aducă un alt "an fără vară", ca în 1816
$16m better off on emissions tally
Bolivia climate change talks to give poor a voice
U.S. seeks climate ideas after Copenhagen fell short
US, China to see if climate gap can be bridged
W.Bank says East Asia can stabilise CO2 by 2025
Cei mai mari poluatori au renegociat acordul de la Copenhaga
BASIC to discuss Kyoto Protocol survival
Bolivia's Morales slams capitalist debt to global warming
China-led bloc to consider Kyoto climate pact future
White House: Climate bill 'doable' this year
Fermierii britanici nu simt efectele schimbarilor climatice
Strategii climatice mai bune dupa Copenhaga
Temperaturi record de 45 de grade in Myanmar
Ziua Pământului 2010. Cum poţi sărbători Planeta Albastră
Cuban VP Says Bolivia Summit on Climate Change Was a Success
Derivatives Bill Calls For U.S. Carbon Market Study
Developing nations want global climate accord by 2011
Post-Kyoto agreement not to be signed in 2010 — presidential advisor
Iarna grea in Germania, incalzirea globala continua
Un cercetător rus susţine că vremea de la Pol se va răci
Climate change needs to be discussed in 'meaningful' way: India
Reid Committed To Both Climate, Immigration Bills
SAARC leaders to project "green and happy South Asia"
Ban Ki-moon: Avem nevoie de o revolutie a energiei curate!
Climate Bill Delay Stymies Voluntary CO2 Market
Romania to launch carbon trading scheme
UN report pushes for energy access and efficiency to fight poverty and climate change
Emisiile din SUA au scazut cu 7% in 2009
Ghetarii se topesc vara de 220 de ori mai repede
Adevarul: Cel mai cald an la Polul Sud
China introduce taxa pe carbon din 2012
Europa ar putea trece la tinta de 30% pentru emisii
Cea mai calda luna aprilie din istorie
Noul presedinte al UNFCCC vine din Costa Rica
Recesiunea a redus cu 11% emisiile UE in 2009
UE nu gaseste fonduri climatice pentru statele sarace
Stake-holders ignored in climate change consultations
ANALYSIS - U.N. climate chief faces widening rich-poor split
Copenhagen accord now part of UN
New UN climate head demands ambition and transparency
Australian price on carbon inevitable, concedes Hockey
Emisiile Norvegiei au scazut la un nivel record in 2009
CE mentine obiectivul reducerii poluarii cu 30% pana in 2020
Rachmat named special climate envoy
UN’s climate text talks of Copenhagen Accord
2010 ar putea fi cel mai cald an din istorie, avertizează NASA
Govt rejigs climate talks team
Rachmat named special climate envoy
Romania poate reduce emisiile cu 20% pana in 2020, dar nu cu 30%
US top scientists urge coal, oil use penalties
Connie Hedegaard, invinuita in cazul fraudei cu carbon
Сенаторы США представили законопроект по климату, предусматривающий «углеродные тарифы»
Climate Spending Rises at Biggest Companies, Ernst & Young Says
EU Carbon Prices Gain, Tracking Energy Prices
Europe's climate chief under pressure over 'missing' emissions traders
Indonesia to join REDD partnership in Oslo meeting
De Boer confirms plan to integrate Copenhagen Accord in UN climate text
Emisiile globale vor creste cu 43% pana in 2035
EU to unveil most ambitious emissions cuts yet
UN reminds rich countries of climate promises
Populaţia de urşi polari va scădea brusc, din cauza încălzirii globale
Germany to help fund UN program to protect forests
Int'l conference to save forests opens in Oslo
Un acord climatic la Cancun, sub semnul intrebarii
Consilierul stiintific al guvernului britanic ii critica pe scepticii incalzirii globale
SUA: Legea schimbarilor climatice nu se contureaza pentru 2010
Cancun talks may bring in no accord
Global climate deal 'a year' away
Prudence now the watchword as UN climate talks resume
Fonduri climatice UE de 8,5 milioane de euro pentru Bangladesh
Noptile, din ce in ce mai calde
Prezenta liderilor mondiali a paralizat summitul de la Copenhaga
Studiu: UE ar trebui sa impuna o taxa pe emisii statelor in curs de dezvoltare
Bonn climate change talks aim to pick up the pieces from Copenhagen
Second round of climate talks in 2010 starts to pave way for Cancun
Climate change to hurt Egypt farming, tourism
New round of climate negotiation begins
Basescu a discutat cu Hedegaard despre emisiile de CO2
Romania, intre Copenhaga si Cancun: Sulfina Barbu: Trebuie sa facem un compromis pentru noi, nu pentru mediu
‘Consequences’ of climate change right in the heart of İstanbul
Bonn delegates still a long way off climate change text agreement
India asks UN to take tough stand against protectionism
Harper pressured to put climate change on G8, G20 agenda
Mood thaws on climate change
Parties point fingers over shelved climate scheme
Poor nations dismayed over draft
UN climate talks end with some progress amid rifts on "imbalanced text"
Japan govt says climate bill may come later in year
Thailand rejects climate draft
Tories put climate change on G8 agenda after pressure from world leaders
British diplomat says Canada overstating progress in climate change fight
EPA Finds Senate Climate Bill Affordable
Japan Aims To Pass Climate Bill By Year-End U.N. Talks
S. Korea establishes 'strategic point' for global green growth
Tribes prepare for impacts of climate change
Connie Hedegaard: „UE isi va pastra pozitia de lider verde doar prin tinte ambitioase”
EcoGreenland: Incalzirea globala este o realitate
Brazil calls for common position among Amazonian countries for COP16
Japan delays emissions trading laws
White House Seeks to Bolster Role in Senate Climate Talks
Dioxidul de carbon a jucat un rol important în modificarea climei, de-a lungul timpului
EIB, European Commission to explore EU climate finance initiative
Japan, France commit US$134 million for fighting climate change in Vietnam
Journalists and Scientists to discuss climate change at Global Media Forum
Studiu: Scepticii incalzirii globale, priviti cu neincredere de populatie
Bonn conference focuses on global responsibility for climate change
Climate change sceptic scientists 'less prominent and authoritative'
Environmental politics today is about foreign policy and international security
Japan, France commit US$134 million for fighting climate change in Vietnam
Climate change: The media must inform and educate
President Convenes Senators for Final Chance at Climate Bill This Year
Temperaturi record în Rusia şi Anglia
G8 leaders committed to emissions cut, low carbon, biological diversity
G20: Ban urges green investments
Obama, Yudhoyono boost climate change, education programs
2,4 miliarde de euro, ajutor climatic UE pentru tarile sarace
CDM Panel Calls for Investigation Over Carbon Market Scandal
Korea, Mexico discuss ways to upgrade ties
Report calls for new climate change approach
UN's climate report 'one-sided'
China gazduieste o noua runda de negocieri climatice
Temperaturile vor creşte cu 4 grade, în ciuda măsurilor asumate de ONU
Climate to warm at double rate
Саммит «Группы двадцати» в Торонто: «восстановление и новое начало»
Climate Finance Deal Needed to Break Treaty Deadlock, U.K.'s Huhne Says
New York talks to tackle climate financing deadlock
SCENARIOS-Fate of Japan climate bill uncertain after election
UE a aprobat instrumentul de masurare a emisiilor din aviatie
UN chief calls for delivery on climate change financing
UN Eyes Private Help in $100 Billion Climate Aid
Fragmentarea calotei glaciare continuă: s-a rupt o bucată dintr-un gheţar din Groenlanda
Plantele prognozează schimbările climatice
China’s CO2 emissions need to peak by 2020: IEA
Environment's Poverty-Fighting Potential Largely Ignored
Senate Climate Bill Falls Short Of Copenhagen Aim
Harta interactiva a schimbarilor climatice
Ministrii din UE cer majorarea tintei de reducere a emisiilor
Record de caldura pe Pamant in luna iunie
Anul 2010, cel mai cald pentru planeta
China a devenit cel mai mare consumator de energie al lumii
Gheata de pe Everest se topeste alarmant
ONU: Lupta cu schimbarile climatice se poate termina in lipsa unui acord post-Kyoto
ONU cauta un „plan B” in lipsa unui acord post Kyoto
Beijing Fund Warns On Kyoto CO2 Offset Rule Changes
Latin America: Climate Change Swing States
US Senate deals blow to global climate talks
Temperaturi record în Rusia: 36,7 grade la Moscova
Un milion de euro, acordat Romaniei de Uniunea Europeana pentru doua programe de mediu
BASIC meeting ends without consensus on climate change
Developing Nations See Cancun Climate Deal Tough
UE si China trebuie sa coopereze in lupta cu schimbarile climatice
Concrete, immediate actions needed on climate change: Mexico's FM
EPA Denies Challenges To Greenhouse Gas Rule
The Earth is hotter than ever, global warming is real, researchers warn
US rejects claims of falsified climate science
10 indicii ca incalzirea climatica e un fenomen incontestabil
ANALIZA: Masurile climatice la nivel global vor astepta inca doi ani
Fenomenul pestilor morti de pe litoral, efect al schimbarilor climatice
Climate Change Capital Plans to Raise More Money, Executive Cameron Says
Global warming not confirmed to have caused worldwide heat waves
Canicula din Moscova mai bate un record
Luna iulie, cea mai călduroasă înregistrată vreodată în Finlanda
Mediterana, cea mai ameninţată mare a lumii
Cancun Talks Will Not See Big Climate Deal - EU
Climate change on agenda
Islands prepare to battle climate change
Stern Says U.S. Bargaining Position for Cancun Remains Unchanged
Analysis: Climate talks stumble from Page 1
Bonn climate talks disappointing: RI
World climate talks heat up
Republic of Moldova’s Greenhouse Gas Inventories in the Framework of its SNC
Natura se dezlantuie pe tot globul
В Москве поставлен очередной температурный рекорд
В России планируется создание национального климатического центра
Глава Росгидромета: такой жары в России не было тысячу лет
ANALYSIS-China eyes local carbon trade, CDM priority for now
China says still No.2 energy user - Xinhua
Norway has set Europe an eco example
When the Smoke Clears in Russia, Will Climate Policy Change?
Blocarea curentului Jet produce dezastre în Rusia şi Pakistan
Fenomenele meteorologice extreme de pe glob ar putea fi legate între ele
Schimbările climatice sunt vinovate pentru incendiile din Rusia
Аномальную погоду климатологи связывают с изменением течений в океане
Сильная жара в России может быть вызвана изменением температуры течения в Атлантике
2009, primul an al scaderilor de emisii la nivel mondial
Cancún Conference Holds Out Little Hope in Face of Extreme Weather
Extreme weather may be signs of climate change
EU - U.S. To Hold Summit In Portugal In November
Mexico attempts to "rescue" stricken climate talks
Mexico down-to-earth on Cancun climate summit
De ce creşte gheaţa din Antarctica?
Zonele desertice inainteaza anual cu o suprafata egala cu cea a Greciei
Australian PM Wins Greens Support In Govt Bid
Climate: New talks aim for push on finance
Japan emissions trading scheme prepares for 2013 launch
Need for concerted response to tackle global warming stressed
U.N. To Study Impact Of Incomplete Climate Action
Academic: Carbon trading could transform northeast
Emissions impossible?
EU carbon permit volumes fall in August, CERs rise
Geneva talks aim to maintain climate finance momentum
World cannot afford worsening disasters, warns UN climate change chief
Mexicul isi reduce emisiile cu 50 milioane de tone
Donatiile climatice pentru tarile sarace, facute publice on-line
Climate Change affecting Bees
Hope of deal in Cancun fades as rich break vow
World facing mass extinction: Australian scientist
Nations rethink Copenhagen commitment on climate funding
World Investment Forum opens in SE China with focus on sustainable development
Analysis: Nod For Australia's Labor Likely Boost For CO2 Law
Carbon credit prices shoot up after probe constricts supply
U.S. Won't Pass Carbon-Price Law for Power Generators This Year, Reid Says
Angajatii UNEP, dati jos din avion
Kyoto Protocol to continue past 2012: UN climate chief
Rich countries may pay $10 bn this year: UN climate chief
Climate change is inevitable, says Caroline Spelman
Rich States Should Pay For Africa Mineral Advice: Panel
Stand by for the greenest leader ever – whichever Miliband wins
Emisiile UE au scazut cu 7% in 2009
China summit told 'act now' on climate
Health gain would help meet cost of EU carbon goals: group
Ukraine Proposes Creating a Joint Carbon Market With Russia, Kazakhstan
China isi reduce consumul de combustibil fosil cu 6%
Schimbarea climei este inevitabilă
Migraţie masivă a morselor pe coastele Alaskăi
Studiu: Reducerea cu 30% a emisiilor aduce economii la bugetul sanatatii
Call for action over climate change
Costa Rica seeks Japanese aid to achieve carbon neutral goal by 2021
World Leaders to Stick to U.N. Poverty Goals
Russia to launch new thermal generating projects
UK poorly prepared for impact of global warming, climate watchdog warns
Stratul de ozon nu se mai subţiază şi se va reface până în 2050
Ban urges high-level panel to meet global sustainability challenge
IATA urges governments to unite in support of climate efforts
Ban’s talks with European Commission chief centre on development targets
Cancun climate change talks headed nowhere: Ramesh
Confab on forest and climate change to be held in Nov
Sino-U.S. ties enjoy important opportunity for further development
Topirea ghetii din Oceanul Arctic ameninta umanitatea
India pessimistic about climate summit
Marile economii, neincrezatoare intr-un acord climatic
Kremlin adviser says Kyoto can't stop climate change
Legally binding carbon cuts for India and China too: US
U.N. official plays down climate deal prospects
UN official urges governments to meet climate change challenge
$30 B Committed by Industrialized Countries for Climate Change Action
Climate talks deadlocked as UN summit looms
Morsa e noul simbol al incalzirii globale
Ultimele discutii inainte de Cancun
As world warms, U.N. lowers emissions cut goal
Cancún failure would make climate talks 'irrelevant', EU negotiator warns
China Calls for Balanced Way to Tackle Climate Change
Global climate talks kick off in China
New round of UN climate talks open in China, hoping concrete outcomes in Cancun
UN climate chief calls for quick action
Emisiile globale vor depasi limitele de pericol in 2020
Negociatorii climatici de la Tianjin s-au pus de acord: nu exista consens
China calls on rich nations to improve emission targets
Progress for climate change negotiations
UNFCCC launches global photo-and-video contest on CDM
Amid China-U.S. climate debate, India goes missing
Cancun Strategy: BASIC meet in China today for international consultation & analysis
Climate war: Now, US trying to isolate China
Tianjin climate talks pave way for Cancun
US and China blames each other on noncooperation on climate change
BASIC ask developed nations to fulfil $30-billion obligation
Little clarity ahead of climate meet at Cancun
Time short for climate deal: ex-U.N. envoy
Biodiversity meet needs to chart course for next decade
Climate Policy May Emerge From Regional Responses, JPMorgan's Knudsen Says
EPA: Hope for progress with China despite friction
More carbon credit projects planned
EU meeting emissions target
Rich must make clearer climate cuts: U.N.
EU to surpass Kyoto emissions target:agency
Agentiile federale americane, mobilizate pentru a face fata schimbarilor climatice
EU set to overshoot its Kyoto emission targets
Europe switches to Plan B in new China-US climate pitch
U.N. Climate-Change Panel Chairman to Stay
U.N. panel says tackling CO2 offset issuance backlog
UN climate panel agrees to reforms, Pachauri stays
IPCC accepts report on its functioning
Conference tackles loss of biodiversity
Framework for aviation sector to cut emissions
'Ten years' to solve nature crisis, UN meeting hears
U.N. summit sends S.O.S. on biodiversity
World needs urgent action to stop species loss: U.N
Climate change treaty must address health issues: WHO
Mexico stretches funds to cut greenhouse emissions
U.N. report stresses the value of nature to world's economies
UN says "da" to pioneering Russian carbon-cutting project
Ban presses EU for climate leadership
Climate change is with us: Walvis mayor
Target numbers take back seat in Nagoya
U.K. Has Prospect to Make `Significant' More HFC Reductions, Study Shows
Tarile mediteraneene si-au facut plan de bataie impotriva incalzirii globale
At Japan biodiversity meeting, access to resources divides rich and poor
Biodiversity summit must tackle destructive impacts of food production
Emerging Economies Face Alarming Situation
U.N. urged to freeze climate geo-engineering projects
Arctica se incalzeste intr-un ritm record
Asian megacities threatened by climate change
Biopiracy, the new threat to global food supply
Greece, Turkey spearhead efforts to fight climate change in the Mediterranean
Nations in stand-off at green summit
69 nations discuss forest conservation to curb climate change
Cancun Could Start `Concrete Actions' on Climate, Senior EU Official Says
COP10 flirts with Copenhagen funk
EU tweaks CO2 emissions cap for 2013
U.N. Panel Seeks To Streamline JI CO2 Cutting Scheme
Schimbarile climatice, economia si terorismul, cele mai mari preocupari ale omenirii
Turismul spaţial va accelera schimbările climatice
Brazilian FM: hopes low for deal at Cancun climate change conference
Excess Emission Rights Are Flaw of Kyoto Climate Treaty, EU Official Says
Japan looks to ancient wisdom to save biodiversity
Ministers advocate conservation of forests to curb climate change
U.N. talks to save nature zero in on historic deal
Proiect olandez de captare a carbonului primeste 150 milioane de euro de la UE
Chinese firms blamed in huge greenhouse gas scam
World Bank launches scheme to green government accounts
Hopes for treaty rise at UN biodiversity summit
Mexican minister emphasizes climate change fight
Nature talks heading for success, delegates say
A price on carbon?
Ban Ki-moon urges China to vigorously curb greenhouse gas emissions
Election could affect U.S. pledge on international climate aid
U.S. to Focus on Job Gains Before Carbon Fixes, Yergin Says
UN could tap private sector to meet $100bn Copenhagen pledge
Pământul îşi va reveni în 100.000 de ani din încălzirea globală
Environmental experts realistic about possible outcome of Cancun conference
Obama says election hurts chances for climate reforms
Capital to host meet on climate change
Global consensus grows to act on climate change: Mexican FM
Rich nations urged to develop climate aid plan for Cancún
UK official says 'negative forces' delaying US climate plan
Cancun talks cannot afford to fail: EU climate chief
China drafting law on dealing with climate change
EU backs bid to cut emissions
EU to crack-down on "gaming" of carbon offsets
Mexico, UN see some progress in climate talks
Marile Migraţii, cel mai amplu proiect din istoria National Geographic
Торговля и «зеленая экономика»
Япония оспаривает в ВТО канадские меры по стимулированию развития возобновляемой энергии
Şacalul auriu, o nouă specie în România, adusă de încălzirea globală
Climate delegates arrive in Kiribati
'Developed nations responsible for climate change'
Japan CO2 emissions from fuel fall 5.6 pct last FY
Europe sees US on board at Cancun despite Obama reverse
INTERVIEW-Climate talks must focus on immediate action: Mexico
Nations discuss technology sharing at last big climate meeting before Cancun
UN chief stresses necessity of cooperation between UN, G20
Credibilitatea negocierilor climatice intre natiuni se testeaza la Cancun
UE nu-si va atinge tinta de reducere a emisiilor din transporturi
Mutually agreeable climate deal expected in Cancun: UN official
In 2010, planeta depaseste recordul la emisii
Marii investitori ai lumii cer semnarea unui acord climatic la Cancun
Numaratoare inversa pentru summit-ul climatic COP 16, de la Cancun
Obama si liderii UE discuta la Lisabona despre economie si clima
Octombrie 2010, cea mai calda luna de toamna din istoria serviciilor meteo
China calls on US to take lead at climate talks
China says climate compromise needed at Cancun
Confident of progress at climate change conference: UN
EU Says May Unveil CO2 Credit Curb Plan In Cancun
Global Impact Of EU 30 Pct Carbon Cut Small:IEA
India can play key role at Cancun: US
Next climate warming report will be dramatically worse: UN
COP 16: Un nou raport ONU subliniaza riscurile globale in cazul unui esec la Cancun
COP 16: Emisii in crestere, dar sperante din ce in ce mai mici pentru Cancun
EU to offer Kyoto compromise in Cancun
Greenhouse gases rise to record levels in 2009: WMO
Japanese industry bodies oppose extension of Kyoto Protocol
Rezolutie PE privind cresterea tintei de reducere a emisiilor de la 20%, la 30%
SUA risca un boicot comercial mondial daca nu-si iau angajamente de reducere a emisiilor
ANALIZA: Care este miza summit-ului climatic de la Cancun?
Astăzi începe Conferinţa internaţională asupra climatului, la Cancun
COP16: Numarul mortilor din cauza secetei si inundatiilor s-a dublat in ultimul an
Cum sa urmaresti COP 16 online
Climate change scientists warn of 4C global temperature rise
Nations again try to bridge rich-poor climate gap
UN climate talks low on expectation
UN climate talks seek to bridge rich-poor divide
COP 16 Connie Hedegaard: Un progres la Cancun este crucial
NASA Ghetarul Muir din Alaska, decimat de incalzirea globala
Scenariu de foc: temperaturile globale vor creste cu 4 grade Celsius pana in 2060
SUA isi pastreaza tinta de emisii asumata la Copenhaga
Urşii polari inventează noi metode pentru a-şi proteja puii de frig
Time for compromise, troubled UN climate talks told
U.N. climate talks "risk losing relevance" - EU
Оправдает ли 16-я Конференция сторон РКИК ООН низкие ожидания?
COP 16: Japonia refuza innoirea Protocolului de la Kyoto
COP 16 Summit-ul de la Cancun, cosmar logistic pentru delegati si jurnalisti
ONU cere interzicerea becurilor incandescente pe tot globul
Developing nations say Japan blocks climate talks
Global heavyweights show flexibility in Cancún, says chief negotiator
Mexico pushes for deal at Cancun climate talks
US, China close in on accord on key climate issue
COP 16 SUA vede progrese in negocierile climatice cu China
Rezolutia PE privind tinta de 30% de reducere a emisiilor, semnal politic pentru Cancun
Japan Refuses to Extend Kyoto Protocol in Push for Global Emissions Treaty
Mexican leader: Move on from climate blame game
U.S. Sees Progress In Easing Climate Row With China
10 motive pentru care negocierile de la Cancun vor esua
Incalzirea globala, cauza iernilor foarte reci din Europa
Chinese negotiator urges more dialogues in Cancun
EU lends China 500 mln euro to fight climate change
India hopes to break deadlock at Cancun climate talks
India to change climate stance, allow international scrutiny
COP 16 Negociatorii climatici, turisti fara voie la Cancun
COP 16 Primul proiect de acord climatic creeaza dezacord la Cancun
COP 16: UE acorda jumatate de miliard de euro Chinei pentru combaterea schimbarilor climatice
Calderon asks Latin America to back Cancun climate summit
Hope for Cancun climate talks
No decision now on second commitment to Kyoto Protocol: Figueres
AFP: Europa de Est respecta doar pe hartie Protocolul de la Kyoto
COP16: Laszlo Borbely: E nevoie de un efort de vointa pentru un nou acord global
COP16: Teama esecului pluteste la Cancun
COP 16, mai mult sursa de poluare decat solutie pentru salvarea planetei
CORESPONDENTA COP 16: Un panaceu pentru finantarea efectelor incalzirii globale
Un acord paralel, elaborat in secret la Cancun
Cancun conference sets up new groups to speed up negotiation
Crunch time at UN climate-change talks
WRAPUP 2-UN climate talks on knife edge, Bolivia slams rich
COP 16: SUA, presata sa-si mareasca tintele de reducere a emisiilor
Corespondenta COP16: Tinta de emisii 50-50-50 prinde forma la Cancun
Gheţarii din Patagonia şi Alaska se topesc mai repede
ONU pledeaza pentru un acord la Cancun
Summitul climatic de la Cancun va polua cu 25.000 de tone de CO2
Big guns arrive at Cancun climate talks
Cancun - Why Kyoto still matters
Solving Kyoto row said key to unlock Cancun deal
U.N.'s Ban urges climate deal, short of perfect
Вопрос Киотского протокола угрожает прогрессу на переговорах в Канкуне
COP16: Acordul de la Cancun salveaza credibilitatea ONU
COP16: Economiile Chinei si SUA, la control
COP16: Maratonul negocierilor de la Cancun, soldat cu un acord climatic
COP 16: Ce prevede acordul climatic de la Cancun?
Premierul britanic, multumit de rezultatul COP16
Reactii COP 16: ”Acord imperfect, dar bun”
Romania va acorda Moldovei 100 milioane de euro pentru proiecte de mediu
Rusia refuza prelungirea Protocolului de la Kyoto
A Near-Consensus Decision Keeps U.N. Climate Process Alive and Moving Ahead
Business takes the lead on fighting climate change
Japan to keep seeking wider climate pact than Kyoto
Kerry praises Cancun agreement to combat global warming
U.N. talks up pressure on Australia's climate target
Страны достигли соглашения в Канкуне, но вопросы торговли оказались слишком тяжелыми
California gives green light to carbon trade
Green fund to come next year
SA sets sights on climate targets
Медведям хватит льда
2010's world gone wild: Quakes, floods, blizzards
Global warming linked to harsh winters
If an island state vanishes, is it still a nation?
UN chief urges developing countries to pool resources to fight poverty
Ten major int'l issues to draw global attention in 2011
UN climate change chief urges nations to act on Cancun agreements
UN climate chief urges quick follow up of Cancun agreements
Germany Grows Tired of Leading Europe on Climate Change
ANALIZA 2Celsius Cancun, o promisiune sud-africana
Incalzirea globala aduce gerul in Europa
Munich Re: dezastrele din 2010 par să confirme teoria schimbărilor climaterice
Climate Talks Bring Progress in the Fight Against Global Warming
In Cancun, it was apparent the future had become the present. The danger is now
Political Battle Brewing over the EPA's New Emissions Regulations
Review: The silver lining of climate change
World natural disasters
Natural disasters caused big losses for insurers in 2010
New Congress Could Roll Back Environmental Progress
Statul Massachusetts planuieste sa-si reduca emisiile cu 25% pana in 2020
Groenlanada va supravietuischimbarilor climatice
A year in the hot seat
Climate Change May Result in More Skin Disease
Rival plays on climate change go head to head on London stage
Warming to devastate glaciers, Antarctic icesheet - studies
Why the CIA is spying on a changing climate
Inundatiile din Australia, alimentate de efectele incalzirii globale
Ban Ki-moon expected at Abu Dhabi green summit
Climate change prompts debate among experts about spread of tropical diseases
Guyana calls for meaningful collective action to combat climate change
Moon hails UAE’s efforts to tap sun power
Anul 2010, celmaicaldînregistratîn Canada înultimii 63 de ani
Ca sa salvam planeta, trebuie sa ne schimbam meniul
‘Group of 77’ developing nations must play role in advancing UN priorities, Ban says
Austria fails to meet Kyoto Protocol emission target
CO2 Trading Worth Up to $212 Billion Opposed by Japan, Korea
Emissions blamed as 2010 ties for warmest
EU Says Members Show Support for CO2 Offsets Limits
From Cancun to Durban – what’s in store for the next 12 months?
It's time to talk of climate change
Japan Undeterred From Buying Ukraine Carbon Permits
World leaders to attend energy summit in Abu Dhabi
China powers ahead to cut emissions
Expiry of Kyoto fails to inspire urgency in climate talks
Imperiul Roman, invins de schimbarile climatice
1.6 bn people still have no access to electricity: UN
Climate fight 'can boost recovery'
Heated debate for Durban
Climate change to spur crop shortages, study claims
Global warming: Impact of receding snow and ice surprises scientists
UAE energy plan a model for the Gulf
Schimbarile climatice dauneaza companiilor de asigurari
2010 hits global temperature high
New climate data shows warming world: WMO
2010, cel mai cald an înregistrat vreodată, confirmă ONU şi NASA
Zece locuri care vor disparea din cauza schimbarilor climatice
Forest accords not saving trees, experts
U.N. climate plans said too narrow to save forests
Un urs polar a înotat timp de nouă zile, aproape 700km, în căutarea gheţii
ClimateGate affair: 'Learn and move on', say MPs
Efforts to Fight Climate Change Revive Optimism
SA feels heat to secure climate agreement
Climate talks 'off life support' but what next? Davos panel to discuss road to Durban
India to unveil emissions trading scheme on February 1
Offset Ban Will Boost Demand for Africa Carbon Projects, UN Says
S. African city gears up for UN climate change talks
S. Korea Parliament to Debate Carbon-Trading Legislation in February
Record de temperatură a Oceanului Arctic: Cele mai calde ape în 2.000 de ani
ADB to provide $7.4 billion assistance to India for 2011-2013
REDD-plus goes beyond the ‘Norway deal’: United Nations
UN climate talks set for April in Bangkok
PM launches climate change project
World Bank defends its role in climate finance
AP sources: House GOP readies restrictions on EPA
Europe must invest €2.9tn to meet 2020 emissions goal
UN chief urges the world to realize full potential of forests
UN launches International Year of Forests
UN report lauds India for adding 300,000 hectares of forest every year
Amazonul, lovit de cea mai cruntă secetă din ultimul secol
Din „burete” care absoarbe CO2, padurea amazoniana devine producator de emisii
Australian disasters spark call for climate action
Environment institute warns of anti-migrants prejudice amid climate change
No concrete or final pronouncement at Durban expected: Ramesh
Special report: Catastrophic drought in the Amazon
Încălzirea globala îl ucide pe Wolverine
Secetele din Amazon provoacă panică în rândul oamenilor de ştiinţă
Climate-triggered migration to grow
We expect leadership from India: UN climate chief
We need action for reducing emissions: UNFCCC official
'Climate change of serious global concern'
State eyes carbon credits through tree campaign
CDM is a work in progress: UN climate chief
U.K. Sales of Carbon Permits About to Break 1 Billion Euros
PwC: Bugetele nationale pentru reducerea emisiilor se vor epuiza cu 16 ani mai devreme
British envoy to set new tone in climate change talks with Canada
Climate change: Another reason to move, says ADB
Drought and desertification a growing threat to food security – UN expert
E.U. Climate Chief Has Work Cut Out for Her
Climate change: Lagos seeks more action than talk as Kyoto Protocol expires
U.N. panel eyes ways to expand and speed carbon offsets
Climate Change Drives Instability, U.N. Official Warns
UN climate chief warns warming can cause conflict
UN targets carbon credit backlog
Analysis: Governments to debate Kyoto climate dilemma
IMC to Lead Climate Change Conference Preparations
U.N. biodiversity panel could guide on trade, farms
Cresterea nivelului marii va inghiti orasele de coasta din SUA
ONU: Schimbarile climatice si criza alimentara, cauza instabilitatii din Africa si Orientul Mijlociu
Climate change committee delays decision
Încălzirea climatică sporeşte riscul infecţiilor şi intoxicaţiilor
Uniunea Europeană dorește scăderea cu 25% a emisiilor de carbon
European Union faces legal action over fraudulent carbon emissions trading
Green economy needs 2% of every nation's income, says UN
Implement Cancun accords, demand Least Developed Countries
UN unveils vision for global green economy
Binding deal at Durban climate talks unlikely
Tougher EU climate goal could boost GDP: study
US has modest goals for S. Africa climate talks
China Plans To Rein In Heavy Metal Pollution
Care sunt principalele gaze cu efect de sera emise de om?
RAPORT. Tinta de reducere a emisiilor cu 30% in UE, avantaj financiar pentru Romania
UE ar putea dubla pretul emisiilor de carbon
Incalzirea globala, subiect fierbinte pentru Hollywood
China minister warns pollution, resource waste imperil growth
China Vows To Cut Energy, Carbon Intensity By 2015
SA a major global polluter
15 mln de euro din partea României pentru proiecte de combatere a schimbărilor climatice
EU ETS endorsed as growing more cost effective
'Fate of Kyoto Protocol should be resolved'
UN climate chief warns Durban offers last chance for carbon market clarity
UN urges government to implement Cancun accord
SA’s ability to secure climate deal queried
U.N. climate talks seen missing aid plan deadline
Africa's land pollution threat from carbon market
Eco-farming can double food output by poor: U.N.
Europe Sets Higher Goal for Cutting Emissions
Kyoto extension must include U.S., China: U.N. climate head
NASA: Topirea gheţurilor de la poli se accelerează. Nivelul mărilor creşte cu 3mm pe an
Former South Korean PM pushes for alternative eco-friendly options
RI cool on climate mitigation schemes: Walhi
S Africans told to do their part for change
Climate change may result in foodgrain demand-supply gap
High food prices said foretaste of climate shocks
Group seeks forest restoration to cleanse planet
Seven EU ministers push for deeper CO2 cuts
Panica privind energia nucleară poate duce la intensificarea încălzirii globale
INDIA: Green Schemes Turn Into White Elephants
SA moves to finalise carbon tax this year, despite global loose ends
Top UN official urges action to achieve sustainable development
WWF pregăteşte Delta Dunării pentru schimbările climatice
EPA extends deadline for reporting CO2 emissions
Pacific Climate Change Roundtable Welcomes Input from the Civil Society
Wind power cheaper than nuclear, says EU climate chief
Businesses need to be aware of effects of climate change
Climate change threatens EA’s staple food crop
Deal locally with climate change impact
USDA invests $60M in 3 new research projects on effects of climate change on crops and forests
Trading in carbon emissions to check global warming
Ziua Mondială a Meteorologiei, sărbătorită la nivel global sub sloganul "Clima şi noi"
Australia To Introduce Carbon Legislation By Year-End
Cancun stance guided by need to protect economic growth: Jairam
No 'offsets' says climate committee
Chance for Climate Deal Is ‘Slim’ as U.S. Moves Blocked, EU Says
Earth Hour aims for hope in darkened world
Hedegaard backs nuclear to meet EU climate targets
UN climate chief urges governments to deliver on Cancun pledges
UPDATE 1-UN climate chief watchful of Japan nuclear mishap
First green trade mission heads to US
Lights go off around world to observe Earth Hour
U.K. Carbon Price Won’t Quicken European Emissions Cuts, EU Says
Ugandan Wins First UNEP Environment Award for Africa
Africa well placed to transition to green economy: UN
Compromise needed as Kyoto Protocol to expire
NZ-Europe ETS link a long way off, says official
Berkeley scientists' climate data review puts them at center of national debate
RI supports S. Korea’s bid to host summit
FACTBOX-Mexico climate deal to be debated in Bangkok
Governments face climate test of resolve at Bangkok talks
Accidentul de la Fukushima va influenta negocierile internationale privind climatul
Raport ONU: Orasele, megasurse de poluare cu CO2
Supersomonul Chilko, din Canada, imun la incalzirea globala
Temperatura medie din România creşte cu 1 grad, potrivit scenariilor climatice VEZI PROGNOZA
Japan nuclear crisis to impact UN climate talks -EU
UN climate meeting kicks off in Bangkok
UN talks aim to thrash out tough details on climate
Move to put climate change back on agenda
UN Climate Chief Calls on to Complete Agreed Works
Culoarea mediului devine albastra din cauza schimbarilor climatice
O acumulare uriasa de apa dulce din Oceanul Arctic ar putea afecta clima Europei
Gap between expiry of Kyoto and new treaty, UN admits
UN climate chief urges action on Kyoto Protocol
UPDATE 2-Japan says not seeking exemption from Kyoto CO2 pledge
Competing efforts hurt UN climate adaptation work: ActionAid
Studiu: Dezvoltarea copacilor, afectata de schimbarile climatice
Bangkok meeting stalls as US dismisses talk of international treaty
Rich countries under fire as emissions talks stall
U.N.: Climate change needs global solution
Arctic climate change a "crucial foreign policy issue" being ignored: ex-foreign minister.
Business leaders participate in UN-backed debate on green economy
Experts meet in Nairobi over carbon trade opportunities
German cabinet relaunches carbon storage bill
Germany Greenhouse Emissions Rose 4.3% in 2010, Stayed Below Kyoto Target
Kyoto won’t expire, CDM will remain legally valid
Russia backs green initiative
Coastele Arcticii se retrag cu 30 de metri pe an
California gov. to get chance to 'mark' climate law
SA ‘needs to push for progress on climate promises’
Scientists want climate change early-warning system
Tropical countries aim for global forest pact
California gov. to get chance to 'mark' climate law
SA ‘needs to push for progress on climate promises’
Scientists want climate change early-warning system
Tropical countries aim for global forest pact
Carbon emissions 'hidden' in imported goods revealed
Japan greenhouse gas emissions hit record low in 2009/10
Trade shifts help rich meet climate goals: study
UN targets black carbon emissions
Greenhouse gas levels increase
Supreme Court to hear major climate change case
UN finds NZ credibility gap on emissions
Korea and IMO join forces against CO2
Manuel appointed to UN Green Climate Fund Committee
AFB to host regional climate change workshop
Interview: China's long-term approach to investment benefits Africa: UN official
Samoa's forests get $4.9 million 'climate change proofing'
Barbatii emit cu 7 kilograme mai mult CO2, intr-o zi, decat femeile
Business Roundtable Urges EPA to Stop Greenhouse Gas Rules
Russia Says It Won’t Be Forced by the UN to Fund Poor-Nation Climate Aid
Connie Hedegaard seeks renewable energy targets for 2030
European Carbon Climbs to a 4-Week High as Germany’s Electricity Advances
Manuel bemoans lack of price for carbon emissions
Efectele schimbarilor climatice din Arctica, mult mai serioase decat se presupunea
Impact of climate change gathers int'l experts in Maputo
Zuma: Fast-growing Africa must rethink its global role
Pamantul extrem: Viteza vantului si inaltimea valurilor, in crestere
80% of Energy Use Could be Renewable by 2050: UN
Committee on Climate Change calls for renewable energy revolution
Finance key to using renewable energy
UK opens unit to transfer climate change expertise
US, China must ensure climate success: Clinton
Încălzirea globală ameninţă Europa cu răcirea
Europe confirms pledge to aid SA’s greening
Govt seeks UN funds to reduce carbon footprints
Hillary Clinton lands in Greenland for Arctic summit
'Global community should pick up speed for solution to climate change'
Iran successful in implementing carbon sequestration project (CSP)
Kenyan firms to tap new IFC carbon fund
Migratory birds have wings clipped
Emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera ale companiilor romanesti monitorizate de UE au scazut anul trecut
Australia to Set Expected Carbon Tax Price by July
Chris Huhne briefs MPs on long-term carbon target
Ensure adequate green funds
Anglican Communion News Service - Digest News
EU says $7 billion CO2 sale to be slightly delayed
Interview: China's goal towards "green economy" in the right direction: former Norwegian PM Brundtland
Europe's steelmakers challenge EU's green strategy
Climate change and deforestation pose risk to Amazon rainforest
Adaptation measures should be integrated into national policies
RPT-Climate change warnings add heat to Australia CO2 price debate
Sydney, Melbourne Vulnerable to Rising Sea Level, Climate Commission Says
Act now on climate change before it is too late
Youth combat climate change at camp
UN chief says sustainable development will be top priority next 5 years
UN chief calls for efforts to protect world's oceans for future generations
UN assists Turkmenistan in development of national strategies on climate change
UK government claims it has exceeded its own carbon reduction target
U.S. Environmentalists Back EU Emission Plan
U.N. wants climate action not words
Study: Climate change could spread disease
SA aiming to raise $100bn for climate change
Opposition denies shift on 2020 emissions target
Nigeria’s Climate Change Commission still a mirage
New climate in Australia
Most of Keys may be lost to sea by 2100
Mexico's Small-Scale Farmers Gain Entry to Global Carbon Markets
Has Climate Change Increased Seasonal Allergies?
Global warming reintroduces gray whale, algae species to Northern Atlantic
Global warming decreasing salt in sea
Global warming crisis may mean world has to suck greenhouse gases from air
Fighting Climate Change by Not Focusing on Climate Change
Europe steps up efforts to cut shipping emissions
EU ties Kyoto extension to greater efforts all-round
EU sets out conditions for Kyoto extension
Economists Find Flaws in Federal Estimate of Climate Damage
Climate unit releases virtually all remaining data
Climate Regulatory Gap Could Result After 2012 Kyoto Expiration
Climate change will increase threat of war, Chris Huhne to warn
Climate change talks "fail to deliver real solutions"
Climate change project kicks off
Climate change meeting for Auckland
Climate change leads to concern about honey bees
Climate change is fundamentally sustainable development issue: Chinese envoy
Climate change inaction risks international credibility: Rudd
Climate change can change ocean chemistry
Climate change brings tea and apricots to Britain
Carbon capture and utilisation could make economic sense
Call for Kyoto ‘legal bridge’ in climate talks
ANALYSIS-Hopes fading for climate agreement
Durban climate talks: The shape of things to come?
UN calls for dev’t ‘overhaul’ using green technologies
Efectele ciudate ale schimbarilor climatice: Antarctica se inalta cu cativa milimetri anual
Evitarea unei catastrofe planetarea costa 50 trilioane lire sterline
Gheata polara se topeste mai rapid decat se credea din cauza incalzirii oceanelor
Un urs polar a inotat fara oprire 700 de km
România ar putea fi exclusă de pe piaţa tranzacţiilor internaţionale de certificate de emisii de CO2
China eyes steel, cement sectors for carbon credit trade-report
EU carbon oversold but could fall further
Finland pledges aid for climate change
Official says carbon caps real possibility
'Rich nations must aid vulnerable'
Vanuatu host of Pacific adaptation to climate change meeting
Climate change ‘worse for SA’
UN registers Himachal Pradesh's multi-crore carbon trading scheme
Obama May Seek to Reduce Truck Emissions by 20%, ATA Says
PM's top scientist defends sea-rise data
South Africa insists it is on track for Durban Summit success
Carbon Credit Deals Seeing Controversy
Japan’s Clean Energy Bill May Falter on Lawmaker’s Ties to Utilities
Climate, natural hazards and change in Southeast Asia
U.N. chief stresses role for scholars in global challenges
Cabinet to consider SA’s COP 17 negotiation stance in October
U.N. chief vows to tackle climate change, economic upheaval
Obama administration encounters opposition to international climate agenda
On endless ice, searching for clues to our future
Copacii, despuiati de incalzirea globala
Business needs stronger voice in global climate negotiations − De Boer
Climate Change Funds must be spent Responsibly: TSI
"Climate Change Is Affecting Traditional Knowledge"
EU backing Jordanian energy plans
Ki-moon Prioritises Sustainable Devt, Poverty Reduction
New Zealand spot CO2 prices rise after recent plunge
Wildlife Responds Fast To Climate Change: Study
Animalele se muta in zone mai reci din cauza schimbarilor climatice
Reaching new climate change deal in Durban
Water crisis, population surge prompt rethink on food: UN
World Leaders Praise Libyan Rebel Advances
An island's climate response
EU may propose plan to extend Kyoto:sources: report
Climate change could cost forestry jobs
'Happy' Bhutan alarmed by Himalayan climate change
Variatiile climatice influenteaza conflictele in lume, au descoperit cercetatorii
European HF-23 super greenhouse gas emissions show flaws in emission offset procedures
Schimbările climatice afectează sănătatea mintală
Ban to stress on climate change during four-nation visit
Climate will make us depressed and anxious
"Kyoto Protocol is not dead": UN official
Kyoto team suspends Romania from carbon market
UN’s $100 Billion Climate-Change Initiative Seen to Need Private Funding
Africa Keen to Ensure Kyoto Protocol Survives
Climate change 'will increase heart deaths'
EU wants firm decisions on legally binding climate agreement
New UK fund to help poor nations in trade talks
EU will re-sign Kyoto if others act
Summit sounds climate change alarm
UN Chief Calls Climate Change “Real,” Demands Action
UN Secretary General backs Pacific calls for action on climate change
UN, EU Leaders to Hear Pacific Climate Concerns
Committee designing UN-backed green climate fund reports good progress
COP 17 key for decision on carbon capture’s inclusion under CDM
Developing Countries’ Designs for the Green Climate Fund
Climate investment needs "quantum leap", says U.N. official
UN launches guide for developing countries to access more climate funding
UN pushes for Green Climate Fund
As U.N. gathers, groups put global climate change at forefront
India wants emission targets under Kyoto Protocol to continue
‘Common ground’ seen in talks on UN Green Climate Fund
Extend Kyoto Protocol: India
Ban urges leaders to show greater commitment to agreement on climate change
UN urges govt to commit to low carbon economies
Asia: Peste 30 de milioane de emigranti climatici, in 2010
"Plus doua grade Celsius" vor duce Terra pe un drum ireversibil
UN official urges governments to remain committed to goal of low-carbon economies
2015 climate deal deadline ‘realistic’
World can beat desertification: UN chief
China Considers Policy Shift To Boost Shale Gas
House Passes Bill To Block EPA Clean Air Rules
Health and Climate Change: 7 Ways You Are Being Harmed
Which countries will get hit hardest by climate change?
Ciocolata, topita de schimbarile climatice
France eyes new carbon tax in 2012 budget
India submits 'international assessment and review' plan relted to emission reduction targets to UNFCCC
Island Nation Girds for Legal Battle Against Industrial Emissions
Spuneti adio Arcticii, asa cum o stiti
EU urges roadmap this year on climate action
Europa se transforma in desert
Gheturile arctice au ajuns la al doilea cel mai mic nivel din istorie
Countries Struggle at Panama Climate Meeting on Road to Durban
G77 and China insists continuation of Kyoto Protocol not up for negotiation
Ministers to review extension of the Kyoto Protocol beyond 2012
Ambitions in check on global climate deal
ASEAN unity in climate talks urged
UN issues call for green public-private partnerships
ESG Green Pages official catalogue at UN Convention
EU reform plans target greener, fairer farm subsidies
Climate change focus
Experts back India at climate change talks
UN chief pushes trust, green themes with lawmakers
Animalele se micşorează din cauza schimbărilor climatice
New climate change plan lauded as ‘balanced’
UN official stresses climate change adaptation measures in Africa
Climate-change conference venue receives quality certification
No "big bang" expected from Durban climate talks: EU
South Africa faces COP 17 balancing act
40-day countdown to COP17
Figueres: Legally-binding climate deal achievable
Start of pre-COP 17 consultations
Pretul certificatelor de emisii de carbon in scadere cu 28% fata de inceputul anului
CO2 targets achievable with action
Durban climate negotiations meet won't be easy for India
Studiu: Ghetarii din Himalaya sunt pe punctul de a se topi. S-au marit lacurile glaciale
EU Should Focus CO2 Incentive on Renewables, De Boer Says
Minister vows to settle environment cases
Will the Kyoto Protocol survive the Durban climate talks?
China's proposal unveiled ahead of Durban climate talks
Small nations push climate at Commonwealth talks
Bulgaria ar putea deveni ţară subtropicală
Kyoto Protocol high on COP17 agenda
UN Warns on Current Climate Mitigation Efforts
Developing countries doing more to check emissions than rich ones: Report
Europe looks to extend Kyoto commitments
UN-sponsored climate talks in Durban to discuss funding
BASIC countries meet in China for climate talks
BASIC countries to frame common position on Kyoto protocol
BASIC countries reach Kyoto consensus
UN releases snapshot of environmental change
China si SUA, cei mai mari poluatori din lume
GIEC: Potop si seceta pe Pamant
Climate Change Imperils Global Prosperity, U.N. Warns
NGOs ‘excited’ over climate change laws
COP17 will produce 15 000 tons of CO2
Plan to offset COP17 emissions
Russia sees need for more urgency on climate deal: EU
Africa is ready for climate showdown
Australia passes landmark carbon price laws
G-20 Leaders Endorse Green Climate Fund, Marine Protection
IEA economist: ‘We have to leave oil before it leaves us’
IEA avertizeaza Planeta se indreapta catre schimbari climatice ireversibile in urmatorii cinci ani
Scenariu catastrofal: Emisiile de CO2, cu 20% mai mari pana in 2035
Ambitions in check on global climate deal
Clima se schimbă spectaculos în 100 de ani: unele regiuni devin nelocuibile VEZI RAPORT
Gheaţa din zona arctică se va topi până în 2015
Următorul Război Rece va fi purtat cu gaze de seră
Carbon Trading May Be Ready for Its Next Act
Eurozone crisis may cloud Durban climate talks
Nations meet in Bangladesh on climate change talks
Russia Intransigent on Kyoto Protocol Extension
Ahead of Durban, major economies to meet in New York
Climate deal unlikely soon, as emissions grow
U.N. chief urges global leaders to launch Green Climate Fund
UN carbon scheme undermined: report
EU resolution to nudge higher goal for carbon cuts
Japan to field bureaucrat to head global green fund
What can U.N. climate talks in Durban deliver?
Building of Ark in Durban in progress
Meles: Durban Summit Must Salvage 'Essence of Kyoto'
No tax, no trading but US says it's serious
Success of Durban climate-change summit in doubt
UN Chief Calls for Support on Climate-Change Mitigation
Lumea se va confrunta cu fenomene meteorologice fără precedent
Raport alarmant: Ultimul deceniu, cel mai cald din istoria omenirii PROGNOZA
Atmospheric greenhouse gases reach highest-ever levels
China to cope with climate change in 11 major aspects: white paper
Nations Divided Over Timing, Form of Future Climate-Change Deal
On COP17 Climate Change Conference, Brazil Keeping The Faith
Atmospheric greenhouse gases reach highest-ever levels
China to cope with climate change in 11 major aspects: white paper
Nations Divided Over Timing, Form of Future Climate-Change Deal
On COP17 Climate Change Conference, Brazil Keeping The Faith
Raport GIEC: Dezastrele naturale, amplificate de schimbarile climatice
Emisiile de CO2 ale Chinei, in continua crestere. Ar putea depasi SUA pana in 2017
A Pledge That Didn't Meet Its Potential
Durban ahead, why climategate is a catastrophe for good science
Failing again on climate change
Figueres: Alarm bells are ringing now
Future of Kyoto Protocol on the line
High hopes ahead of COP17 talks
Success of COP17 in the balance
UN conference to deal with carbon reductions
Tarile lumii discuta despre schimbarile climatice, la summitul de la Durban
Agentie ONU: Ultimul deceniu, cel mai calduros din istoria inregistrarilor meteo
Fate of Kyoto Protocol in spotlight at talks
Kent rejects idea of ‘guilt payment’ to poorer countries for emissions
Storm gives delegates a wake-up call
Permafrostul, o bomba cu efect intarziat pentru clima
SUA, considerata tara care obstructioneaza lupta impotriva schimbarilor climatice, la summit-ul din Durban
African Delegates Demand Immediate Action at Climate Conference
Climate Fund Board must get going: EU
Developing countries may bargain with India over climate pact
Expert: Limit on carbon emissions likely after 2020
Arctica intra intr-o noua faza: Continentul este mai cald, mai verde si are mai putina gheata
China and Brazil threaten to block carbon offset trade
China may adopt emission limit
EU fights global warming in a cold climate
Half of greenhouse gases 'emitted by five nations'
Shifting geopolitics shake UN climate talks
Adio, ciocolată! Arborii de cacao sunt decimaţi de schimbările climatice
Mars cu tobe si vuvuzele la Durban: “Vrem justitie climatica, nu apartheid climatic!”
Nou record privind emisiile de CO2, in 2010
China, EU Seek to Avoid Blame for Expiring Kyoto Pact
'Climate poker' set for Durban
COP-17: Business takes bull by horns as leaders talk
Durban climate talks: India gives guarded response to draft negotiating text
Ghetarii din Himalaya se topesc rapid, cu efecte devastatoare asupra Pamantului
Ministrul roman al Mediului participa la Conferinta ONU de la Durban
Romania bate pasul pe loc in lupta cu schimbarile climatice
China favours EU plans for Kyoto replacement – but with conditions
Climate talks: India dismisses reports of differences with China
Crunch time at COP17 as high-level negotiations begin
Romania va prezenta pozitia UE in chestiunea schimbarilor climatice
“Act while you still can” - Zuma
"Big Three" polluters oppose binding climate deal
UN chief fears climate accord is ‘beyond reach’
You must lead world from abyss, urges Ban
Urşii polari, împinşi spre canibalism de încălzirea globală
Big emerging nations call for Kyoto extension
Climate talks 'lacking urgency'
Kyoto pact likely to be extended
UN Climate Conference close to deal on Green Fund
Support grows for Durban climate deal
US signals support for EU's climate roadmap
Sesiunea Plenară a Conferinţei ONU privind Schimbările Climatice
De se îmbolnăvesc tot mai mulţi oameni din cauza schimbărilor climatice
Statele participante la Conferinta de la Durban au acceptat un acord fragil pe tema incalzirii globale
Climate accord: 'Good but not good enough'
Hope at last at the Durban conference on climate change
International Energy Agency welcomes climate pact
Kyoto protocol lives on
UN chief hails Durban climate roadmap
Acord slab si lipsit de echitate la Conferinta ONU privind schimbarile climatice
Canada quits Kyoto climate pact
Carbon markets still on life support after climate deal
COP-17: Durban UN climate deal hailed as ‘watershed’
Cantitate uriasa de metan, la suprafata Oceanului Arctic. Cercetatorii se tem de efectele gazului cu efect de sera
Despaduririle, subiect ocolit la Durban
COP17 - Binding deal in 2015
Loophole Inserted in Climate Accord Augurs U.S.-China Clash
UN: Canada, out of Kyoto, must still cut emissions
UN Climate Chief Is ‘Surprised’ at Canada’s Kyoto Withdrawal
ŞOC ÎN LUMEA ŞTIINŢIFICĂ: Metanul din Oceanul Arctic ameninţă Pământul
Topirea brusca a permafrostului ameninta grav clima planetei
EU Looks to Carbon Reductions
Agreement on global warming mitigation
Durban climate summit gains cited
EU parliament set to call for carbon market
Nations to effect climate change pact in 2020
Taxa UE pe emisiile de carbon ale avioanelor, aprobata de Curtea Europeana de Justitie. Masura, in vigoare de la 1 ianuarie
Africa: Climate Change - Continent May Be Worst Hit, Says UNIDO
Climate Sensitivity Greater Than Previously Believed
Durban illuminates the emerging new world order
EU Lawmakers Back Plan To Withhold EU CO2 Permits
Pollution Real if not Official
Post-Kyoto, a search for ‘a subtle skill’ in tackling climate change
Laszlo Borbely: Este “inadmisibil” sa eviti sa platesti taxa de poluare
China anunta un plan de reducere a emisiilor de carbon pentru anul 2012
Daca toti europenii ar pedala la fel ca danezii, emisiile ar scadea pe continent cu 25%
Razboi comercial intre UE, SUA si China, din cauza taxei pe CO2 din aviatie
Environment world review of the year: '2011 rewrote the record books'
The 'EU Must Remain Tough' on Emissions Trading
Why We're All Confused About Climate Change
Analysts slash CO2 price forecasts as slowdown seen - poll
U.K. Renewable-Energy Investment Totals $3.8 Billion This Year
U.S. Military Tests Out Green Tech In Afghanistan
Rechini au devenit hibrizi in Australia, pentru a supravietui schimbarilor climatice
'Frog song' may help understand climate change
Indonesia takes steps to increase rice production amid climate change
It's time for sustainable development
Cea mai vanata specie de foci din Canada are probleme din cauza schimbarilor climatice
Insurance payouts point to climate change
Top climate change stories of 2011
UK set to miss Euro renewable targets
Climate disaster still looms after UN conference?
We are maching into an abyss, Castro warns
Bruxelles-ul, de neclintit in fata Chinei. Accesul avioanelor care ignora taxa pe poluare poate fi interzis in UE
Urmatoarea era glaciara, amanata de emisiile ridicate de CO2
Ban Ki-moon to Launch UN’s International Year of Sustainable Energy for All at World Future Energy Summit 2012 in Abu Dhabi
Economic Survey to focus on financing climate change
Economies must grow for the climate change fight
Elections no threat to global climate deal: U.N.
Good COP or bad COP?
Major Investors Show the Way on Climate Change
Warmer summers cause colder winters, scientists say
Better scientific understanding of link between climate change, food security needed
Birds are finding it increasingly difficult to adapt to Europe's warming climes
Climate Change and Farming: How Not to Go Hungry in a Warmer World
Durban did too little: here are alternatives to the UN process
First report on UK climate impact
Global warming would harm the Earth, but some areas might find it beneficial
New ways of farming ‘could slow bad effects of climate change’
Signs of New Life as U.N. Searches for a Climate Accord
Sun's changes unlikely to slow global warming, scientists say
UN conference returns to Rio with new emphasis
United Arab Emirates Promotes Alternative Energy
Britain ranks top risks posed by climate change
PM for global climate fund
Extreme heat hurts wheat yields as world warms: study
Rio+20: Summit shifts from climate change as talks open in New York
UN panel aims for 'a future worth choosing'
Reducerea metanului si a funinginii, din atmosfera, franeaza incalzirea globala?
Higher target for cuts in EU emissions less costly than originally thought
Kyoto Protocol is driving adoption of corporate mitigation strategies
UN paints bleak picture of sustainability
COP 17 expo used yearly energy equivalent of 24 US households
Every country needs to understand green growth is possible and can lift people out of poverty: Yvo de Boer
G77, China call for global partnership
Germany, China take lead in environmental policies
Environment agency becomes crunch issue in Rio talks
Island nations want climate change in world court
Singapore the right climate for green groups
Science behind the big freeze: is climate change bringing the Arctic to Europe?
Opponents Of EU Airline CO2 Scheme To Meet In Moscow
UN panel promotes carbon tax, eco-based prices
Încălzirea globală a provocat actualul val de frig din Europa?
2C warming goal now 'optimistic' - French scientists
Britain to urge green accounting at Rio+20 summit
EU Pledges Strong Support for Earth Summit
Impact of Green Climate Fund to receive attention at power event
UN-backed marine expedition highlights impact of climate change in oceans
Building Sustainable Future Needs More Than Science, Experts Say
Climate change boosts need for bigger presence in Arctic: Canadian navy head
Moscow Air Talks To Debate Measures Against EU: Draft
Climate change increased likelihood of Russian 2010 heatwave – study
Finance ministers eye transport levies to feed climate fund
Climate change to hurt food security
Dubai government entities to adopt strict emission quotas
Genetically Engineered Bacteria Could Help Fight Climate Change
43 European states negotiate binding legal framework
Arguments preview fight on EPA greenhouse gas rules
U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Rebound 3.3 Percent
Climate change: India, other developing nations block exclusion of Rio Principles' references from UNEP decisions
Climate change made the drought worse, scientists say
Study shows oceans becoming much more acidic
First chuffs from the Durban climate train
UN Says 2011 Disasters Were Costliest Ever
Climate change to increase respiratory diseases
E.ON says will do measured CO2 buying from 2013
Golbal funding vital to take on climate change: Survey
World entering a 'third era' in efforts to deal with climate change - expert
ZIUA PĂMÂNTULUI 2012, sărbătorită cu plantări de mesteceni
Astazi sarbatorim Ziua Pamantului
Korodi anunta controale de amploare de 1 Mai
Comunicat de presa: De Ziua Mondiala a Apei, un semnal de alarma cu privire la poluarea marilor orase
Countries Losing Steam On Climate Change Initiatives
Gambia: Climate Change Conference Ends in Addis
EPA faces crucial climate decision on diesel made from palm oil
Southern Africa: Region Most Affected By Climate Change
OCEANUL PLANETAR ar putea creşte brusc, avertizează cercetătorii
Peste 30 de hectare de vegetaţie uscată, făcute scrum din cauza unui grătar
Padurile, mutate in curtea Agriculturii
South Korea approves emissions trading scheme
EU firms use 254.6 mln UN offsets to meet 2011 caps
China must act urgently to curb city emissions: World Bank
South Korean Parliament Approves Carbon Trading System
Uncertainty still clouds future of EU biodiesel
"Testamentul" lui Korodi: Opriţi evaluarea proiectului Roşia Montană!
Build on COP17 momentum: Nkoane-Mashabane
S. Africa calls for greater efforts to cope with climate change
New Global Climate Change Accord Crucial
Al-Attiyah chairs session at Bonn climate meeting
India objects to inclusion of UN, INGOs' partisan reports in climate change talks
Government urged to force firms to report carbon emissions
Feds to repeal Kyoto Act in budget bill, critics slam move
Solar minimum may lead to abrupt climatic conditions
Copiii,“Salvatorii Pamantului” de Ziua Mondiala a Mediului
Global climate treaty may demand more carbon cuts from 'poor' countries
Muslim leaders welcome Supreme Court's decision to abolish Haj subsidy
Political-Risk Insurer Underused as Climate Talks Fail
Lee: Green growth think tank to officially launch as int'l organization
India expected to witness 5ºC rise in temperature
EU’s Hedegaard Says CO2 Auctions Review Is Short-Term Fix
Island Nations Criticize EU Over Kyoto Climate Deal Extension
UNDP to developing countries: Take on a greater role in reducing emissions
Balance prosperity with emissions, Asian nations warned
'Save the planet', science leaders urge G8 governments
Bracing for tough climate talks
Global warming: Interim climate talks start in Bonn
Europe struggles for climate lead
India to oppose EU’s climate protocol move
Financial Middlemen Muddle Climate Commitments
Qatar Pavilion at Yeosu Expo opens
World climate talks open in Bonn
Duration of 'Kyoto 2' threatens rift at U.N. climate talks
Bucureştiul, pe locul doi în topul celor mai poluate capitale din Europa
Climate deal milestones should be set this year: U.N.
'Nobody is exempt from climate responsibility'
Bonn climate talks: EU plays down talk of Kyoto protocol rift
Rich nations stall talks on their record of cutting emissions
Critical time as Qatar hosts talks
Industrialised Countries Under Critical Spotlight at U.N. Meet
Germany: Durban Platform climate talks in Bonn
South Africa: Common Legal Regime to Tackle Climate Change By 2015
Analysis: Germany's Merkel losing green battle to cheap coal
Durban Platform negotiations: A long way to go
Developing nations side with BASIC in climate talks
Green Climate Fund: Critical negotiations ahead
Global warming: Bonn talks focus on developing climate treaty and finding equity among rich and poor countries
Network to save the greens
The Week Ahead: EPA to Hold Hearings on Carbon Dioxide Limits for Power Plants
Climate scientists solve riddle of rising sea
Emisiile GES, minus 2%
CO2 cut review could raise Kyoto ambition - EU
Bonn 2012: UNCCD calls for agriculture to be central to Rio+20
G8 pledges climate action as Bonn talks stall
EU appeals to China on emissions
Sustainable development hopes pinned on Rio+20 conference
Russia Concerned Over Lack of Progress in Post-Kyoto Talks
Deadlock breaks at UN climate talks, mistrust remains
Climate pact process stumbles as countries bicker
China says it holds fast to Durban outcome
Kenya's bid to become the first African nation to set up a climate authority
U.N. climate talks stall over rich-poor divisions
U.N. Doha climate talks risk sinking 'like Titanic'
Climate Deadlock Breaks as Slow UN Talks Frustrate U.S., EU
Interview: China chief climate negotiator says Durban outcomes should be understood, implemented completely
Bonn climate talks end in discord and disappointment
Старый лед тает быстрее
Пересохшая цивилизация
EU’s greenhouse emissions up but still meeting Kyoto target
Asia-Pacific region must adopt low carbon policies: UN
EU: Bonn climate talks show 'worrisome backtracking'
EU greenhouse gas emissions rise despite climate change policies
Global carbon market value rises to record $176 billion
G8 Takes On Short-Lived Climate Pollutants
More than climate change
Top US companies shelling out to block action on climate change
Climate talks ‘frustrating’, but making slow progress – Figueres
Companies need to disclose climate risk: investors
UN warns of worsening global displacement over next ten years
Nigeria: 'Women, Children Most Vulnerable to Climate Change'
The French to admit world climate expert to its highest Order for his 20 years’ work
RIO+20: U.N. Aims To Offset its Own Carbon Footprint
Policy for green buildings on anvil
Global warming turns tundra to forest: study
Qatar signs pact to host UN climate change conference
Doha ‘to be key step in climate initiative’
Price tag on climate change in Latin America: $100 billion
Globe comes before politics- Combet
Lacul Vacaresti, declarat arie protejata
UN leader seeks to head off Rio summit tragedy
Climate Change 'Biggest Threat' to Food Security
Oman’s climate change scenario in focus
Civil bodies against clean credit for Tawang dam
Mexico's president enacts climate change legislation
Consumption driving 'unprecedented' environment damage: UN
REALITATEA.NET ACTUAL MEDIU ONU face previziuni DRAMATICE în raportul GEO-5: "În scurt timp se va ajunge la situaţii critice"
Many questions as Rio summit seeks to help sick planet
China launches climate change think tank
China emissions study suggests climate change could be faster than thought
Expectations for the Rio Summit, in quotes
China shoots down accusations on gas emissions
Guyana launches special report ahead of Rio+20
Developing world holds key to keep Rio principles alive
Qatar to showcase climate strategy at COP 18 meet
Barack Obama skips Rio+20 Earth summit
Nepal’s Female Farmers Fear Climate Change
Science Mitigates Climate Uncertainties in Mexico City
The green movement at 50: Can the world be saved?
National blueprint to tackle climate change unveiled Carbon emissions to be cut 7-11% below business-as-usual levels by 2020
Rio+20: Brazilian pitch for summit deal runs into crossfire
Rio+20 deal weakens on energy and water pledges
Climate change adversely affecting agriculture
(Climate) Change Is In the Air
Uncertain future for international forest scheme
Major cities tackle climate change even as Rio summit’s outcome remains uncertain
Rio summit to make fresh bid to tackle environment woes
Rio+20 Pushes on with Weak Text, Mixed Predictions
Rio 'reflects efforts of developing nations'
Rio+20 politicians deliver 'new definition of hypocrisy' claim NGOs
New UN report spotlights role of climate change in driving people from their homes
Indonesian forest fires could endanger region, warns scientist
It's Happening, but Not in Rio
A New Satellite Tool Tracks Deforestation
My Ghanaian grandfather would agree that Rio+20 may yet be a turning point
Climate change protesters arrested outside Buckingham Palace
What the Failure of Rio+20 Means for the Climate
D.C. appeals court upholds EPA regulations to fight global warming
Polish businesses launch offensive against EU climate policy
West's Wildfires A Preview Of Changed Climate: Scientists
Project aims to win China low-carbon investment
World Bank Announces Winners in “Apps for Climate” Competition
Greenhouse gas emissions fell last year - but only because of milder weather
Australia obligă companiile care poluează aerul să plătească impozit pentru emisiile de carbon
Controversial carbon tax takes effect
Youth-Friendly Apps Visualise Carbon Footprint
Caribbean: need for a gender focus in climate change policy
New Zealand extends carbon trade rules until 2015
Creşterea nivelului mării NU va putea fi oprită
This US summer is 'what global warming looks like'
Sharp rise in sea levels to Australia's north: report
Global warming no longer Americans’ top environmental concern, poll finds
Climate Live: Climate change damage to be felt for centuries, Greenpeace launch new Arctic film and can Higgs Boson give hope to climate scientists?
CO2 emissions will impact climate for centuries to come, Carnegie Institution for Science report predicts
U.K. Climate Expert Warns Korea Over Excess Permit Allocation
Guyana calls for regional unity on climate change
Climate Change Causes Leaves to Shrink
Controversy erupts over carbon floor price
Researches find threat from biodiversity loss equals climate change threat
SA objects to having to join EU carbon scheme
Financial sector urged to be more attentive to environmental issues
O tulburare climatică a distrus coralii timp de 2.500 de ani
Prim-ministrul a semnat o dispoziţie în legătură cu arşiţa din ultimul timp
Germany Sees ‘Intensive’ EU Carbon Talks in September, October
Trade war: Cabinet to consider steps against EU carbon tax
US official: Higher ocean acidity is climate change’s ‘evil twin,’ major threat to coral reefs
Airline carbon tax talks with EU stall
UPDATE 1-EU Commission to publish ETS rescue plan next week
Using indigenous Pacific knowledge to fight climate change
R8bn 'green building' for Pretoria
South Africa to host climate meeting
Treasury messing with UK clean energy policy, say MPs
'ClimateGate': Case closed?
DECC delays announcement on renewable subsidies
Coal Action Scotland temporarily halts work at Mainshill mine site
Ferma de „eoliene” submarine
BERD oferă credite de încă 5 mil. dolari pentru eficientizarea energetică
‘Climate change’ envoy optimistic about meeting to be held in Qatar
City’s annual carbon emission twice that of national average
Asean urged to take strong position on climate change
India spending over 2.6% of GDP to tackle climate change
Cut air pollution, buy time to slow climate change: US
Fiji, China agree on Climate Change fight strategy
EU should commit to tougher emissions target, say MPs
UN undertakes initiative to monitor national forests
Climate carbon technologies considered
U.S. ups the pressure on European Union in airline row
Natural gas future clouded by CO2
Climate change on investors' minds
Climate change the cause of summer's extreme weather, Congress told
Climate change study forces sceptical scientists to change minds
Richard Muller's volte face on climate change is good for science
What evidence will it take to convince climate sceptics?
Stop this culture of paying politicians for denying climate change
Earth absorbs more of our CO2 emissions: science
Drought, Heat Shows Climate Change Is Real, Democrats Say
Bull Market In Crops Extends With Spreading Drought: Commodities
Un studiu asupra încălzirii globale efectuat de un sceptic a ajuns la o concluzie surprinzătoare
New study links current events to climate change
Treaty that saved the ozone may worsen climate change
NER 300: Prize fund for carbon capture projects shrinks by £800m
U.K. Pledges 100 Million Pounds For Energy Investment Funds
Mapping the Future of Climate Change in Africa
How New Zealand’s megabirds survived climate change
Schimbările climatice, responsabile de înmulţirea verilor călduroase din ultima perioadă
U.S. affirms support for U.N. climate goal after criticism
Climate change threatens to alter marine ecosystem Fish species may flee B.C. waters or become extinct
Salceda elected Asian rep to the first-ever Green Climate Fund Board
European Commission Reaffirms Climate Change Goals
Deforestation fuels temperature hikes around Mt. Kilimanjaro
Britain to aid Kenya on green energy
Climate: 2C or not 2C?
Lawson bats for China in climate debate
Obama accused of 'backflipping' on crucial climate change target
Climate change will bring more heavy rains in China
Coalition seeks to reset New England emissions goal
Asian cities starting to show cracks due to rapid economic development
Parasites may get nastier with climate swings: study
El Nino emerges, raising fears over food prices
Youth summit discusses climate change
Climate committee chairman Tim Yeo under pressure over industry links
Africa: Pushing the Envelop for an Addendum On Gender and Climate Change
Zanzibar faces serious challenges of climate change
Coalition supports sequel to Kyoto protocol
Urban Heat Island Effect And Climate Change May Cause Scorching City Temperatures
Beer but no bumper cars as Obama magic slips in Iowa
Climate change driving Australian fish south
Elevating a vital partnership
Rare wildfires threaten Canadian polar bear habitat
Can natural gas really help tackle global warming? A primer.
Action on climate change speeding up: Commission
U.N. fund could ease route to 2015 global climate deal
IEA: Subsidies, climate change don't mix
Climate change to cause food shortage
UN calls for integrated climate policies to counter drought threats
China to invest $362bn to reduce energy consumption as part of climate change fight
Nobel prize winning scientist says global tax on emissions vital to deal with climate change
Green Climate Fund to discuss $100bn pledged by rich countries
REFILE-COLUMN-R. Glenn Hubbard and the Republican-Democratic fiscal divide-Chrystia Freeland
Green Climate Fund to discuss $100bn pledged by rich countries
Finance key as U.N. talks on climate deal resume
Bangkok talks face climate funding stand-off
UNFCCC parties hope Bangkok’s summer sun can thaw deep divisions sown in Bonn
Small Island Nations Take Fight Against Climate Change Into Their Own Hands
U.N. green climate fund, aiding poor, to pick HQ in 2012
Nations warn of broken promises at U.N. climate talks
Vulnerable small island states call for Bangkok climate talks to “close the gaps”
COMMENT: Can one man alone drive the green revolution?
Storms, drought overshadow new UN climate talks
Bangkok 2012 – Loose ends and few surprises at first day of UN climate change talks
Bangkok 2012 – Poorest nations issue plea for support in climate battle while richest accused of watering down ambition
Transparency needed in climate funds
Bangkok climate talks prep the ground for Doha
Democrat Platform commits to climate action as 'top priority'
Bangkok 2012: UN climate talks close with ‘unofficial’ draft on Kyoto Protocol 2nd period
Climate Needs to Move to Top of Political Agendas, Denmark Says
UN climate change talks in Bangkok, Thailand
U.N. touts climate change talks progress
Barack Obama swipes at Mitt Romney over climate change jibe
African farmers must do more to beat climate change -study
Schimbarile climatice vor determina migrarea populatiei vulnerabile
Climate change expert calls for geoengineering and nuclear 'binge' to avert global warming
Climate Scientists Face Organized Harassment in U.S.
Hands-on training workshop for Africa Region opens
UN climate talks should stick with 2 degree goal-EU negotiator
Greg Barker: COP18 climate talks can boost Saudi green ambitions
In tweets: Highlights from the Global Climate Change Forum
Climate Live: Carbon Disclosure Project reveal 81% of business aware of climate change risks
Minister warns businesses will face multibillion dollar climate funding bill
Russia will not cut emissions under extended Kyoto climate pact
Gas glut threatens climate battle-IEA
France seeks more ambitious EU carbon cuts
UK government, climate advisors at odds over gas role
Ranulph Fiennes heads to Antarctic to explore effects of climate change
Christiana Figueres calls on Africa to drive adaptation agenda at COP18
Vivienne Westwood calls for a “Climate Revolution”
Student to take the temperature of climate change
El Salvador in battle against tide of climate change
Climate change threatens nature from coffee to Arctic fox-forum
Global climate revenues fall 5 pct in 2011-HSBC
Yvo De Boer: Climate change talks need greater clarity
EU and China sign climate change deal
Debate: Is Japan’s Nuclear U-turn good or bad news for climate change?
Malawi faith groups commit to combat climate change and population growth
Kew Gathers Crop Relatives to Help Climate Adaptation
Comment: Why Russia’s climate change policy is like a cargo cult
Science must guide climate change debate – Elizabeth May
All eyes on New York as climate change debate moves to the Big Apple
Norway helps Vietnam cope with climate change
Undecided US voters support climate change action
Mitt Romney raises EU concerns for climate talks
Climate Commission outlines solar opportunity in Queensland
Climate change is already damaging global economy, report finds
Speedy action on climate change sought
Climate change finance promises not being kept, says new DARA report
Kiribati leader tells UN climate change the greatest moral challenge of our time
EU and US drift apart on climate change
Rockefeller and UN join forces to highlight women’s climate role
At UN General Debate, small island states seek aid for growth, climate change mitigation
Solomons PM 'deeply troubled' by climate change inaction
Mitigating damage: Draft for climate change policy approved
UN official: Climate skeptics are losing
UN climate chief pins hopes on Doha
Rich nations owe more to combating global climate change: Brazil
Video: Uniting climate change adaptation and mitigation in the Congo Basin
Greece looks out to sea for gas wealth salvation
"Critical but stable" world nods at more risk
100 milioane decese, pana in 2030, provocate de clima
India can meet its energy needs without nuclear plants: Study
Call for UN climate agency to back Robin Hood Tax
Hour Grows Late to Act on Climate Change, Caribbean Warns
Global warming can trigger extreme Pacific weather, says study
Papua forest communities offer new perspective on climate change
Why Obama must win
Solutii simple impotriva schimbarilor climatice
Climate change, tourism threatening mountains
How temp talk could doom climate treaty
Most Americans link weather to global warming: survey
Green Technology: A national commitment to clean living
Report calls for using ecosystems in disaster prevention
Global warming means more Antarctic ice
As strange as it seems, scientists say increase in Antarctic ice may be sign of climate change
Volunteers turn out in force for climate conference
Indians believe govt needs to tackle climate change: Study
Adapting to climate change key to survival’
First Climate Change Summit for Fiji
A climate change call to arms
Australian Ski Industry to Banish Due to Global Climate Change?
Indonesia to double efforts at climate conference
Excluding Air, Sea CO2 From U.K. Budgets Messy, Panel Says
EU parliament sticks to slow carbon reform timetable
Kesko is the sector's best in the Nordic climate index
UK shale gas not at odds with climate targets: report
Climate change awareness in Africa and Asia 'varies greatly'
Poor nations spend more on climate change: UNEP
Cartagena Dialogue unifies vision ahead of Doha COP 18
Expert stresses role of climate change and sustainability for future growth
In Japan, need of fossil fuels pushes climate change targets to back seat
South Korea picked as HQ of new U.N. Green Climate Fund
Economy benefits if you address climate risk: Steiner
North Sea Fram field to provide 5 pct of UK's gas
Doha climate meeting to take up Kyoto Protocol QNA/Seoul
European Union to Propose 2030 Climate Framework by 2014
Fiji's first Climate Change Summit kicks off today
Africans demand fairness in global climate change fight
Australia a major greenhouse player: UN
EU on track to hit Kyoto climate change target as protocol’s future faces crucial period
Sign on now, UN climate chief says
EU to Consider UN Carbon Permit Limits Before Climate Summit
Mayor of Seoul aims to ‘cancel out’ a nuclear power plant with climate action
Michael Mann: attacks on climate science could weaken next IPCC report
A meltdown over climate change
Climate change mitigation 'far cheaper than inaction'
Hurricane Sandy expected to stun US and be a climate change reminder
Coal resurgence threatens climate change targets
Who knows if climate change is to blame – but Sandy is a wake-up call
Effects of climate change increase risk of storms’ impacts
Climate change adding sting to mosquito bite, says WHO report
Comment: Is it time the UN climate change talks abandoned consensus?
UN agencies target climate health impacts as extreme weather events triple in 50 years
The African youth group driving climate adaptation in rural communities
Climate change mitigation and adaptation equally critical to securing food security, warn researchers
Shipping emissions tax worth $10bn a year to the Green Climate Fund
New York Mayor Bloomberg endorses Obama for re-election, cites leadership on climate change
New Report Analyzes Threats to National Security from Climate Change
Why you need a climate change portfolio
Sandy puts climate change back in the conversation
World destined for dangerous climate change this century
‘Tourism bus line’ for climate conference participants
Why taxing shipping emissions is not all plain sailing
Australian infrastructure not up to facing new climate reality, according to new report
Next UN climate science report will “scare the wits out of everyone”
World Bank’s Kim Raises Sandy as G-20 Ignores Climate
Former UN official says climate report will shock nations into action
Top senator hopes to work on climate change bill
Climate change conflict in Africa a concern says SA Minister
QNCC all set to host mega climate change conference QNA/Doha
Obama to weigh energy boom, climate change in second term
Planet 6°C: Will climate change turn Planet Earth into Mars?
Moldovenii învinuiesc autorităţile de poluarea mediului înconjurător
Forţa Junimii ne îndeamnă să fim prietenoşi cu mediul ambiant
Climate change "new normal," lessons from Sandy: U.N. chief
India wants comprehensive climate talks in Doha
Lecture on world efforts to address climate change
President of UN climate summit in Qatar says shale gas is “good news”
‘Hidden fuel’ of energy efficiency vital for climate change efforts
Indonesia to propose yet another climate agreement
Survey shows 77% of Americans think climate change is a priority
Obama pledges climate change leadership in second term
EU climate change leadership a myth, says Poland’s Environment Minister
Glacial-paced U.N. climate talks need overhaul: researchers
Tyndall Centre calls for UN climate delegation numbers to be capped
What does business want from the UN climate change talks?
Climate change a 'real and present danger,' Kent says
BASIC countries call for commitment on climate change
UNEP: 2020 climate change deal is too late for drastic carbon cuts
China issues report addressing climate change
Obama under pressure to show Doha he is serious on climate change
Qatar set to host major climate talks
Communicating climate change: success or failure?
How are Pacific Islanders coping with life at climate change ground zero?
China urges turning climate talks into action
US backs UN climate change process following rumours of withdrawal
COP18: Qatar organisers warned of efforts to derail climate talks
Doha climate talks open amid warnings of calamity
COP18: Making the link between women’s health and climate change
Anger as Poland is selected to host next UN climate change summit
COP18 UN climate talks ‘not about developing versus developed’
ONU: extremele ecologice ale anului 2012
Evidence for man-made climate change getting stronger: U.N.
Invest in food on climate change risk: Baring
African Group questions “motives” of rich nations in Doha
Carbon emissions are 'too high' to curb climate change
Ambition deadlock frustrating climate talks in Doha
COP18: Room for optimism on climate finance at UN talks
UN Launches Partnership In Face Of Climate Change
Climate compensation row at Doha
EU, US rule out climate funding pledges in Doha
US sets out terms for 2015 global climate deal
Tension mounts as UN climate talks enter final day in Doha
Clock ticking for UN climate talks as tempers fray in Doha
Gore raps Obama on climate change in post-Sandy speech
UN Climate Conference Extends Kyoto Protocol
Ban welcomes outcome of climate talks
Weak Doha climate deal leaves world on pathway to 3°C by 2040
Same old story from USA and Obama at UN climate talks
Time to formally recognise climate migrants, says new report
'Climate change affecting socio-economic development'
Doha Gateway: What was agreed at COP18 climate summit
PwC: Doha experience proves 2015 treaty agreement will be tough
UN Climate Change Negotiations 2012 failed to fashion action but got all nations on one platform
Greenpeace: Climate change now a national security issue
Why the Doha climate conference was a success
Climate scientists dismiss IPCC “leak” linking warming to cosmic rays
What Doha did
Progress still too slow on climate
77% of Americans want action on climate change
Secretary of Hope: John Kerry on climate change
Surging demand for coal threatens climate targets
EU President Barroso demands greater climate action in 2013
Indonesia climate efforts surpass Australia
IEA warns coal renaissance threatens climate crisis
UK government expects 2014 EU climate ambition boost
Obama: Climate change shift down to my kids
The indoor climate change danger
Four GCC Countries Pledge to Bring Forward Climate-Smart Economic Diversification Plans
Aust regions given cash to curb climate change
Quicker fix for climate change
Iraq calls for Arab action on climate change
Time to Confront Climate Change
Sanford: Another record-breaking year for climate change
Climate change turns up the heat
Gambia: Stakeholders Convey Meeting On Namas to Mitigate Climate Change
DENR lists climate change as top priority for 2013
Legislators backed to address causes of climate change at London summit
Recession increasing global vulnerability to climate change
Climate change measures: Report praises politicians
China, Mexico Leading Fight on Climate Change With New CO2 Laws
Impact of climate change hitting home, U.S. report finds
UN climate chief says domestic climate laws will underpin 2015 deal
Francois Hollande accused of climate change hypocrisy
USA says 2015 may be last chance for global UN climate change deal
Climate-change debate heats up as Abu Dhabi hosts summit
'Time running out for climate change pact'
David Cameron cannot opt out of EU climate policy
UN chief hopes for new climate change agreement and end to war in Syria in 2013
Climate change moves to forefront in Obama's second inaugural address
S. Korea to Change Renewable Subsidy Methods to Boost Efficiency
Boris Johnson casts doubt on climate change science
John Kerry: Global climate change is threat to US
Argentina’s climate change laws in focus
Beating climate change: 5 lessons from nature
William Hague appoints Rear Admiral as UK climate envoy
World Bank to deepen cooperation with China on urbanization, climate change
Could China and its fellow Brics nations lead the way on climate change?
Zuma calls for more climate change funds
What can UN climate talks learn from mercury agreement?
In focus: Argentina’s climate change laws
Kim urges nations to face climate change
World seed banks get funds to tackle climate, other threats
Growing palm oil could speed up climate change, study says
Chasing Ice: A call for urgent climate action
Nicholas Stern: 'I got it wrong on climate change – it's far, far worse'
Climate change signals raining down but proof will take centuries
Wise use of resources, limiting climate change key to sustainable development - experts
US climate change taskforce launched in Congress
Evaluarea finală a Proiectului privind perfectarea Comunicării Naționale II în cadrul Convenției-cadru a Organizației Națiunilor Unite cu privire la schimbarea climei
UNEP scientist in climate change reduction recommendation
Climate change could devastate agriculture
Climate change worries rise and fall with temperature: UBC study
Are earthworms accelerating climate change?
More Americans convinced of climate change, poll finds
US falling short on Obama’s climate targets
BBC exaggerated climate change in David Attenborough's Africa
EU budget set at €960bn but climate commitment in balance
A Nepalese perspective on climate change
Climate impacts on Amazon expected to be complex
New climate Bill to set no binding CO2 targets
Obama gives Congress a climate change ultimatum
Climate change science ‘irrefutable’ – Ed Davey
Major Climate Change Bill Coming to the Senate
BASIC experts meet to focus on future issues on climate change
Climate Change’s Links to Conflict Draws UN Attention
African climate change advocates caution govt's against poor deals
Climate change could burn a hole in the government’s finances, GAO says
Filipino super-typhoon an ominous warning of climate change impact
Climate change impacts can delay development plans – Susil
China and Russia block UN Security Council climate change action
Climate adaptation lessons from Philippines’ typhoon pain
Climate contradiction: Less snow, more blizzards
India’s climate change laws
German expert sees little substantive progress in anti-climate change drive until 2015
U.S. EPA's McCarthy mum on new job, says states to lead climate rules
Afghanistan faces twin threats of war and climate change
Putin’s new climate taskforce debates Russian policy options
Dangers of climate change offer risk and opportunity for Gulf
Hotter, wetter climate slashes labor capacity by 10 percent: U.S. study
UN food chief labels Quinoa ‘climate friendly’
Tackling climate change can help end poverty – report
Climate change dates back to dawn of first farmers
World Bank chief vows more efforts to combat climate change
IPCC urges Obama to raise awareness of science behind climate change
PNG Climate Change ambassador to launch campaign
Why climate change means more rain – and drought
Can Climate Week 2013 save the UK’s decarbonisation target?
Developing countries meet on climate change
EPA, Energy Department can tackle climate change on several fronts
Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez on climate change
Broken EU carbon market has limited climate impact – report
Death of Hugo Chávez gives Venezuela a choice on climate change
Figueres: time for women to shine in climate challenge
EU likely to tackle carbon market overhaul this year: Hedegaard
Large rise in CO2 emissions sounds climate change alarm
Buses carry climate change message
Climate change “greening” the Arctic
China’s climate change laws
Climate change in the dock: Rethinking the role of international law
NGOs cry foul over access to UN climate fund talks
Al Attiyah chairs climate meet in Bonn
Green Climate Fund must clear the path for climate finance
Climate heavyweights fire fresh salvos in global CO2 debate
Climate debate cut from England & Wales curriculum for children up to 14
Japan energy breakthrough could cause climate breakdown
Lagos govt takes climate change to communities
IIED rolls out new system to track climate change in developing countries
Kerry ramps up US climate diplomacy efforts
World Bank puts climate change at the top of its agenda
South Africa calls on world leaders to engage in UN climate talks
First climate change glossary translated into I Taukei language
Insurer Readiness on Long-Term Effects of Climate Change Called Into Question: Report
Nine steps to unlock climate finance flows
Oceans offer best clue to understanding climate change
Key Cameron advisor blocks climate change from G8 agenda
Small island states secure climate talks funding
EU report: markets hold key to 2015 climate deal
US plans major climate change awareness drive
UK climate panel shreds Mail on Sunday ‘great green con’ story
Canada could leave UN climate talks after UNCCD exit
Security risks of climate change prompt military review
Zimbabwe: Climate Change Policy Overdue
US climate finance meeting ‘needs to deliver plan’
Climate change threatens food security of urban poor
At fundraisers Obama talks climate, regaining U.S. House
Scientists Predict Climate Change
Climate finance could fail those most at risk – report
Oceans may explain slowdown in climate change - study
Enterprises should adapt to climate change: R.K. Pachauri
Fizzy volcanoes could halt climate change in its tracks
Ban hails Thatcher the forgotten climate warrior
Pakistan to be hardest hit by climate change: Dawn
Climate Change to Worsen Hunger Problem in Nigeria, Others
Schwarzenegger warns of “looming” climate disaster
Missing women hold key to sluggish UN climate talks
No culture of climate denial in UK government
Can private finance really fill the Green Climate Fund?
World climate change goal at risk as emissions surge - U.N.
China, US to form group on climate change
Europe Braces for Verdict on Climate Chief’s Carbon Plan
Kerry pushes US climate ambition in Japan
Australia urged to formally recognise climate change refugee status
Warming oceans hold key to 20th century climate puzzle
EU climate chief promises to save emissions trading scheme
US climate finance workshop branded a “dog and pony” show
Climate change affecting global vegetation more than humans
China Plans to Complete Climate Change Draft Law in Two Years
Climate science and politics – where two worlds collide
UN Climate Leader Christiana Figueres 
to Speak at UMass Boston
Can EU climate leadership survive next round of UN talks?
Q&A: John Ashton answers your climate change questions
MPs apologise to Pacific over NZ failure to sign climate change pact
John Kerry seizes on Earth Day’s climate message
EU commissioner warns time running out on moves to halt climate change
Work on 2015 climate deal set to start in Bonn
Why childrens’ climate concerns should inspire politicians
Poorest nations show low-carbon will in climate talks
China becoming global climate change leader: study
UN climate process primed for final tilt at global emissions deal
Obama’s climate credentials face test at UN talks in Bonn
Rich countries blamed for setting climate talks ‘back a decade’
Least Developed Countries call for immediate action on Climate Change
Saudi Arabia isolated as UN climate talks make progress
Figueres: 2015 climate deal must kickstart green growth
A global deal on climate change will be reached at Paris summit in 2015, says Ethiopian negotiator
UN Envoys Consider 2050 Carbon Target in Climate Deal Talks
Climate change: The battle against carbon heats up
Merkel calls for redoubling of efforts to reach climate change treaty
U.S., South Korean Leaders Affirm Climate Change Cooperation
Rising seas in southern Caribbean offer dark preview of future amid climate change
Al-Attiyah attends Berlin climate change conference
Rules to measure climate ambition could be agreed at UN summit in Warsaw
Charles: 'Climate change sceptics are turning Earth into dying patient'
Canada wears climate pariah label “with honour”
Climate change forecast to shrink habitat of common plants, animals
Climate change 'will make hundreds of millions homeless'
Climate change: swift political action can avert a carbon dioxide crisis
USA suffers severe climate induced migration
US must do more on climate change
Arctic Council decision leaves region open for oil and gas drilling
Anunţ sumbru: Omenirea a trecut un prag nemaivăzut de milioane de ani
Climate research nearly unanimous on human causes, survey finds
Time to adapt to climate change, say world’s biggest cities
John Ashton: No UK political party serious about climate change
Could radio help mitigate climate change in the Congo Basin?
Abu Dhabi’s first greenhouse gas data to fight climate change
On climate change, Obama faces an attack from his left flank
Fish migration charts climate change in the oceans
Business needs a carbon budget to hit 2°C target
EU: 2030 climate policy must address global UN deal
Indian MP: UK should ditch fossil fuel subsidies
Kiribati welcomes chance to highlight climate change plight
Help Obama sidestep Congress and sign UN climate deal
British Royals freeze out US climate media coverage
US needs to work with India, China on climate change: Report
Africa: Continent Roots for Agriculture in Global Climate Change Talks
Debate Over on Climate Change, Says Chief UN Climate Negotiator
Climate change adaptation: So simple, a caveman could do it
Climate change: we’re not doomed quite yet
Understanding local weather key to coping with climate change
EU denies climate policy hinges on German election
Pacific islands’ deadly threat from climate change
China, US step up climate change cooperation
Climate Envoys Urged to Draft Plan B on Failure of Global Target
USA and China intensify climate cooperation
Delivery central to success of UN climate talks – Figueres
Azi este sărbătorită Ziua Mondială a Mediului
Bonn delegates to tackle impasse over REDD+ climate change negotiations
Climate change fails to make Russia’s top 50 priorities
Mexican President Presents National Climate Change Strategy
UN Climate Negotiators in the Hot Seat
Tempers fray as Russia blocks UN climate talks
Africa needs GM crops to cope with climate change – expert
Climate change impacting food supply in Ghana
Ganges, Nile and Amazon seen suffering more floods from warming
History suggests bleak future for Russia’s climate ambition
EU must switch flood tactics to cope in climate change era
Waiting on climate deal ‘will set path to 5°C warming’
Climate change could mean once a century floods every 10 years
UN climate talks collapse amid acrimony in Bonn
How to launch action on climate change
UN climate meeting dealt blow as key talks suspended
EU positive over 2015 climate deal despite Russia row
Small Island technical paper wins support at UN climate talks
Signs of Trouble and Progress as Bonn Climate Talks Wrap Up
UN climate talks marred by decision-making spat
UN climate envoys claim progress on 2015 deal despite Russia row
Climate change drops off G8 summit agenda
Veteran of climate talks begins to feel slight momentum toward progress
Climate Change Impact of Individual Transportation Choices Reported in New Study
Climate change a factor in UK’s unusual weather – Met Office
World's poorest will feel brunt of climate change, warns World Bank
Mixed week for climate action
Costa Rica sacks climate advisor for criticising China oil loan
Marshall Islands calls for regional climate leadership
U.N. climate chief welcomes Obama plan, wants U.S. energy czar
This Solar-Powered Boat Will Set Sail to Study Climate Change
New ice age data may alter climate change models
UN climate change official applauds US climate change strategy
Climate change poses grave threat to security, says UK envoy
Skinny cows and climate change could cost farmers billions
NASA experiment uncovers Arctic climate time bomb
Is Climate Change Creating More Thunderstorms?
One in 10 may live in climate hotspots by 2100
UN warns decade of climate disruption set to continue
UN climate change fund set for 2014 ribbon cutting
Winds of change blowing through UK energy as world's biggest offshore wind farm opens
What does a Republican-friendly carbon tax look like?
UN Disaster Office commends Pacific initiative on disaster risk management and climate change
Groups to discuss jobs, climate change
Ministrul Mediului Gheorghe Șalaru: ”Avem nevoie de constituirea la nivel național a unui sistem durabil de planificare, elaborare a strategiilor și implementare a politicilor ce vizează schimbarea climei, de inventariere a emisiilor gazelor de seră”
The Guardian: Terra se confruntă cu schimbări climatice fără precedent
2001-2010, decadă cu schimbări climatice extreme
Calls for climate change action
Ibanag city is climate change pilot project in Northern Luzon
Comment: education is the key to addressing climate change
Climate Change Could Make Hurricanes Stronger—and More Frequent
Kosrae Project a shining example of climate change adaptation measures
Congress tells NASA to prioritise Mars exploration over climate change
Fără o schimbare a climei, 10 % din populaţia mondială va fi afectată în 2100
Climate Change Will Cause More Energy Breakdowns, U.S. Warns
Expert: Climate change or changing weather, more allergic kids
US and China outline ‘five actions’ to combat climate change
DOE: climate change to affect energy
Air pollution 'kills more than 2 million people every year'
John Ashton Q&A: ‘The USA is still a climate follower, not a leader’
Tough job ahead as Obama puts climate talk into action, sells ambitious plan to a wary public
After Sandy, New York aims to fortify itself against next big storm, climate change
Kevin Rudd outlines plan to 'terminate' carbon tax in 2014
Poluarea omoară anual două milioane de oameni
Der Spiegel: UE intentioneaza sa deschida o investigatie privind incalcarea politicii energetice comune de catre Germania
Pacific Island summit ends with call for climate compensation
Why did David Cameron promise to lead the ‘greenest government ever’?
Delay in climate finance ‘disastrous’ for developing countries, groups say
Peru Hosts UN Climate Meeting Next Year
Gambia: Afforestation Is Key to Climate Change Mitigation, Says Beakanyang President
EU hails China's commitment to climate change
85% of Filipinos say they are feeling effects of climate change
Fossil fuels tax to fund climate efforts proposed at UN talks
Evangelicals tackle US Congress on climate change
Climate finance in Manila
Civil Society Pushes for More Active Participation in Green Climate Fund
UN climate science body IPCC condemns AR5 report leak
Golf faces tough climate change adaptation drive
10 milioane de euro pentru IMM-urile care investesc in eficienta energetica
A Song Of Ice And Fire: Wildfires Force ‘Unprecedented’ Changes In Warming Sub-Arctic Forests
UN climate change deal “may not be feasible” by 2015
Connecticut and Minnesota tell insurers to recognise climate risks
EU chiefs call for G20 decision on fossil fuel subsidies
Worse floods ahead for UK as climate warms, say scientists
Voters think Republican climate dissenters 'crazy', bipartisan poll finds
RTCC 2013 Climate Change Awards
Plumb: Deseurile pot incalzi peste 2,5 milioane de gospodarii anual
Panică în Japonia: Un nou incident la Fukushima
Climate Changing 10 Times Faster than in Past 65 Million Years
Australia faces increased risk of disease from climate change, reports find
Climate change makes people hotter and angrier
Ocean life reaction to climate change is faster than land life
Uganda: Muk Gets Climate Change Center
Fund managers worth $14tr say climate change influences investments
Climate Change Centre Opened At Makerere
Rebranding Climate Change as a Public Health Issue
Climate Change Is Impacting California
Lagos validates draft policy on climate change
Senate panel warns over climate change
Schimbarea climei, de 10 ori mai rapida de la disparitia dinozaurilor
Pământul ar putea să se transforme în a doua planetă Venus
Finale of nationwide climate change tour hits Wgt
Tony Abbott accused of ‘wilful blindness’ on climate in first debate
Young Pacific islanders to benefit from new climate awareness initiative
Obama unleashes climate change Twitter rampage
UK climate resilience levels branded a ‘postcode lottery’
On climate change, Obama, EPA plan action without Congress
UNDP embarks on new action plan for climate change awareness
Will climate change hit maize and wheat production?
UN launches 2013 climate change photo contest
Climate change bus tour makes first New Jersey stop in Brigantine
Climate Change Is Making Apples Sweeter And Mushier
New Zealand commits to 5% emissions reduction target
Military Contractors See Climate Change as Good for Business
Scientists Turn to Melted Ice to Make Climate-Change Case
Africa: Coastal Cities to Pay High Price for Climate Change
Seagrass may help fight climate change
RSPB warns fracking will blow UK climate targets
Climate change major challenge for Pacific: Fijian official
Why Sandy forced cities to take lead on climate change
Gore says climate change deniers melting away
Emisiile de CO2 au depăşit gradul de saturaţie
Grupul CEZ reclama Romania la Comisia Europeana pentru schimbarile legislative privind schema de sprijin a regenerabilelor
Tackling climate change may lessen Central African Republic conflict risks – scientists
Coastal wildlife species 'at risk due to climate change'
Adapting to climate change brings stability to war torn countries
Climate change to harm all forms of marine life, study says
GOP Rep Todd Rokita: Connecting Climate Change To Humans Is 'Arrogant'
Climate change could turn Greenland green by 2100
COP19 must discuss losses caused by climate change
Energy efficiency is on 80% of UK businesses’ agenda
Ministrul Mediului Gheorghe Șalaru a participat la recepția sistemului de alimentare cu apă în satul Cazaclia raionul Ceadîr-Lunga
Antarctic glaciers sensitive to climate change, research shows
UK solar market hits 1 gigawatt for the first time
Pacific sounds warning on climate change
Global Warming Slowdown Data Sought in UN Climate Report
Spotlight on climate change, disaster managment
Grădina Botanică va economisi energie electrică din contul unei turbine eoliene
Climate science alarming, irrefutable: Kerry
EU climate chief says Pacific threat shows action needed
Climate change experts meet in St Lucia
UK lobbying law could stifle climate change debate
Pacific states seek to lead on climate change
EU launches Euro program to help Pacific address impacts of climate change
Experts get set to write the next chapter of the climate change saga
Russia unlikely to deliver on climate change at G20
Pacific climate change pact wins US support
Man-made climate change blamed for weather disasters
Over 100 women in Arusha trained on climate change
UN climate talks unlikely to dent Poland’s appetite for coal
Japan commits to address climate change, other challenges in Pacific
Climate change will 'exacerbate existing problems': Defence
Christianity and climate change: the relationship between God and green
Climate change negotiators seek breakthrough at informal New Zealand talks
South Korea pledges $40 million to Green Climate Fund
California, China to link climate-change efforts
Money needed now to fight climate change
Climate Change Threatens Southern Africa’s Vital Crops
California and China sign climate change pact
Sir David King appointed UK climate change envoy
BRICS pledge cooperation on climate change
Climate change case now ‘overwhelming’ warn scientists
16 Septembrie – Ziua Internaţională a Protecţiei Stratului de Ozon
Green Climate Fund prepares first of $US100b capital raising
Climate change to have double impact - study
Local seeds best bet against climate change
Russia urges UN’s IPCC climate report to include geoengineering
UN chief invites world leaders to Climate Summit in 2014
Leading climate change economist brands sceptics 'irrational'
UN climate experts stress solidity of new report
Mexico’s Calderon Leads Probe of Climate Change Economics
Analysis: is New York on climate change’s new frontline?
Solar cell record efficiency set by European scientists
În așteptarea celui mai recent raport ONU privind încălzirea globală
IPCC climate report: human impact is 'unequivocal'
Man causing climate change, says 5th IPCC report
Climate change report: It's 'extremely likely' that humans are responsible
Effects of climate change underestimated: UN report
'Climate change refugee' fights to stay in New Zealand
U.S. Supreme Court takes no action on climate change cases
Asians are feeling climate change — and want to adapt
Climate change tops UN General Assembly president's agenda
Climate change talks: Who’s looking at India's carbon budget plans & why is it important?
Will the climate change in Warsaw?
Climate change and how NZ cities are preparing for it
IMF, World Bank heads lend clout to climate change efforts
S. Korea, China hold inaugural talks on climate change
Tropics set to face critical climate change within decade
Climate minister sets roadmap for new global climate deal
Google invests $103 million in solar energy plant
UN: rural women have ‘great potential’ in climate change response
Pacific man seeks climate change asylum in New Zealand
Phailin and Climate Change, Connecting the Dots
Former WTO chief calls for ‘G90′ to tackle climate change
UN climate chief says Direct Action 'a lot more expensive' than pricing carbon
UN climate talks in Warsaw, essential for 2015 global climate agreement
To Fix Climate Change, Scientists Turn To Hacking The Earth
Climate Change to Cost East Asia 5.3% of GDP, ADB Study Says (1)
Australia, U.N. spar over wildfires and climate change
Africa must seek int'l financial support to challenge climate change
Climate change linked to doubling of Stockholm heat-related deaths
UN climate talks: what do developed countries want in Warsaw?
Landscapes debate could reinvigorate U.N. climate talks in Warsaw – negotiator
Planet Ark World Environment News EU environment ministers call for action on climate
Climate change threatens £3 trillion of UK pension assets
United Nations: Adapting to Climate Change Will Cost Africa $35 Billion Annually
Forest breakthrough is key to 2015 global climate deal
Când va lovi ÎNCĂLZIREA GLOBALĂ ROMÂNIA? HARTA INTERACTIVĂ a dezastrului ce va lovi planeta
Un fenomen natural ciudat surprins la Buzău. Experţii spun că acesta anunţă o IARNĂ GREA
Climate change warriors: It's time to go nuclear
Clean cookstoves can save lives and slow climate change
Energy investors ignoring climate change challenge – report
Record level of greenhouse gases raise concern over climate change
From mobile solar to low-risk homes, climate action is underway - UN
Romania trebuie sa demonstreze ca 20% din fondurile UE vor fi folosite pentru combaterea schimbarilor climatice
"Va fi HAOS!" Descoperirea din Marea Neagră care dezvăluie ce se va întîmpla cu VREMEA, în viitor
UK and South Korea agree to collaborate on tackling climate change
UN climate talks open amid 'sobering' typhoon
Philippine delegate fasts at climate talks to urge action after storm
Scientists deliver ultimatum: adapt to climate change or go under
Russia cools talk of separate loss and damage climate mechanism
US fears climate talks will focus on compensation for extreme weather
Typhoon Haiyan more extreme due to climate change, says WMO
Draft text creates flutter at Warsaw climate meet
COP19 side event: communicating energy efficiency in emerging economies
Guide Helps Companies Report Climate Policy Positions
Pressure mounts on EU as UN climate talks falter
Walmart accused of ‘greenwashing’ over clean energy claims
An international deal on climate change is within our reach
Turmoil at climate talks as blame game heats up
Poland’s coal unions protest outside UN climate summit
Climate Action Tracker: world on course for 3.7C warming by 2100
Warsaw climate talks set 2015 target for plans to curb emissions
Mexico signs Majuro climate change declaration
Încep negocierile în vederea unui acord în domeniul schimbărilor climatice
Italienii de la Conergy continua dezvoltarea proiectelor solare in Romania
UN climate talks: how did countries come to agreement in Warsaw?
US taxpayers will foot bill for climate change inaction
How can Peru make next year’s climate summit a success?
How can Peru make next year’s climate summit a success?
World Coal: UN climate chief Figueres ‘ignoring reality’
Public transport the only option in a world facing climate change
ENVIRONMENT: Scientists meet in Panama on water and climate change
UN Green Climate Fund opens, concerns remain over finance drought
New world climate deal on track, China's efforts "encouraging": EU official
Tara care va disparea in urmatorii 20 de ani din cauza schimbarilor climatice
Africa's action plan for climate change
Ban urges climate-smart agriculture to steer food security
Nelson Mandela’s legacy to climate change activists
China outlines climate change adaptation plans
Climate change: Experts review adaptation plans for Keti Bunder, Kharo Chan
World's poorest nations 100 years behind richest on climate change
KPMG: world’s leading firms not taking climate risks seriously
Assisting small island states in the Pacific to access international climate finance
John Kerry pledges extra $17m for Vietnam climate adaptation
Exhausted civil society ‘silent’ on climate change – report
Water Scarcity Worsening as Climate Changes: German Study
Former leaders of Norway and Ghana named U.N. climate change envoys
Why 2014 is a critical year for the politics of climate change
Experts Link Agriculture to Rising Levels of Climate Change Impacts
Some plants may not adapt quickly to climate change in future
Solarele au atras investitii de 1 miliard de euro in 2013
EU urges Jamaica to act now to mitigate effects of climate change
Indonesian indigenous groups fight climate change with GPS mapping
Climate change taking a toll on kids' health
Cum vor evolua temperaturile globale până în 2100
Vești proaste pentru agricultori: seceta continuă în Moldova, Muntenia și Dobrogea
Fiji village relocated under climate change programme
Sluggish Economy Prompts Europe to Reconsider Its Intentions on Climate Change
Environmental groups say Obama needs to address climate change more aggressively
‘This is the year to fight climate change’, World Bank president tells finance world at Davos
Lord Stern: I should have been fiercer in climate change review
Al Gore: world close to a ‘political tipping point’ on climate change
RTCC 2014 Climate Change Awards
Bolivian leader urges world powers to tackle climate change
Philippine climate change envoy leads new protest fast
Climate Change Threatens Winter Olympics
Climate change washing away Pacific villages
Tunisia embeds climate change in constitution
Zăpada este otrăvitoare. Conţine substanţe periculoase
Protecţia aerului atmosferic prin interzicerea unor substanţe periculoase. Efectele adverse cauzate de azbest vizate de un document legislativ
Bio-diversity strategy to focus on climate change issues
Latest climate science reports “chilling” warns John Kerry
UN climate chief Figueres hails potential of Ban Ki-moon envoy Bloomberg
Cities Almost Double Climate Actions Over 2 Years, C40 Says
USDA chief: Climate change already hurting farmers
UN gets "positive responses" to climate change summit in September: Ban
Al-Naimi calls for fairness in achieving climate change goal
UK floods: a warning to those who ignore threat of climate change
Alizeele au frânat încălzirea globală
UPDATE Trafic aerian dat peste cap în Capitală: Cel puțin 16 zboruri au fost anulate
Flooding and storms in UK are clear signs of climate change, says Lord Stern
Obama-appointed climate change task force meets in Los Angeles
Obama announces $1 billion climate resilience fund
Băsescu: Esenţa relaţiei cu Republica Moldova, interconectarea la sistemele energetice şi de infrastructură
UK floods open ‘window’ for climate change politics
John Kerry warns climate change poses threat greater than ‘WMDs’
Report hails international progress on climate change laws
Global warming slowdown 'does not invalidate climate change'
Climate change may be causing a global coffee shortage
Climate Change 'Very Evident,' So Let's Deal With It, World Panel Says
Constantin: Peste 2,3 miliarde euro alocate pentru mediu și climă în noul PNDR
Petition launched for UK Climate Change Impacts Fund
Climate change is redefining the Australia of 'sunburnt country' poem
UN to start drafting 2015 climate change treaty
U.N. climate talks make shaky start to year as procedures questioned
Climate change body chief: 'bad guys' won after the 'good guys' lay down
How Climate Change Drove the Rise of Genghis Khan
Climate change could mean more malaria in Africa, South America
Climate change set to displace hundreds of millions of people by end of century
Climate-change agenda heats up
Climate change “bad boys” must make amends, say Marshall Islands
Climate change threatens 30 U.S. landmarks: science advocacy group
Insurer’s Climate Change Class Actions: More to Come?
Climate change wreaking havoc in America's backyard, scientists warn
Why do next week’s UN climate talks in Bonn matter?
Casa Albă cere ACŢIUNI URGENTE în faţa schimbărilor climatice
Atelierul de lucru privind initierea proiectului "Programul de fortificare a capacităţilor în domeniul dezvoltării cu emisii reduse de carbon în Republica Moldova"
UN climate change chief praises new US pollution regulations
Climate Change Meets Kitchen Table as Issue Gets Personal
Asia’s tourism sector commits to face up to climate challenge
Oamenii de știință: Vara ce vine ar putea fi cea mai fierbinte din istoria lumii
Indian Legislators Wake Up to Climate Change
Climate change poses risk to sustainable development: expert
UN chief urges international efforts inspired by small island nations to address climate change
Lawmakers at Mexico Summit Focus on Fighting Climate Change
UN Climate talks close in Bonn with progress towards new climate deal
UN climate talks close on upbeat note
U.N. climate talks edge towards 2015 emissions deal
Climate Change: Countries that Contributed Less are Most Vulnerable; Top Three are Cambodia, Vietnam, Bangladesh; Australia is 31st Least Affected
Upbeat end to Bonn climate talks paves way for further progress
Le Monde: 75% din francezi susţin că resimt efectele încălzirii globale
Temperatura și aciditatea apei din Marea Mediterană cresc într-un ritm fără precedent
Lipsită de resurse energetice fosile, Moldova se concentrează pe folosirea energiei regenerabile
G20 summit: Obama expected to discuss 'critical issue' of climate change
Keep the climate, change the economy
'Energy Policy' the Solution to Climate Change
Climate change threatens human rights, Kiribati president tells UN
Nigel Farage on climate change: in his own words
We must reclaim the climate change debate from the political extremes
Capacitatea instalată în energie eoliană a crescut cu 44% în 2014
Climate change: UN backs fossil fuel divestment campaign
UN head urges better safeguards for climate disasters
Emisiile de CO2 au stagnat pentru prima dată după 40 de ani
How market forces are winning the climate change battle
Yeb Sano: Vanuatu’s grief is a warning of climate impacts to come
Prince Charles Presses Climate-Change Agenda With Obama
Obama drives ahead on climate with government emissions cuts
UN chief stresses need to mitigate climate change patterns
Norwegian parliament votes on new climate change law
Green Climate Fund urged to ban coal funding
EU Nations Reach Deal to Start Carbon-Market Reserve in 2021
US climate treaty pledge relies on uncertain Obama actions
Anglican church must divest fossil fuels to cope with climate crisis, bishops say
India may submit climate change plans in September; Javadekar assures pledges will be submitted “in time”
Southeast Asia faces increasingly intense climate events: analysts
STUDIU Poluarea aerului cauzează mai multe decese decât estimările anterioare
California governor tells climate change deniers to wake up
Modi says India to strike own path in climate battle
France backs India’s stand on climate in pre-2020 period
APG adds support to BP climate change resolution
Top development banks agree definition for climate finance
Canada provinces urge PM to take stronger action on climate change
UN chief to open Vatican climate change conference
Prime Minister Modi says India must lead on climate change
Climate change: Paris 'last chance' for action
On the Front Lines of Climate Change
Women will suffer the worst effects of climate change
UN climate chief meets Labor environment ministers
China says climate change threatens major projects
Climate change will significantly affect Australians’ health, report finds
Meet the woman leading the charge on solving climate change
Paris 2015: Two degrees warming a 'prescription for disaster' says top climate scientist James Hansen
Will a Paris climate change pact have any teeth?
French organisations to host climate change events next week
Climate deal will prove all are on board
To address climate change, MIT lab seeks the wisdom of crowds
Fighting Climate Change Will Take Economic Innovation, Too
Shell accused of strategy risking catastrophic climate change
Poor Land Use Worsens Climate Change in St. Vincent
Paris climate deal to boost global economic growth, says Figueres
U.S., Canada and Mexico create new climate change partnership
Something to sneeze at: Climate change to worsen ragweed counts in Europe, just like America
UN climate fund gears up to deploy cash after Japan inks pledge
Climate Change: Some Companies Reject ‘Business as Usual’
California lawmakers advance aggressive climate change plans
State Senate OKs climate change bill, seeks to ban new offshore drilling
India minister blames climate change for deadly heatwave, weak monsoon
UN Climate Deal in Paris May End Up Burying 2 Degree Goal
Climate pressures threaten political stability - security experts
Climate campaigners win court case against Dutch government
Climate change threatens 50 years of progress in global health, study says
Act on climate change now, top British institutions tell governments
How Climate Change Could Make Your Flights Longer
Top climate envoys confident Paris on course for success
Canada provinces agree to strategy on pipelines, climate change
Comentariu: Clima se schimbă sub ochii noştri
Council adopts ratification of second phase of Kyoto Protocol
Climate change could see tourists avoid Spain and go to Latvia for summer holidays, EU study finds
Agricultorii solicită Guvernului evaluarea consecinţelor secetei
China must embrace global obligations on climate change: premier
EU: climate damage must be treated with “urgency” in Paris deal
Inaction on climate change could derail Pacific Islands Forum: Australian opposition
PIDF leaders agree climate change position for Paris
Luna iulie a adus temperaturi record la nivel global. Anul 2015, cel mai fierbinte an din istorie
AVERTISMENTUL fără precedent al meteorologilor. Ce se va întâmpla în următorii doi ani pe Terra.
Global climate change pledges will not be enough-U.N.
Global climate change pledges will not be enough-U.N.
U.S. and Chinese Climate Change Negotiators to Meet in Los Angeles
Climate change: Biggest threat to plants may be competition, not heat
UNDP Climate Change Storytelling Contest: Oxfam supports journalists’ participation with additional fellowships.
Reinsurers call for action at climate change summit.
Raport CDP: companiile îşi pun singure un preţ pe emisiile de carbon
CORRECTED-UPDATE 1-Modi calls for climate change agenda that helps developing countries
France to raise contribution to climate change finance to 5 bln euros
Talks on climate change reveal broad support for durable deal in Paris: Ban
Moldova se confruntă cu probleme ecologice, dar și cu lipsa conștientizării acestora
Cu schimbări bruște de temperatură și fără ierni! Clima din Moldova s-ar putea schimba
Effects of climate change seen across Jamaica
IMF Chief: We're cooked if we fail on climate change
Climate change puts Inuit culture on thin ice
Climate change is a global problem. Climate action is a local solution
Ce ţări sunt cele mai afectate de schimbările climatice şi ce fac ele pentru a le combate
New Research Reveals The US Cities That Have Already Been Doomed By Climate Change
As UN climate deal looms, pressure on nations to ditch demands
Climate change: Pakistan urged to explore funds for adaptation projects
Climate Change: Lagos could be wiped out, says French envoy
Beating climate change is key to making nutritious food needed to beat hunger
Climate change, food security key to global stability, Kerry says
UN Climate Chief 'Optimistic' On Paris Summit
University of California unveils plan to curb climate change
Climate change to turn Persian Gulf into another Danakil Desert – the cruellest place on Earth
Climate change threatens mega dam project
Climate change blamed for putting Belgium beer business at risk
Climate Change Is Top Threat to India's Economy, Modi Aide Says
Только 11 стран G20 снизили объемы выбросов газа в атмосферу
Schimbările climatice ar putea afecta încă 100 de milioane de oameni, în următorii 15 ani
Temperaturile globale, mai mari cu 1°C față de epoca preindustrială
'A one-off in human history': Stern's warning on climate change battle
Obama 'optimistic' of Paris climate summit success
UN climate change meet should consider role for nuclear power: IAEA head
Climate change and cities: a prime source of problems, yet key to a solution
Climate change investment up 18 pct in 2014 as clean energy surges
Paris climate change talks: What the different groups attending expect from these crucial meetings
Pope, in Africa, says failure of climate summit would be catastrophic
Climate Summit in Paris to catch world’s attention
Obama urges world action on climate change: No nation ‘immune’ to global warming
Sinteză COP21, ziua 1: ce au declarat cei mai importanți lideri ai planetei
Poluarea aerului în Beijing a depășit de 35 de ori nivelul admis
Președintele Timofti participă la COP 21, la Paris
Discursul Președintelui Nicolae Timofti la COP21
Luni la Paris se deschide Conferința ONU pe tema modificărilor climatice (COP21)
COP - What’s it all about?
Climate change lights the touchpaper on terror – we must fight them together
COP21: saving energy 'triple win,' Ban says, as $5 billion Africa plan launched at climate summit
COP21: România negociază în numele UE adaptarea la schimbarile climatice
Climate change puts Venezuelan amphibians at risk of extinction
Historic climate change deal expected in Paris
World leaders hail Paris climate deal as ‘major leap for mankind’
Climate change activists are just warming up
Acord istoric: Statele lumii s-au angajat să reducă creșterea temperaturii medii globale cu 1,5 C
COP21: Building peace by linking responses to climate change and security
Fighting climate change requires more than soothing fantasies
UK floods and extreme global weather linked to El Niño and climate change
Climate Change Is Threatening Our Seafood Supply
Obama to seek 'every opportunity' to push climate plans in 2016, experts say
Climate Change Warming World’s Lakes, Says Study
Climate change is altering Greenland ice sheet, accelerating sea level rise
The quest to hack trees and beat climate change
Climate change: Cereal harvests across the world 'fall by 10% in 50 years'
Climate change, mild winter renews calls for northern grid road in Sask.
Autoritățile de la Beijing vor închide 2.500 de firme în 2016 pentru a diminua poluarea
Sistemul de sănătate va fi adaptat la schimbările climatice
Climate change fails to top list of threats for business leaders at Davos
Will climate change destroy Vietnam’s agriculture?
Climate change disaster is biggest threat to global economy in 2016, say experts
Climate change at Davos: What you need to know
How climate change could worsen the spread of Zika virus and other infectious diseases
Oamenii au amânat următoarea eră glaciară cu cel puțin 50.000 de ani
Climate targets suffer as carbon price slumps
Climate Deal’s First Big Hurdle: The Draw of Cheap Oil
Paris climate deal hinges on better carbon accountancy
Canada to set climate change tests in pipeline reviews: Trudeau
Climate Change Could Tell Us Where the Zika Virus Will Spread Next
Egypt: African Union Summit Adopts Egyptian Initiatives On Climate Change
Climate-change Sundance documentary seeks to make a difference
Tackling Climate Change in the Caribbean: Natural Solutions to a Human Induced Problem
After climate summit, this year's green bond issuance could exceed $50 billion -Moody's
Ce națiuni își fac griji pentru schimbările climatice
De unde vine haosul climatic: oceanele lumii s-au încălzit puternic în ultimii 20 de ani
Climate change threatens food fish in Northeast
Paris climate deal could 'displace millions of forest dwellers'
12 ways to mobilise the money needed to stop climate change
Climate change driving species to the Earth's poles faster than predicted, scientists say
Climate change will slow transatlantic flights: study
Fighting climate change the sweet way
Anumite specii de copaci contribuie la încălzirea globală
Climate scientists face tight deadline to deliver 1.5C research
Obama says climate rule on 'strong legal footing'
Two-thirds of U.S. students are taught climate change badly: study
Australian wine under threat from climate change, as grapes ripen early
Mereuță (Ministerul Mediului), despre strategia pe schimbări climatice: „Poate nu e cea mai bună strategie, dar e un document închegat, coerent”
Peste 5.5 milioane de oameni au murit din cauza poluării aerului în 2013
Climate change adaptation platforms for youth, children
Climate stirring change beneath the waves
How Climate Change May Affect Your Diet
Climate victims and investors need Paris deal ratification
Peste 500.000 de decese înregistrate anual din cauza impactului schimărilor climatice asupra alimentației
Care este țara cu cel mai poluat aer? Indiciu: nu este China
Climate change could region cost US$72b - PNG
For Mongolians, climate change is as personal as it gets
Climate change adaptation post-Paris: next steps for the Green Climate Fund
How Climate-Change Negotiator Todd Stern Mastered His Diplomatic Skill
Climate kids take on the feds
Climate change in Mongolia destroying pastures on which nomadic herders rely
Climate chief expects 80-100 signatures on landmark treaty
Climate change deal: 'Zero carbon' laws promised by government
NASA publică date șocante. „Suntem într-o urgență climatică”, spun cercetătorii
”ORA PLANETEI”. La ora 20:30 toată lumea stinge lumina
Climate change, energy is back on EU summit agenda: draft
Global energy sector CO2 emissions flat in 2015: IEA
Earth Hour 2016: UN goes dark to spotlight climate change
Climate changing at 'unprecedented' rate: UN
Climate change warnings for coral reef may have come to pass, scientists say
Climate change might be good news for French wine — until it isn’t
Un nou val de secetă va traversa România în această vară
Overlooked Tool to Fight Climate Change: A Tweak in Fuel Standards
Climate change could put eucalypts at risk of death from air bubbles
WMO: Climate change could outpace mitigation efforts
Climate change threat to public health worse than polio, White House warns
Climate Change Dries Up Nicaragua
Peste 120 de țări au anunțat că vor semna acordul privind schimbările climatice
Meteorologii confirmă: schimbările climatice, reale şi accelerate de oameni
Climate change: Budget for adaptation inadequate, say activists
Climate change is drying up small islands, study says
Climate Change Hits Hard in Zambia, an African Success Story
28% din bugetul Băncii Mondiale, alocat schimbărilor climatice
As global temperatures rise, children must be central climate change debates
Climate change: United Nations' Ban Ki-moon says time to scale up climate change action
In Novel Tactic on Climate Change, Citizens Sue Their Governments
Climate change impact faced head on
UN climate chief urges speed as NASA reports record warming
Paris climate agreement cannot be met without emissions reduction target for agriculture
Climate change badly affecting agriculture in Pakistan
Climate change could trigger 'tipping point' for East Antarctic Totten Glacier
Small Island Nations Increasing Resilience with Climate Change Innovation and Adaptation
Climate Change, Global Health Intimately Linked, UN Official Stresses
Climate change takes center stage at Exxon, Chevron annual meetings
Climate change still a 'race against the clock': UN climate chief
Climate change strategy sessions move from Paris to San Francisco
Why open markets are our best hope to fight climate change
Adapting to change: Climate change policy sent to govt for approval
Climate change: 'I fear Kiribati will be gone forever' stuff nation
Climate change and the value of daring
How climate change threatens panda conservation
US-China climate change summit to be held in Boston in 2017
Climate Change Response Requires Finance, Cooperation and Participation
Small Island States adopt new climate change strategy
Climate change killed Europeans in 2003 heat
UK Government Shuts Down Climate Change Department In Major Reshuffle
As climate change threatens transport, Indonesia needs to plan ahead
China's coal peak hailed as turning point in climate change battle
'Climate change greatest threat to agriculture'
Climate change threatens nation’s agriculture
Climate change doco highlights Tokelau as world leader in ‘solar revolution’
How Will Climate Change Affect Little Haiti?
Nigeria: Legislative Agenda for Climate Change
'Climate change is really about the wellbeing of people'
Climate change will mean the end of national parks as we know them
Climate change to double number of hay fever sufferers
Korea preps for climate change with tropical fruits
Climate change predicted to halve coffee-growing area that supports 120m people
Climate change a key topic at the G20 Summit
Climate change spells worse typhoons for China, Japan: study
Climate change blamed for collapse of Hawaiian forest birds
Panama Ratifies Paris Climate Change Pact
Germany unveils zero-emissions train that only emits steam
Climate Change Still Worrisome in National Parks
Climate Change Will Change How We Grow Food
Climate change could recreate horror drought
Company climate change plans too weak to meet Paris goals - survey
Climate change could harm relationships between predator and prey, says researcher
Climate Change Blamed for Half of Increased Forest Fire Danger
How the Earth will pay us back for our carbon emissions with … more carbon emissions
Climate change is changing nature so much it may need ‘human-assisted evolution’, scientists say
Climate finance in 2016: 4 reports you need to read
Climate Change Conference celebrates Forest Action Day
Climate change momentum will be sustained: US envoy on Donald Trump vote
'Climate change destroys Africa's beauty'
Climate changing 'too fast' for species
Vietnam’s vulnerability to climate change has lessons for Ireland
Climate finance for farmers key to avert 1B hungry
Climate change will stir 'unimaginable' refugee crisis, says military
Climate change likely cause of freak avalanches
How Climate Change Could Make Extreme Rain Even Worse
Climate Change Will Bring Wetter Storms in U.S., Study Says
Climate change threatens ability of insurers to manage risk
Climate change film 'An Inconvenient Truth' gets a sequel
Bill Gates to fight climate change with $1b innovation fund
Climate change is coming for the U.K.'s fish and chips
Study: Climate change behind some 2015 floods, fires, heat waves
Farmers in Sudan battle climate change and hunger as desert creeps closer
The role of visual images in communicating climate change
Research suggests climate change affecting plants above ground more than below
Global climate target could net additional six million tons of fish annually
How the Fed joined the fight against climate change
Is climate change causing bird's wing length to grow? Scientists say 'Yes'
Climate Change 2017: Famine Awaits As Artic Region Is Bound For A More Serious ‘Tipping Point’ Says Renowned Adventurer, Is Earth Near To Its Total Destruction?
For China, Climate Change Is No Hoax; It’s a Business and Political Opportunity
‘Mega-Trends’ Like Climate Change Best Tackled With Private Sector Help: New UN Chief
Obama interzice noi exploatări de petrol și gaze în oceanele Arctic și Atlantic. Ce vor ecologiștii și alegătorii
"Pericolul" Trump planează asupra luptătorilor împotriva încălzirii globale
North Pole above freezing in sign of 'sudden' and 'very serious' climate change
Moldova, afectată de schimbările climatice! Cu cât au crescut temperaturile medii în ultimii ani
Raport IRENA: În R. Moldova există un potențial enorm de producere a energiei electrice din surse regenerabile
Climate change, natural disasters, NCDs link
Climate change will lead to annual coral bleaching, UN-supported study predicts
Climate change: 90% of rural Australians say their lives are already affected
Climate policies alone will not save Earth's most diverse tropical forests
On Climate Change, Even States in Forefront Are Falling Short
Pacific Islanders Call for U.S. Solidarity on Climate Change
Climate change impacts women more: Crago
A Climate Change Economist Sounds the Alarm
Climate change ’causes dire risks for Europe’
Climate change and sustainable development: only one agenda
Factoring carbon pricing into consumption can support climate change
Climate change fight
Conflict Challenges, Climate Change on Agenda of EU-US Talks
Peru: State Ministries unite to address climate change
Free online course for climate change
Climate change, overfishing reason behind decline in penguin population
Africa: Climate Change is a Threat to Nile-Sharing Countries
Climate change and food security inextricably linked
Climate Change Is A Far Bigger Threat To Wildlife Than We Thought, Study Says
Climate driven migration key topic for G20 summit, says Chinese expert
Climate change takes root in northern communities' plants, botanist says
Fears Grow That Climate Conflicts Could Lead to War
South Africa’s first climate change lawsuit heads to court
Dubai's bid to cash in on climate change
Climate change threatens ecosystem collapses in ocean hot spots: study
Climate Change: Nigeria To Inaugurate Green Bond
Red states are acting on climate change — without calling it climate change
UK to back EU climate change measures
Care e amprenta de carbon a unei pâini
Situaţie critică în Iaşi. Patru râuri au fost poluate.
Semnal de alarmă al NASA ce nu poate fi ignorat. Ce imagine a fost dată publicităţii.
Climate change is turning koalas to drink, scientists find
Climate change adaptation: Kenya goes local with a bottom-up approach
Climate change impact on Australia may be irreversible, five-yearly report says
Climate change impacts are already hitting us, say Europeans
Climate change may drive more migration in future, Europeans say
Climate Change Making Kenya’s Droughts More Severe
Climate Change Complicates the Whole Dam Debate
Climate change could shrink animals, warn scientists
Climate Change Might Increase Fire Risks in Mediterranean Europe, According To Study
Climate change key suspect in the case of India’s vanishing groundwater
Climate change 'makes deadly China pollution worse'
China blames climate change for record sea levels
Climate Change May Be Intensifying China’s Smog Crisis
Climate action plan with China
The more climate skeptics there are, the fewer climate entrepreneurs
Climate Change Is A Security Threat
Buhari ratifies Paris agreement on climate change
The Cost of Curbing Climate Change
Climate change-driven famine poses global security threat
Climate change on exhibit at two Chicago museums
The Climate Change Problem No One Talks About: Anxiety and Depression
În capitală a fost declarată situație excepțională
În agricultură în acest moment nu sunt înregistrate pagube majore
Situația privind realimentarea cu energie electrică a localităților rămâne în continuare complicată
Climate Change Solutions Can’t Wait for U.S. Leadership
Climate change impacting ‘most’ species on Earth, even down to their genomes
Make climate change an economic – not green – issue, urges former Maldives president
Climate Change Will Thaw 20 percent More Permafrost than We Thought
Climate change a character in Discovery's 'Deadliest Catch'
Climate change upsets lives guided by nature, Native Americans say
Climate change taking big bite out of alpine glaciers
Climate change deepening Horn of Africa's hunger crisis, Oxfam says
How architects can take action on climate change
New bill would help California combat climate change
Nato warns climate change is 'global security threat' as Donald Trump mulls Paris Agreement
Climate talks cool on idea of accommodating the US
Climate change laws exceed 1,200 worldwide, finds LSE study
Climate change should be at forefront of reflection: Damlamian
Climate negotiators rally to protect IPCC science funding
Climate Change, a risk for Fijian Economy
Climate change could potentially wipe tiny island nations off the map: Prince Charles
Climate change CSOs call for meteorological policy
Climate change should look beyond image of polar bear: Oxford-based think tank
8 in 10 people now see climate change as a 'catastrophic risk': survey
Climate change action needed now
G7 leaders divided on climate change, closer on trade issues
Climate change could make cities 8C hotter – scientists
UN official warns of costly effects of climate-change
Climate agenda is not just about global commitments, it directly impacts people's lives: Patricia Espinosa
California, Tsinghua to set up U.S.-China climate change institute
Chad is the country most vulnerable to climate change – here’s why
Climate change: A simmering threat to our ocean
Mic ghid de urmat în conversațiile cu prietenii despre schimbările climatice
SUA se vor retrage din Acordul Climatic. Mesajul transmis de Donald Trump
Lumea versus Trump. Românii spun da, americanii spun ba. Ce efecte are retragerea SUA din Acordul Climatic de la Paris
Merkel susține că discuțiile G7 privind clima nu au fost satisfăcătoare! Trump va lua o decizie săptămâna viitoare
Conectează-te la natură și mergi să sărbătorești Ziua Mondială a Mediului în centrul Chișinăului
US opts out of G7 pledge committing to Paris climate accord
Climate change: Apple shows Trump the way, issues $1 bn 'green' bond
Climate change: Could melting Antarctic ice actually help to combat it?
Climate change study in Canada's Hudson Bay thwarted by climate change
Climate change is causing sea turtle eggs to cook in the sand
Climate change thwarts Canadian climate change study
BRICS meeting highlights climate change, trade, terrorism
Climate Change and the Arts
Climate goals: inside California's effort to overhaul its ambitious emissions plan
Climate Change toolkit being developed for regional policymakers
Mai mult de 2.500 de orașe au început să lupte pe cont propriu împotriva schimbărilor climatice
VIDEO 800.000 de ani de schimbari climatice in trei minute
As Climate Changes, Southern States Will Suffer More Than Others
Climate change could devastate the birthplace of the arabica coffee bean
Climate Change toolkit being developed for regional policymakers
Climate change to hurt wheat, rice crop yields
Climate change threatens nomadic life in Morocco
Climate change action needs to go beyond Paris accord, Macron says
Climate Change Could Cut Southern U.S. Incomes by 20%
Climate Cities: Can Urban America Save Paris Agreement?
Un aisberg de 5.800 de km pătrați s-a desprins de Antarctica
UPDATE: Merkel i-a primit oficial pe liderii G20, pe fondul neînțelegerilor cu Trump
Schimbările climatice: impact, strategii şi programe de adaptare (SPAŢIUL PUBLIC din 29 iunie 2017, Teleradio Moldova)
How climate change strangled a Jurassic ocean ecosystem
California lawmakers extend landmark climate change law
Climate change will force today’s kids to pay for costly carbon removal technologies, study says
Climate change shifts strawberry farming
Fighting climate change can boost jobs, cut inequality - New York mayor
Climate change threatens ‘Himalayan Viagra’ fungus, and a way of life
Climate change will force mass migration of 1 billion by 2100
Unifiji Creates Climate Change Awareness
Climate change to cause humid heatwaves that will kill even healthy people
Climate change is disrupting the birds and the bees
Climate change effect: Ladakhi tribe no longer vegan
Climate change: Rex Tillerson tells US diplomats to dodge questions on Paris Agreement
Climate change has shifted the timing of European floods
‘Climate change may reduce rice output in Punjab’
Climate change costs India $10 billion every year: Government
Schimbarile climatice ar putea ucide 150.000 de europeni pe an pana in 2100
2016, un nou an negru pentru clima
Climate Change May Shrink the World’s Fish
As climate change gathers pace, is livestock a problem or solution?
Climate change could alter the taste of cava, says study
Climate change top of mind for Kiwi investors
Climate migrants might reach 1B by 2050
How climate change is a 'death sentence' in Afghanistan's highlands
New mudslide hits villages in Switzerland, crushing homes
Climate change, imported foods discussed at forum
Climate change, refugees worsen Jordan's water woes: scientists
Climate change, destruction of nature, remain top concerns for young people: WEF survey
Climate change looms over Himalayas
Schimbările climatice ar putea distruge 1/3 din speciile de paraziți
Climate change and hurricanes: Is Irma a sign of things to come?
Climate change is getting worse, and so is media’s coverage of it
Climate change threatens Latin America coffee producers
As climate change losses mount, it's time to talk about liability and compensation
Climate Change Effects Could Mean the End of Coffee Beans
Climate change is a global challenge: Zuma
Climate Action Leadership Network Launched in New York
As climate change makes bad weather worse, countries must strengthen resilience, UN officials urge
Climate Change Is Already Making People Sicker
Climate change requires most urgent mitigation measures, African leaders tell UN Assembly
Ne vom confrunta cu o nouă perioadă glaciară în Europa. Avertismentul meteorologilor
Cetățenii europeni, tot mai preocupați de schimbările climatice. Ce spun românii
Climate change: Ministers should be 'sued' over targets
Climate change impacting estimated 40% of US growth: Report
Climate change is going to hit the Indian economy hard
Climate Change Week: Teamwork Our Strength, Says PM
COP23 Kicks Off with Strong Calls to Hold to Paris Agreement Path
UN Climate Change Announces Key Partners Supporting COP23
Itaipu is a UN Climate Change Partner at the COP23 Climate Conference
UN Climate Change Conference 2017 Aims for Further, Faster Ambition Together
UN Climate Solution Award Winners at COP23
1/3 din emisiile globale cu efect de seră, generate de 250 de companii
The Lancet: Schimbarea climatica provoaca o criza mondiala de sanatate
Concrete Climate Action Commitments at COP23
UN Regional Collaboration Centres to Drive Climate Action
Celebrate the Kyoto Protocol's 20th Anniversary with the UN
Paris One Planet Summit to Galvanize Climate Finance for Developing Nations
Asia-Pacific Climate Week Calls for Scaling-up Climate Action
"COP24 Will be Paris 2.0"
Efforts to Promote Sustainable Transport Gain Momentum at COP23
Pădurile distruse în incendii nu se mai regenerează din cauza schimbărilor climatice
Sporturile de iarnă și schimbările climatice: costurile ascunse ale zăpezii artificiale
Studiu: Schimbările climatice vor duce la triplarea numărului de migranți spre UE
Iarna caldă este cauzată de schimbările climatice şi are mai multe riscuri, susţin specialiştii
Climate change is devastating coral reefs and scientists don’t know if they’ll ever recover
The Year Climate Change Began to Spin Out of Control
Extreme Weather and Climate Change Among Top Risks Facing World - WEF
2017 Was Among Top Three Hottest Years On Record
Pakistan Explores Carbon Pricing
UN Opens Talanoa Dialogue Portal, Aiming for Higher Climate Ambition
Fashion Industry, UN Pursue Climate Action for Sustainable Development
Norwegian DJ Goes on Climate Neutral Tour
Leading Companies Cut Supply Chain Emissions, Save Money
Paris Agreement Triggers Divestment from Coal - Study
Renewables Overtake Coal in Supplying European Electricity
Health, Climate and Small Island States
Urban Wetlands Are Important for Climate Protection
“We Need Talanoa for Climate Ambition” - COP 23 President
Tehnologiile de captare și stocare a CO2 nu sunt eficiente în combaterea schimbărilor climatice
Proiectul hotărîrii Guvernului ”Cu privire la instituirea și funcționarea Sistemului național de monitorizare și raportare a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de seră și altor informații relevante pentru schimbările climatice”
Global Sea Level Rise Is Accelerating - Study
World Needs to Prepare for Extreme Weather Even if Paris Goals Are Met
UN Steps up Action to Make Urban Spaces More Climate-Resilient
#Women4Climate: Empowering the New Generation of Climate Heroes
59 of World’s Largest Banks Failing to Take Adequate Climate Action
Women Can Raise Ambition for Urban Climate Action
Republica Moldova ar putea beneficia de noi oportunități de finanțare pentru reducerea emisiilor de gaze cu efect de seră și adaptarea la schimbările climatice
Stepping Up Climate Change Policy and Action – Important Milestones of 2018
Finding Ways to Boost Climate Tech Innovation
Climate Chaos to Continue in 2018, UN Secretary-General Warns
Experts Establish Blueprint to Gauge Impact of Climate Change on Cities
New Webinar Series to Support Nations Climate Action and Reporting
Climate Adaptation, Opportunity to Build a Better World
Deșertul Sahara s-a extins cu 10% în ultimii 100 de ani, din cauza schimbărilor climatice
Orezul va deveni mai puțin nutritiv din cauza schimbărilor climatice
Studiu: schimbările climatice vor cauza o extincție în masă a insectelor
Schimbările climatice amenință sănătatea copiilor
ONU: prea puține finanțări pentru proiectele de combatere a schimbărilor climatice
UN Launches New Coalition on Health, Environment and Climate Change
Urgency Underlined as Bonn Climate Talks Close
Middle School Steps Up Climate Action with Climate Neutral Now
5 iunie – Ziua Mondială a Mediului
La Chișinău va fi organizat un atelier de lucru pentru reprezentanții APL
Leading Companies Plan to Decarbonize Products & Services
Asia Pacific Climate Week Galvanizes Regional Climate Action
Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week Set to Galvanize Regional Climate Action
Global Gas Flaring Declined in 2017 After Years of Growth
UN Certifies First Ever Climate Neutral Football Club
ADB to Provide USD 80 billion for Climate Action in Asia-Pacific Region
ONU a emis o avertizare pentru instabilitate climatică în regiunea arabă care va duce la foamete, decese și strămutarea a milioane de oameni
Cel mai vechi strat de gheaţă din Marea Arctică se dezintegrează, pentru prima dată în istorie
Climate Change Conference in Bangkok
Vice-Minister Kurtyka at the G7 Summit
Meeting with ambassadors regarding the state of preparations for COP24
Informal consultations on the outcome of COP24
Business for the climate in Kraków
Vice-Minister Kurtyka talks about COP24 in Brussels
People’s Voices to Be Heard at Critical UN Climate Talks
Success of COP24 in Katowice – we have a global climate agreement
The “Forests for Climate” Katowice Ministerial Declaration Has Been Accepted
No climate for young generation
Schimbarea climei, o ameninţare reală
Climă extremă, boli şi foamete: Efectele schimbărilor climatice în Marea Mediterană
WWF: fauna sălbatică, în pericol. ”Climă destabilizată, râuri epuizate, păduri defrişate”
Oraşul din prezent ce ne arată cum vom trăi într-o lume cu temperaturi extrem de ridicate
'It's warm water now': climate change strands sea turtles on Cape Cod shores
În Republica Moldova va fi instituit un sistem național de monitorizare a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de seră
Constructing a Safer Climate – Patricia Espinosa at Bauhaus University
Peste 12.500 de tineri au mărşăluit la Bruxelles pentru a atrage atenţia asupra schimbărilor climatice
Schimbările climatice ar putea fi limitate prin renunțarea imediată la infrastructura pe bază de combustibili fosili
Studiu: oceanele se încălzesc mult mai repede decât se estima
Cel puțin 70.000 de oameni au protestat împotriva schimbărilor climatice
Autoturismele şi camionetele, SUB LUPĂ. UE ia măsuri pentru REDUCEREA EMISIILOR de carbon
Climate Impacts Top WEF’s 2019 List of Risks
Climate Change Is Biggest Threat to Global Economy
Greening Financial Flows Requires Harmonised Standards
Elites' response to climate change must be fair, says EU official
Weatherwatch: walls cannot keep out climate change
Climate change recognized as ‘threat multiplier’, UN Security Council debates its impact on peace
2019 Regional Climate Dialogues to Boost Climate Action
WMO Confirms Past 4 Years Were Warmest on Record
World’s First "Climate Positive" Feature Movie
Applications for 2019 UN Global Climate Action Awards Now Open
UN announces roadmap to Climate Summit in 2019, a ‘critical year’ for climate action
The Katowice Climate Package: Making The Paris Agreement Work For All
Record Registrations Set to Usher in Era of Ambition at Africa Climate Week
Green Climate Fund Board meeting sets stage for successful replenishment: allocates USD 440 million for climate action, strengthens governance, and selects new Executive Director
Studiu: stocurile de pește sunt în scădere din cauza schimbărilor climatice și a pescuitului excesiv
Schimbările climatice afectează majoritatea speciilor de pe Pământ
Schimbările climatice, responsabile pentru majoritatea dezastrelor umanitare subraportate de presă
UE ar trebui să cheltuiască sute de miliarde de dolari pentru combaterea schimbărilor climatice în următorul deceniu
Costa Rica Commits to Fully Decarbonize by 2050
5 Reasons Why Climate Action Needs Women
Spanish Top-Tier Soccer Team Aims to Become Climate Neutral
UN Deputy Chief: Africa Needs the Chance to Grow Green
Africa Climate Week Signals Continent’s Huge Investment Opportunity
Ambitious new plans to scale up climate action in Africa include $22.5bn in new finance
UN calls for urgent rethink as resource use skyrockets
21 martie, Ziua internaţională a Pădurilor. Cum şi unde putem recicla hârtia şi alte deşeuri
Un lac de 12 kilometri pătrați din Chile a dispărut de pe hartă din cauza secetei
Fiat Chrysler recheamă la service 863.000 de maşini din cauza problemelor legate de emisii
Republica Moldova a raportat Inventarul național al emisiilor de gaze cu efect de seră pentru perioada 1990-2016 și măsurile de atenuare a acestora pînă în 2030
Managerul Oficiului Schimbarea Climei din cadrul Ministerului Agriculturii, Dezvoltării Regionale și Mediului, Vasile Scorpan, vorbește despre acțiunea ecologică globală „Ora Pământului”.
Ora Pământului 2019: Republica Moldova, alături de peste 180 de țări, va stinge în această seară lumina pentru o oră
Carbon Markets that Put a Price on Carbon are Crucial for Climate Action
Clean Air is a Human Right - UN Special Rapporteur
UN Climate Change Annual Report Demonstrates Growing Climate Action
Governments Prepare to Respond to Calls for Greater Climate Ambition at Bonn Conference
UN Climate Chief Urges Action on Climate Emergency
SBSTA 50 for Strengthened Implementation and Enhanced Ambition
In Bonn, 9 Developing Countries Showcase Wealth of Action and Innovation to Curb and Reduce Emissions
UN Summit Delivers New Pathways to Shift Climate Action into Higher Gear
Ahead of the UN Climate Summit, Celebrating 25 Years of the UNFCCC
87 Major Companies Lead the Way Towards a 1.5°C Future at UN Climate Action Summit
Climate Action Portal Registers 28 Transformational Initiatives Announced at Climate Action Summit
Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss Threaten SDGs - UN Report
Governments Agree to Build Resilience to Climate Change-Induced Droughts
Landmark 'United in Science' Report Informs Climate Action Summit
Emisiile de la industria aviatică cresc cu 70% mai mult decât se estima
O nouă formă de poluare: trotinetele electrice aruncate în apă
O expediție arctică va investiga „epicentrul schimbărilor climatice”
Adolescenta Greta Thunberg şi alţi 15 copii au depus o plângere împotriva a cinci ţări pentru criza climatică
România a anunţat la Summitul ONU intenţia de a lupta împotriva efectelor schimbărilor climatice
UN Climate Summit paves the way for an ambitious and successful replenishment of the Green Climate Fund
Global Commission on Adaptation Launches “Year of Action” to Accelerate Climate Adaptation
New Action Plan Towards Achieving Climate Neutrality in Travel and Tourism by 2050
Winners of the 2019 UN Global Climate Action Awards Announced
EU4Climate: Schimbările climatice ar putea deveni ireversibile; adaptarea este soluția
UK Government risks “fatally undermining” net zero target
IEA warns oil and gas industry must step up for climate action
At Davos, UN chief urges ‘big emitters’ to take climate action
Climate crisis ‘affecting quality of life and fuelling discontent’
Ovais Sarmad Sets Out Expectations for 2020, Highlights Business Climate Action
2020 a "Critical Year for Addressing Climate Change"- Ovais Sarmad
Education Is Crucial to Tackle the Climate Crisis
Moldova intenționează să-și sporească angajamentul de reducere a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de seră către anul 2030, până la 70% față de anul de referință 1990
Strengthened 5-year Action Plan on Gender Adopted at COP25
How the UN Climate Change Process Has Helped Build Resilience Over the Past 25 Years
Moldova intends to increase its commitment to greenhouse gas emissions reduction by year 2030, up to 70% compared to 1990
UK Prime Minister launches UN Climate Summit COP26
UK aviation industry commits to net zero carbon emissions by 2050
EY pledges to be carbon neutral by end of 2020
Most High-Emitting Industries not Aligning with Paris Goals
4 Charts Explain Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Countries and Sectors
Applications for 2020 UN Global Climate Action Awards Now Open
NAP Expo 2020: National Adaptation Takes Centre Stage as Climate Change Effects Mount
Великобритания запретит продажи новых машин с бензиновыми двигателями
Mayors of 15 major EU cities ask for funds to fight climate change
Research finds Antarctic penguin colonies declining due to climate change
UK Government announces £5bn boost for greener transport
Plant a trillion trees: U.S. Republicans offer fossil-friendly climate fix
Энергетические выбросы СО2 не выросли в 2019 году — МЭА
Explainer: Nine ‘tipping points’ that could be triggered by climate change
ANALYSIS-Climate change opens up 'frontier' farmland, but at what cost to the planet?
Climate protesters dig up Cambridge college's lawn
UK to invest $1.6 billion in weather and climate supercomputer
Plastics tax, carbon-trading cash to cover EU's Brexit gap, officials say
Как страны реагируют на изменение климата
Зимы в некоторых областях Украины не будет уже к середине столетия, — ученый-метеоролог
Church of England Sets 2030 Net Zero Carbon Target
Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures Crosses 1.000 Supporter Mark
First World Climate and Security Report out now
Study Suggests Fossil Fuel Use Emits Up to 40% More Climate-Heating Methane Than Previously Thought
Each day, fossil fuel air pollution costs $8 billion, study says
Эксперты: за восемь лет из-за природных катаклизмов из бедных стран уехали 20 миллионов человек
Автономной солнечной энергетикой пользуются 420 млн человек по всему миру
Почему человечество упорно не хочет спасти само себя?
Уголь на ветер
Ukraine climate groups demand fast transition to renewable energy
Узбекистан объявил отбор инвесторов для строительства 400 МВт солнечных электростанций
Senegal opens West Africa's first big wind farm in push for renewables
На 77% увеличилось производство электроэнергии объектами ВИЭ в РК
Climate change could pose 'catastrophic' security threat, experts warn
Producătorii de pomușoare din Moldova, interesați să-şi extindă piețele de desfacere după ce suprafețele s-au majorat considerabil
ANRE a aprobat tarifele fixe şi prețurile plafon la energia electrică produsă din surse regenerabile
Schools challenged to teach climate change as students join Greta strikes
New pact paves way for innovative solutions to disaster and climate change displacement in Africa
Pay more tax to fight climate change? British district puts it to the vote
Accountants to Drive Climate Action Transparency
Capacity-building to Boost Climate Action
MINI joins forces with OVO Energy to offer customers free miles
Carbon Brief: UK carbon emissions have fallen by 29% in last decade
Australia bushfires show clear climate-change fingerprint, scientists say
Global warming fast shrinking rainforest role as climate protector
Heathrow’s third runway declared illegal after climate campaign
​Willem Keogh on the importance of ESG data as a tool to encourage innovation
British fund industry warns companies on climate risk
EU is 'pretending' to tackle climate crisis, Thunberg says
'Climate change has crucified us': UK sled dog centre to close
UK water industry sets out plans to be net zero by 2030
ASOS reveals 30% reduction in carbon emissions across its operations
Strategic Asset Allocation: ESG’s new frontier
U.N. cancels key meetings ahead of climate summit due to coronavirus
Meaningless or sensible? Net zero by 2050 divides climate community
Top UK firms face tougher climate disclosure rule
Climate Crisis Needs Truly Collective Response: UN Climate Chief
Comisia Europeană a adoptat propunerea pentru atingerea neutralităţii climatice până în 2050
Iarna 2019-2020, de departe cea mai caldă iarnă înregistrată vreodată în Europa
Cea mai călduroasă iarnă a Europei. Avertismentul specialiștilor despre temperaturile de vară
Why don’t we treat the climate crisis with the same urgency as coronavirus?
Climate change leads to more violence against women, girls
ExxonMobil 'tried to get European Green Deal watered down'
Сокращение способности тропических лесов поглощать CO2 приближает климатическую катастрофу
Ещё один штат США принял закон о переходе на 100% чистую электроэнергию
ЛУКОЙЛ хочет стать углеродно-нейтральным к 2050 году, «как и вся Европа»
Independent: тревога из-за изменений климата доводит детей до бессонницы
Саудиты построят в Узбекистане ветровую электростанцию мощностью до 1 ГВт
13.03.2020 – Черная пятница гидроэнергетики
Центр компетенций по развитию возобновляемой энергетики создан в регионе
FACTBOX-Where Biden and Sanders diverge on climate change
Global finance must 'align' in climate change fight, says UK minister
Denmark should sharply increase carbon tax to meet emissions target -govt adviser
Pădurile tropicale au ajuns la saturaţie şi își pierd capacitatea de a absorbi carbonul – studiu
Метеорологи: начиная с 1980-х, каждое десятилетие жарче предыдущего
Carbon emissions fall as electricity producers move away from coal
МЭА прогнозирует падение потребления нефти в мире в 2020 году
Секретариат конвенции ООН по климату откладывает мероприятия в Бонне из-за коронавируса
Изменение климата: рекорды, которых хотелось бы избежать
Коронавирус выявил стратегическую ошибку в климатической политике России
Развитие ВИЭ в Узбекистане
Пикеты против добычи угля прошли в Новокузнецке
Атом против ветра: какой будет энергетика Украины в 2050 году
Frozen harvest: German ice wine maker defies climate change
ANALYSIS-Crossing state lines? Oil firms flare Texas gas as investors vent on climate
Air pollution clears in northern Italy after coronavirus lockdown, satellite shows
Unseasonal rain and hail damages crops in India, hits farmers' income
Bugetul AFM, publicat în Monitorul Oficial. Câţi bani au fost alocaţi pentru programele de mediu
Coronavirus creating solar industry 'crisis' - US trade group
Doubling up: Could coronavirus bailouts make economies greener?
Use coronavirus rescue packages to fight climate change - UK adviser
Wheat in Whitehorse: how climate change helps feed Canada's remote regions
Coal mines emit more methane than oil-and-gas sector, study finds
Coronavirus slows developing nations’ plans to step up climate action in 2020
Перенаселение не мешает планете
Как пандемия коронавируса повлияла (и повлияет в будущем) на экологию: 5 вещей, которые нужно знать
Углеводороды теряют фонды
В Китае совместили солнечную энергетику и рыбоводство
О государственной стратегии снижения выбросов парниковых газов в России
«Уголь мертв. Нужно рассматривать сценарии, в которых мир резко сократит потребление ископаемого топлива»
India's women seaweed divers swim against the tide of climate change
UK greenhouse gas emissions fell 3.6% in 2019 - provisional govt data
Coronavirus lockdowns give Europe's cities cleaner air
Конференцию ООН по климату в Глазго отложили из-за коронавируса
Climate-related disasters increase risks of conflict in vulnerable countries, research shows
Ученые: мировые океаны можно возродить к 2050 году
Japan’s New Climate Commitment Falls Woefully Short. Here’s How to Improve It.
Climate change set to make extreme heat more common - and costly
Barclays станет климатически-нейтральным банком к 2050 году
Почему регионы с загрязненным воздухом могут сильнее пострадать от коронавируса
Что не так с климатической стратегией России
Запуск "зеленых" аукционов отложили - виноват коронавирус. И это не шутка. Что произошло?
EU Supports Consultations on Water Resource Management in Georgia
Climate disasters seen increasing conflict risk in large countries
Cyclone pounds Vanuatu, levelling buildings, amid virus shutdown
New report argues oceans can be restored by 2050
Climate Week NYC to go ahead in 2020 as organisers announce new virtual platform
Climate Action’s response to COVID-19 and COP26 postponement
Energy Impact Partners: A primer on the next three decades of the energy transition - Part 3
Summitul privind schimbările climatice COP26 de la Glasgow, amânat pentru anul viitor
Experts Take Forward UNFCCC Climate Technology Work in Virtual Meeting
UN Steps Up Response to Climate-Related Security Risks
COVID-19: What does this mean for the fight against climate change?
Ziua Pământului, când toată lumea cere protejarea mediului
Strengthen worldwide climate commitments to improve economy, study finds
Космические спутники помогут определять источники выбросов CO2
Безуглеродное будущее России выглядит спорным
В этом году в Таджикистане будут расширены посевы засухоустойчивых культур, таких как сафлор.
Tackle coronavirus and climate crisis together, says activist Greta Thunberg
Renewables agency charts path to zero-carbon energy system by 2050
Work on National Climate Plans Is Not on Hold - UN Climate Chief
Earth Day 2020: How to be eco-friendly during coronavirus lockdown
IRENA: Investment in green energy is opportunity to meet climate goals and boost economic growth
Seven countries submit new 2020 national climate plans (NDCs)
Climate activists to emerge stronger from coronavirus crisis, says Greta Thunberg
«Ресурсы должны вливаться сейчас. Другой возможности у нас не будет». Как изменятся климат и экономика после пандемии
The Solution to the Coronavirus Recession Is a Global Green New Deal
В Швеции закрыли последнюю угольную электростанцию. На два года раньше срока
В Германии выявили связь между загрязнением воздуха и смертностью от COVID-19
How to help climate-vulnerable nations during the Covid crisis
How hot will Earth get by 2100?
Цены на солнечную энергию в Индии бьют рекорды
«Чернобыли» России, протесты и преследования: истории антиядерного сопротивления.
Фактор климата не в нашу пользу
COVID-19 crisis set to eradicate demand for fossil fuels, says IEA
Vattenfall secures new deal to provide low carbon heating to London homes
Total unveils new plan to be net zero by 2050
Rebuilding better: CCC sets out plan for a resilient recovery from the COVID-19 crisis
Новое обязательство Total: «чистые нулевые выбросы» углерода к 2050 году
As coronavirus curbs ease, what climate-smart policies should we lock in now?
Caught between climate and virus threats, migrants have no safe place to go
Экокнига для всех и что в ней будет об изменении климата
Climate change cannot be put on furlough
COVID-19 and Energy in the New World
European Space Agency on how their technology can be used to combat climate change
Indonesia backs off timber rule change after deforestation fears
К 2070 году треть человечества может столкнуться с невыносимой жарой
Если не предпринимать решительных мер сегодня, завтра адаптация к изменению климата потребует значительно больших усилий и затрат
России рекомендуют ускоренное озеленение
African countries get new tool to predict climate-related disasters
Zimbabweans go hungry as coronavirus compounds climate woes
Climate activists line London's Trafalgar Square with kids' shoes
Trump admin slaps solar, wind operators with retroactive rent bills
Renewable energy sector predicted to have strong COVID-19 recovery
Achieving Climate Goals Now: A Breakthrough Sustainable Climate Strategy
Global carbon emissions drop 17% due to lockdown
Future shock: COVID-19 failures show need to prep for climate threats
Peste 150 de corporaţii cer liderilor lumii o redresare economică bazată pe zero emisii în urma Covid-19
Comisia Europeană a adoptat noua strategie privind biodiversitatea
UN Climate Change Launches Russian Language Communications Tools
Global coalition of 42 faith institutions divest from fossil fuels
Rwanda First African Country To Set New Climate Plan Under Paris Agreement
Дания создаёт два «энергетических острова» для размещения 4 ГВт ветровых электростанций
Алжир построит 4 ГВт солнечных электростанций до 2024 года
Потепление на два градуса подорвет биоразнообразие тропических лесов
Россияне хотят выйти из карантина с помощью экологически устойчивых решений
As lockdown clears the air, Cairo looks to keep pollution low
Bust-up over climate weighs on EU-UK talks, risks trade rifts
Extreme weather, more people drive Pakistan toward a wheat crisis
Thousands without power in Western Australia after once in a decade storm
O treime din populaţia lumii ar putea suferi din cauza căldurii extreme până în 2070 – studiu
Public returns to St. Peter's Square; pope calls for defence of environment
EU pledges 40 billion euros for 'just transition' from fossil fuels
ВИЭ впервые за 134 года обошли уголь в потреблении энергии в США
Vulnerable nations say delayed summit should not mean delayed climate action
«Возможно, опыт пандемии привлечет внимание к экологическому и климатическому кризисам»
Группа компаний «Хевел» ввела в эксплуатацию одну из крупнейших солнечных электростанций в Казахстане
Climate activists stage protest at oilfield in southern England
Investors, scientists urge IEA head to take bolder climate stance
Tropical Storm Amanda kills at least seven people in El Salvador
Israel unveils 80 bln shekel plan to boost solar energy
June Momentum for Climate Change Gets Underway
COP26: New dates agreed for UN climate summit
World Environment Day: Global institutions call for a global green recovery
Shell energy unveils new carbon neutral tariffs for UK households
June Momentum for Climate Change
“Heartbeat of the Earth” - an Artistic Take on Scientific Climate Data
Over 200 British firms urge government to align economic recovery with net zero goal
Восстановление после кризиса: позиция сети CAN
Представители городов, регионов и компаний стремятся достичь нулевых выбросов парниковых газов
3 bn people may face Saharan heat levels by 2070
Siberia dries out as forests burn and climate heats
Зелено-угольный парадокс
As warming risks rise, Boston pastor sees need to spur 'climate justice'
ANALYSIS-Jobs come first in S.Korea's ambitious 'Green New Deal' climate plan
Water politics heat up under worsening climate in Afghanistan
No water or work: Climate stress pushes Indian delta-dwellers to the edge
Green recovery could create over a million new jobs in the UK by 2050
UNFCCC launches ‘Race to Zero’ Campaign
Утверждён Интегрированный национальный энергетический и климатический план ФРГ — детали
Weak links: Climate change and migration
As pandemic kicks mass tourism, islands seek to mend ties with nature
Климат может меняться сильнее, чем ожидали раньше
Europeans want (others) to cycle more to keep air clean
Исчезновение вековых лесов может ускорить изменение климата
Action on Agriculture and Climate Change Reviewed at June Momentum
Energy sector policy model should be replicated to ensure decarbonisation of key sectors
Unilever to invest €1bn in green projects
Climate Investing: Moving From Conversation To Action
UK government invests in sustainable aviation with creation of ‘Jet Zero Council’
Canada's oil patch cuts back climate efforts under pandemic
Families sleep in water lines as drought grips Zimbabwe's Bulawayo
World has six months to avert climate crisis, says energy expert
Международный союз биатлонистов присоединился к борьбе с изменениями климата
Emissions Are Surging Back as Countries and States Reopen
Победа! Протест жителей в Кузбассе остановил угольный разрез.
Деградация вечной мерзлоты: чем она грозит северным городам и предприятиям
Environmental shareholder activism comes to Japan as Mizuho faces climate resolution
Three die, hundreds evacuated in Ukraine flooding
Supporting Green Recovery Through Deployment of Climate Technologies
EU countries agree their green transition fund will not pay for move to nuclear or fossil gas
Дания достигнет 100% доли ВИЭ в потреблении электроэнергии уже в 2027 году
If the PM spurns Albanese's climate peace offer, Labor will be left with a painful problem
Площадь лесных пожаров в Сибири выросла в пять раз за неделю
Наводнение в Западной Украине: ученые видят главную причину в изменении климата
К энергетическому переходу готовы?
Climate fund targets $2.5 bln in clean energy investment for SE Asia
Foreign ministers flag climate change as major spark for conflicts
CCC: COVID-19 can be a historic turning point in tackling the global climate crisis
Preşedintele Iohannis, despre inundaţii: Ceea ce vedem acum este consecinţa amplificării schimbărilor climatice şi a ignorării timp de ani de zile a acestor pericole
Green Investment Group and Enso Energy join forces to develop UK solar and battery portfolio
Democrats to unveil bold new climate plan to phase out emissions by 2050
UK ministers send mixed messages over climate commitments, says fund manager
UN backs changes to aviation emissions scheme in boost for airlines
Global oil demand, CO2 emissions likely peaked in 2019 -energy consultancy
Япония закроет или законсервирует 100 старых угольных электростанций
Началась торговля воздухом
Climate battles are moving into the courtroom, and lawyers are getting creative
Marseille turns green with election of first woman mayor
Южный полюс разогрелся в три раза быстрее всей остальной планеты
Игнорирование экосистемных услуг назвали главной причиной зоонозов
Greenpeace призывает правительство остановить новую пожарную катастрофу
Зеленый климатический фонд поможет Таджикистану адаптироваться к изменениям климата
Over 5,600 fossil fuel companies have taken at least $3bn in US Covid-19 aid
Изменение климата все чаще угрожает благополучию женщин
UK premier faces court over Covid-19 recovery
OPINION: First summit of global development banks must deliver on ending fossil fuel finance
Климатический кризис и войны могут привести к системному коллапсу мировой экономики
Тепло серверов Facebook для крупномасштабной городской системы центрального отопления
Drought-hit forests may worsen climate change
Siberia Swelters in the Age of Climate Change
Better food for world's poor could hike climate-changing emissions
British schools could do better on energy to help meet UK climate goal
Schimbările climatice: ce face UE?
Cea mai gravă secetă din ultimul secol afectează România şi mai multe ţări din Europa de Est - Bloomberg
Pericol de inundații de-a lungul râului Prut
Aproape toți urșii polari ar putea muri în următorii 80 de ani
Pădurile în miniatură, o soluție pentru lupta față de schimbările climatice
Burger King adaugă lemongrass în dieta vacilor pentru a reduce emisiile de metan
Выбросы метана на планете растут и намного превышают естественное поглощение
10 global cities charting a green recovery from coronavirus
South Korea backtracks on green promise
'If not Europe, who else?' EU under pressure to secure green recovery at crunch summit
Масштабы вырубки лесов в Бразилии растут уже 14 месяцев подряд
Joe Biden unveils aggressive $2tn climate and jobs plan
Атомная промышленность Франции находится в тяжелом кризисе
Efficient cooling seen as key to managing climate change risks
Позеленеть от пандемии
Student files first climate change lawsuit against Australian govt
Vodafone announces European network will be powered by 100% renewable electricity by 2021
Supporting Green Recovery Through Deployment of Climate Technologies
New Brazilian map unmasks its illegal foresters
Europe steams towards coal exit - research
Крупномасштабные проекты агровольтаики со специальными солнечными панелями
Apple планирует свести вредные выбросы к минимуму в течение ближайших 9 лет
Зеленый свет для «зеленой» энергетики
Can carbon capture help to curb climate change?
22 de grade Celsius în arhipelagul norvegian Svalbard, în loc de 5 grade
Record. 212 protectori ai naturii au fost asasinați în 2019 în lume
Ученые заключили, что климатический кризис — основная причина австралийских пожаров
Climate wins in court – Climate Weekly
Eat or stay cool? Cities test ways to protect the poor from rising heat
Fires in Brazil's Amazon rainforest surge in July, worst in recent days
Изменение климата привело к увеличению пресной воды в Северном Ледовитом океане
U.N. chief invites young climate activists to meet, give input
Почему Украине нужен Зеленый курс
Studiu. 46% dintre adulții din România au auzit de Dezvoltare Durabilă
Populaţia lumii va ajunge la 8,8 miliarde în 2100, cu 2 miliarde mai puţin faţă de estimările ONU
On reflection: is COVID-19 a hurdle or a ramp for climate strategies?
Vodafone and Defra trial tech solution to safeguard UK forests and tackle climate change
ENA: Hydrogen and biomethane-ready plastic pipes could deliver world’s first zero carbon gas grid
Studiu. Noua Guinee este insula cu cea mai mare diversitate de plante din lume
Italia. Zeci de case evacuate pentru că un gheţar de pe Mont Blanc riscă să se prăbuşească
Ultima banchiză intactă canadiană s-a prăbuşit în ocean
Deceniul care s-a încheiat a fost cel mai fierbinte înregistrat vreodată. Căldura a topit 197 de miliarde de tone de gheață într-o lună (STUDIU)
Маврикий пытается справиться с разливом нефти. Объявлен режим ЧС
How and why systemic racism harms the environment
Климат платежом красен
Скорость таяния Гренландского ледяного щита обогнала скорость прироста массы
Trump administration rolls back curbs on oil industry methane emissions
В Украине планируют построить первый гибридный парк ВИЭ на Каховском водохранилище
Met Office: Increasing influence of climate change on UK climate
Drying Brandenburg lake is symbol of climate change, say scientists
After two years of school strikes, the world is still in a state of climate crisis denial
Cleaner but not clean: Why scientists say natural gas won't avert climate disaster
На смену нефти и газу придёт водород
Вирус обеспечил природе передышку
Climate fund for poor nations vows to drive green COVID recovery
Greenland's ice sheet saw record mass loss in 2019, study finds
WWF: Mâine terminăm resursele naturale generate de planetă în 2020
De ce turbăriile sunt esențiale în oprirea schimbărilor climatice
Fermierii afectați de secetă vor primi ajutoare de 925 de lei pe hectar
A nins în unele părți din Australia, pentru prima dată în 15 ani
How helpful is the term 'climate refugee'?
Humans exploiting and destroying nature on unprecedented scale – report
Выбросы парниковых газов в авиации выросли за 20 лет в два раза
Uber: все поездки только с нулевыми выбросами к 2040 году
Wildfire smoke causes record pollution in Oregon, wafts as far as Washington, D.C.
Funds and firms call for tougher 2030 EU climate target
Trump and Biden clash over U.S. wildfires as campaign turns to climate change
Hit by COVID and climate change, island states battle debt crisis
Pregătiţi-vă! Vine ceva mai rău decât pandemia. Anunţ oficial de ultimă oră
Military-style Marshall Plan needed to combat climate change, says Prince Charles
Protesters occupy Swiss square demanding action on climate change
Глава ООН: если мы не свернем с нынешнего пути, последствия изменения климата будут невообразимыми
Opinia experților: „Una dintre cauzele secetei din acest an în Moldova o reprezintă tăierea pădurilor”
Facebook va informa utilizatorii despre schimbările climatice
În România, afectată de schimbările climatice, lucrurile se vor înrăutăți. Toamna 2020, un anotimp cu recorduri istorice de caniculă
Climate change "increases the risk of wildfires"
World's youth rally against climate change
Climate primer: How to talk about climate change
'Energy cafes' help Londoners cut bills and care for the climate
Planetary ‘safety net’ could halt wildlife loss and slow climate breakdown
Arctic sea ice minimum is 2nd lowest on record
Twin 'crises' of climate and COVID hammering millions, Red Cross says
Concurs de proiecte la Institutul Francez: Tranziție climatică și orașe durabile
Incendiile din acest an din Siberia au eliberat în atomesferă 700 de tone de CO2 pe minut
California va interzice vânzările de vehicule cu motoare diesel şi pe benzină începând din 2035
Antarctica’s ice loss could soon be irreversible
U.S. farm landscapes could be reshaped by changing climate - research
Parlamentul European dezbate noile obiective pentru climă, pentru 2030
Not personal enough: Why climate change is not yet a top priority
В официальных пробах с Камчатки недостаточно данных
Urban Climate Action Is Crucial to Bend the Emissions Curve
EU leaders aim for deal in December on climate change target
Climate change poses 'profound threat' to global growth -IMF chief
EU funds drive rethink in East Europe on climate, says Timmermans
Economy, pandemic overshadow climate for young U.S. voters
Gheţarii elveţieni continuă să se topească într-un ritm alarmant – studiu
Support for Climate Policy is Alive and Well in Corporate America
У Greenpeace остались вопросы к версии про цветение водорослей на Камчатке
Swiss seniors sue government over climate change at European court
Climate change poses growing threats to vulnerable Africa, UN says
Climate activists abseil from bridges, halt Frankfurt rush-hour traffic
Ahead of U.S. election, Europe eyes an ally in climate change fight
10 Ноября пройдет Климатический Диалог Высокого уровня: Зеленое восстановление в Центральной Азии
With his decree 666, president Putin is committing the government to reduce #ghgemissions to 70% of the 1990 baseline.
Испания утвердила долгосрочную стратегию декарбонизации и построит 60 ГВт ВИЭ электростанций до 2030 г
'180-degree turn': How Joe Biden could revamp U.S. climate policy
Wealthy countries edge towards global climate finance goal
U.N. chief 'encouraged' by development bank climate pledge, urges more
Инновации станут важной частью борьбы с изменением климата — The Economist
Что означает указ президента о сокращении выбросов парниковых газов?
Redresare ecologică de la COVID-19: Ce înseamnă pentru Georgia, Moldova și Ucraina
Посмотрите, как изменится климат в вашем городе в 2100 году
As virus delays climate summit, youth 'Mock COP' takes (virtual) floor
Brazilians, more than others, say climate change is 'catastrophic risk'
About 150 nations due to deliver stronger climate plans in 2020, tracker shows
EU seeks to convince Poland on climate change target
Climate change winds lift Canadian renewable stocks, buffets oil sector
Am trecut de punctul critic. Reducerea la zero a gazelor cu efect de seră nu va mai opri schimbările climatice
O nouă bază de date arată cum își adaptează comportamentul animalele din zona arctică în fața schimbărilor climatice
Карантин не спас планету? Уровень парниковых газов достиг нового максимума, несмотря на пандемию COVID-19
Крупнейшая в мире угольная компания построит 3 ГВт солнечных мощностей и станет углеродно-нейтральной
Восемь друзей климата
Установленная мощность солнечных и ветровых электростанций в Африке вырастет в четыре раза к 2025 году
Вырубка лесов в Карпатах привела к изменению климата — ООН
8 modalități în care schimbările climatice au deja efect asupra ta
Cinci modalități prin care să gestionezi anxietatea legată de schimbările climatice
Brazil to face major security threats as climate impacts surge, military experts warn
Дания готовится прекратить добычу нефти и газа в Северном море. Почему это историческое событие
Коста-Рика уходит под воду
Новая Зеландия объявила чрезвычайную ситуацию из-за изменения климата
Адаптация к изменению климата стала глобальной задачей этого поколения
Казахстан начал осваивать зеленое финансирование
Parada Greenpeace: „Moldova, Ardealul, Țara Românească, unite pentru climă!”
Viziunea partidelor asupra problemelor de mediu
OMM: 2020, probabil al doilea cel mai călduros an din istoria măsurătorilor meteorologice
Namibia scoate la vânzare 170 de elefanți, din cauza secetei
România, locul 30 din 57 de țări în Indexul de performanță al schimbărilor climatice
Fight climate change like we battle COVID-19, says Paris Accord's chief negotiator
Many countries to miss Paris climate plan deadline due to COVID-19 delays: U.N.
Евросоюз утвердил цель по снижению выбросов парниковых газов на 55% к 2030 г
Тысячи семей в Нигере теряют кров из-за проливных дождей
Feeling the heat? Scientists warn of climate shocks to global health
Казахстан обязуется достичь углеродной нейтральности к 2060 году – Президент Токаев
Украина усилит свое участие в глобальной борьбе с изменением климата – Президент на Международном саммите климатических амбиций
The Green Future of Ukraine and the EU – Forced or Free Will?
Secretarul general al ONU le solicită statelor să declare “stare de urgenţă climatică”
Vaticanul va ajunge la zero emisii de carbon până în 2050, și-a asumat Papa Francisc
Președintele francez vrea să organizeze un referendum pentru introducerea în Constituție a luptei împotriva schimbărilor climatice
Record climate disasters in Asia-Pacific push millions to 'breaking point'
Moldova se alătură Misiunii 1,5 - cel mai amplu sondaj global privind schimbările climatice
2020 in review: Covid delayed climate action, but raised hopes of a green recovery
Парижское соглашение: проверка на прочность
Пожары, ураганы, жара: что случилось с Землей в 2020 году
Climate change could create 63 million migrants in South Asia by 2050
«Пожары начались в тех регионах, где раньше их не было»
Узбекистан приступил к разработке Национального адаптационного плана к последствиям процесса изменения климата.
U.S. federal spending bill includes funding to combat climate change
Climate could pay the price as Europe's nuclear plants age
Hungry for change: Faulty food systems laid bare by COVID-19 and climate crises
Climate-smart farming for western Nepal villages eases migration pressure
ANALYSIS-Thin Democratic control of Senate offers Biden chance for steps on climate
Pandemic delays leave many nations facing climate action catch-up in 2021
David Attenborough: Acesta poate fi un an al schimbării pozitive pentru criza climatică
Un val de căldură a ridicat temperaturile din Oceanul Arctic, din partea siberiană, cu 20 de grade
Efectul coronavirus: Germania și-a atins obiectivele climatice în 2020
«Наводнения забирают все, что уцелело в городе после сезона дождей»
Как изменение климата влияет на крупнейшие озера планеты
Солнечная энергетика производит самую дешевую электроэнергии на многих рынках — WoodMac
Великобритания: «низкоуглеродная революция дешевле, чем думали»
Почему шотландцы считают, что не время тянуть волынку
‘Gas is over’, EU bank chief says
Climate change may prevent Ukraine from becoming an agricultural superpower
The air we breathe
Россия начнет выпускать «зеленый» водород
High-altitude Swiss solar project to power supermarket chain
'Resilient recovery': Cities link pandemic, climate adaptation responses
Climate adaptation summit hears dire warnings but misses action to match
IMF to intensify focus on climate change's economic impact, Georgieva
U.S. 'proud to be back' in climate fight, Kerry tells leaders
Biden administration to unveil more climate policies, urges China to toughen emissions target
From climate change to coronavirus, 'frayed' global order blocks problem-solving
Europenii vor să renunţe la călătoriile cu avionul şi la carne pentru a combate schimbările climatice – studiu BEI
Nivelurile de dioxid de carbon vor fi cu 50% mai mari față de perioada pre-industrială, în 2021
Grecia. De la 20 de grade, la minus 20 de grade, peste noapte
Frig extrem în localitățile din Siberia: minus 58,3 grade Celsius
Preşedintele Biden a decis revenirea SUA în Acordul de la Paris
Studiu: Gheaţa de pe Terra se topeşte mai rapid în prezent decât la mijlocul anilor 1990
80.000 de copaci avariaţi de furtuna de zăpadă vor fi tăiați
Britain pins global cooperation hopes on shared climate fears
Cel mai mare sondaj de opinie privind încălzirea globală: Majoritatea oamenilor cred că ne aflăm în stare de urgență climatică
61% dintre persoanele sub 18 ani din Moldova afirmă că schimbările climatice sunt o urgență globală
64% людей в мире считают изменение климата глобальной ЧС
Таяние льда ускорилось в 1,5 раза за 30 лет из-за климат-кризиса
В 2021 году нефтегазовые компании увеличат инвестиции в возобновляемые источники энергии
Климатическая (не)справедливость: кто в Украине больше всего пострадает от изменений климата и что делать уже сейчас?
Iernile dispar din R. Moldova: Avertizarea și sfaturile specialiștilor
Схождение ледника в Индии могло произойти из-за климат-кризиса
Norway proposes €200 per ton CO2 tax by 2030
Lancet: изменение климатической политики спасет 10 млн жизней к 2040 году
Heat stroke risks to Hajj pilgrims could be halved if global warming is limited to 1.5°C
'Eat and have a job': Moldovan youth advisor lays out economic basis for climate action
Опрос: 91,35% населения Грузии считают изменение климата серьезной угрозой
'Put a big fat price on carbon': OECD chief bows out with climate rally cry
Bill Gates warns that manufacturing could challenge climate goals
'Let's think big' - Germany wants to work closely with Biden on trade, China, climate
Russia's Lavrov holds climate talks with U.S. envoy Kerry amid sanctions concerns
Opinie: „Moldova este pe cale de a trece spre o climă mediteraneeană”
Cum asigurăm reziliența agriculturii la schimbările climatice prin politicile de mediu
NATO vrea armate, tancuri și nave „eco”. Schimbările climatice vor fi pe agenda viitorului summit al Alianței
At least 1,500 Britons killed by climate change-fuelled heat this century
Climate extremes seen harming unborn babies in Brazil's Amazon
Denmark’s climate policies 'insufficient' to meet 2030 emissions target
S-a rupt cel mai mare aisberg din lume: Risc imens pentru climă
Climate crisis is driving insecurity, Johnson to tell world leaders
The Louvre moves its treasures as climate change brings more floods to Paris
International climate scientists join call to halt Leeds Bradford airport expansion
Cum se va schimba clima României până în 2100. Nepoţii noştri nu vor mai şti ce e zăpada
Defrișările și activitățile agricole au distrus aproape 34% din pădurile tropicale: „În anii 2002 și 2019 au dispărut arii mai mari decât teritoriul Franței”
Reuniune a Consiliului de Securitate ONU pe tema efectelor schimbărilor climatice asupra păcii. Test pentru relațiile SUA - China
Ce este AMOC. E la cel mai scăzut nivel din ultimii 1.000 de ani și poate aduce apocalipsa în Europa și SUA
Brazil working with Biden on climate, Amazon deforestation, says foreign minister
This must be the 'decade of action' on climate change, John Kerry says
Deep-sea gear helps Kenyan fishermen ride rough waves of climate change
World is missing chance for green recovery from COVID-19, U.N. says
U.S. must slash emissions by at least 57% to meet Paris climate target- report
Un iceberg cât Los Angeles s-a desprins de Antarctica
Europa trebuie să cheltuiască miliarde pentru a atinge obiectivul climatic din 2030 – WoodMac
Comisia Europeană lansează noul Observator al Climei și Sănătății
'Climate ninjas' overlooked as little finance reaches women
Green groups file FTC complaint against Chevron over climate claims
Wary US farmers weigh up joining Biden's climate fight
World running out of time to tackle climate change, Prince Charles says
Climate protesters gather in person and online for Fridays for Future
UK, US and others face credit rating fall over CO2 emissions - study
Studiu. În 50 de ani, Alpii au pierdut aproape o lună în care nu mai sunt înzăpeziți
Turbinele eoliene fără elice ar putea fi următorul trend în sectorul energetic
Imagini din satelit. Nivelul poluării crește dramatic în 2021 față de 2020, unele regiuni depășesc de două ori nivelul pre-pandemic
Un proiect militar secret din timpul Războiului Rece a dus la descoperirea unor plante vechi de 1 milion de ani în gheața Groenlandei
Incendiile din Australia au trimis la fel de mult fum în stratosferă cât o erupţie vulcanică
Kerry to Wall Street: Put your money behind your climate PR
World’s coastal cities face risk from land and sea
Agenţia Europeană de Mediu încurajează mersul cu trenul. Transportul feroviar a reprezentat sub 1% din emisiile poluante
Planul Național de Adaptare la schimbările climatice va integra acțiuni de reducere a riscurilor dezastrelor și adaptare urbană la schimbările climei
Kyoto's earliest cherry blooms in 1,200 years point to climate change, says scientist
Biden proposal seeks billions of dollars to advance climate change agenda
Climate activists spray black dye at Bank of England in 'Money Rebellion'
Apple to build battery-based solar energy storage project in California
Studiu: Marea mai caldă din Arctica, responsabilă de valurile de frig din Europa
Cea mai timpurie înflorire a cireșilor din Japonia, din anul 812
Australia. Cel mai liniştit sezon al incendiilor de vegetaţie din ultimul deceniu
Nivelul gheții din Marea Arctică este la unul din cele mai scăzute niveluri. Ce au descoperit sateliții NASA
BBC: Încălzirea globală, cea mai mare provocare cu care s-a confruntat vreodată omenirea. Sfârșitul erei combustibililor fosili
Pentru că nu mai au ce să vâneze, urşii polari caută ouă pentru a se hrăni
Klaus Iohannis: România se confruntă cu un val virulent căruia trebuie să îi reziste. Sistemul de sănătate este sub o presiune teribilă
Half a billion people may face heat of 56°C by 2100
Cercetătorii au descoperit ce a dus la apariția valurilor de frig din Europa (studiu)
Imagini dezolante pe plajele din Ghana. Cel puţin 80 de delfini, găsiţi morţi
How Cities are Responding to Climate Change and Why It Matters
Frequent flyers should pay more to save the climate
4 Big Outcomes the Leaders Summit on Climate Can Deliver
Climate crisis: Boris Johnson ‘too cosy’ with vested interests to take serious action
Britain wants in-person 'COP26' climate change summit this year
Banca Mondială, un nou plan de acțiune împotriva schimbărilor climatice
Americanii decid unde să se mute, ținând cont de efectele schimbărilor climatice
COP Bureau Agrees to Hold Virtual Meeting
Inspiring Women: Interviews with Climate Action Leaders
Ahead of Biden's climate summit, lawmakers relaunch 'Green New Deal'
EU seeks deal on climate change law, ahead of world leaders summit
As climate changes, study finds world's glaciers melting faster
U.S. national security adviser says China climate cooperation not a 'favor'
Climate finance targets top agenda for this week's G7 meetings
Biden admin proposes phase out of climate-damaging refrigerant
French banks told to speed up response to climate change
Merkel expects climate change law to go to cabinet in coming week - sources
Românii vor ținte climatice mai ambiționase din partea guvernului
The Guardian: Emisiile de gaze cu efect de seră subțiază stratosfera cu un kilometru
MADRM anunță că Moldova ar putea beneficia de 15 milioane de dolari
Global Vaccine Crisis Sends Ominous Signal for Fighting Climate Change
Adapting to Climate Impacts in the MENA Region
Australia’s big banks reject Nationals’ claims managing climate risk is ‘virtue signalling’
Climate disasters ‘caused more internal displacement than war’ in 2020
UK climate champion ‘stubbornly optimistic’ about net zero deal at UN talks
Climate change could make overwinter ‘zombie’ fires more common
Climate emissions shrinking the stratosphere, scientists reveal
Medics march to WHO headquarters in climate campaign
Australia: Mii de elevi au protestat în stradă pentru apărarea mediului
Paris accord rules must be wrapped up this year, says UN climate chief
Pests on the march as climate change fans spread of crop destroyers
Climate lawsuits snowball as South Americans seek a healthy environment
'Australia's Greta Thunberg' steps up climate change activism
UK investors urge G7 to force firms to reveal their climate change exposure
We are passionate climate warriors. Our legal battle is not over but my heart is a bit lighter
România a lansat rețeaua-pilot de diplomație climatică
Temperatura la nivel global va atinge curând limita de +1,5 grade Celsius
Când se va încălzi apa de la litoralul Mării Negre. Explicațiile climatologului Roxana Bojariu despre evoluția vremii în timpul verii
Peste o treime din decesele provocate de valurile de caniculă pot fi atribuite încălzirii globale (Studiu)
Sri Lanka se confruntă cu o catastrofă de mediu de proporții istorice. Nava cu substanțe chimice continuă să ardă și după 11 zile
Maimuţele din Africa se vor confrunta cu o pierdere a habitatului
Nivelul de CO2 din atmosferă a atins cea mai ridicată valoare de când se fac măsurători
Tot ce ajunge la mal în Sri Lanka e otrăvitor. Plajele sunt acoperite de pești morți, cu burți umflate și cu peleți înfipți în branhii
Mașinile poluante, pe cale de dispariție în UE. Comisia Europeană va prezenta anul viitor o propunere pentru a le elimina
UK banks to reveal exposure to climate crisis for first time
Explicaţiile unui climatolog despre coşmarul climatic care ne amenință
Rocky Mountain forests burning more now than any time in the past 2,000 years
Rich countries urged to come up with detailed plans to cut emissions
G7 leaders face make-or-break moment in climate crisis
Climate and nature crises: solve both or solve neither, say experts
Goldman Sachs: These renewable energy stocks are set for ‘unprecedented growth’
Biden, despre încălzirea globală: Problema existenţială a omenirii
Studiu: Schimbările climatice și pierderea biodiversității trebuie tratate împreună
Ce predicții fac climatologii pentru România următoarelor decenii: va dispărea zăpada, temperaturile vor crește cu 8 grade
Manifestații colorate la Cornwall. Sir David Attenborough: Liderii G7, în fața celor mai importante decizii din istorie privind clima
Yemen's famed beekeepers feel the sting of climate change
BOJ to launch new scheme for fighting climate change, keeps policy steady
IPCC steps up warning on climate tipping points in leaked draft report
Guest post: Why CO2 removal is not equal and opposite to reducing emissions
New climate science could cause wave of litigation against businesses – study
Top insurers join Prince Charles to fight climate crisis
UK road-building scheme breaches climate commitments, high court told
Un uriaș lac antarctic a dispărut brusc, lăsând în urmă un crater adânc de 80 de metri
Cum vrea UE să reducă poluarea în Europa prin taxarea centralelor de apartament, a mașinilor și transporturilor navale
Întreaga infrastructură de gaze naturale din Europa are scurgeri de metan, gazul care provoacă încălzirea globală
Australia atacă planurile UE de taxare a carbonului la frontieră
SUA, sub teroarea recordurilor de temperatură: Parcă e sfârşitul lumii
Poor use of science jeopardises climate lawsuits, finds Oxford research
Joint ECB/ESRB report shows uneven impacts of climate change for the EU financial sector
The scientists hired by big oil who predicted the climate crisis long ago
Canadian inferno: northern heat exceeds worst-case climate models
What’s next for Jeff Bezos? Space, climate and media may all figure
‘We thought it wouldn’t affect us’: heatwave forces climate reckoning in Pacific north-west
Planul climatic dur al Comisiei Europene și efectele sale în România: ne va rupe buzunarele la plata căldurii
Companiile aeriene și sectorul auto protestează față de planul climatic propus de Comisa Europeană
Proiectul Administrației Prezidențiale: Schimbările climatice trebuie să devină un subiect prioritar pentru fiecare român
Care este cauza inundațiilor din Europa? Activitatea umană a mărit de sute de ori probabilitatea unor fenomene meteo extreme (Guardian)
Știința trebuie să-și îmbunătățească predicțiile climatice. Incendiile din America și inundațiile din Europa nu au putut fi anticipate
Inundațiile din Germania și China sunt doar începutul. Ce urmează și cum ar trebui să ne adaptăm
Premierul Israelului anunță planul său de luptă cu schimbările climatice. Bennett vrea reducerea emisiilor cu 85% până în 2050
Politicienii și experții climatici negociază cea mai cuprinzătoare evaluare științifică a schimbărilor climatice. Mizele sunt istorice
Noi soiuri în „patria pepenilor”, din cauza schimbării climei. La Dăbuleni se pregătesc culturi de fistic, kiwi, măsline și curmale
Cel mai mare incendiu din California își generează propria climă
Cel mai mare oraș din Africa ar putea să se scufunde complet din cauza crizei climatice
Ninsoare în sudul Braziliei: Am 62 de ani și nu am văzut niciodată zăpadă
De ce se înmulțesc episoadele de vreme extremă pe glob
Regiunea arctică a Rusiei pierde miliarde de tone de gheaţă anual
Încălzirea globală schimbă curenții oceanici din Atlantic. Lumea se va confrunta cu schimbări drastice ale vremii
Australia respinge raportul „Cod roșu pentru umanitate” al ONU și obiectivele referitoare la lupta împotriva schimbărilor climatice
Raportul experților ONU în domeniul climei, considerat cel mai puternic avertisment lansat vreodată: "Nu ne putem permite să aşteptăm"
Peisajul meteo se schimbă pe întreg globul. Bogdan Antonescu: Ce vedem în Europa arată că nu ne așteptăm la lucruri bune în viitor
Țările care riscă să dispară de pe harta lumii cer măsuri imediate. Insulele Maldive sunt cel mai amenințate de criza climatică
Secetă cumplită în Kazahstan: Sute de cai au murit de foame și de sete
Ce se va întâmpla în Europa din cauza schimbărilor climatice. Incendii, inundații și dispariția unor zone de coastă
A plouat pentru prima dată în istorie pe vârfurile ghețarilor din Groenlanda
Studiu. Ploile extreme și inundațiile din Europa, cauzate de schimbările climatice provocate de oameni
2020 - cel mai călduros an din istoria Europei, cu aproape 2 grade Celsius peste valoarea de referință (Raport)
Schimbările climatice au cauzat foametea din Madagascar. Oamenii mănâncă lăcuste și frunze de cactus pentru a supraviețui
Grosimea celui mai mare ghețar din Italia, „Adamello”, s-a redus cu 12 metri în ultimii ani din cauza schimbărilor climatice
Aerul poluat scurtează viața oamenilor cu șase ani și ucide mai multe persoane decât fumatul, accidentele de mașină sau virusul HIV
Schimbările climatice sunt dramatice și ireversibile. Meteorolog: "Încălzirea globală nu înseamnă doar creșterea temperaturilor vara"
Kim Jong-un a recunoscut pericolul reprezentat de schimbările climatice. „Trebuie luate măsuri urgente”
Raport ONU: Poluarea aerului la nivel global s-a redus la un nivel fără precedent în perioada de lockdown din 2020
Vara lui 2021 a fost cea mai călduroasă înregistrată vreodată în Europa
Animalele își schimbă forma din cauza încălzirii globale (Studiu)
Brașov, primul oraș din Europa care s-a angajat să reducă emisiile CO2 cu 55% până în 2030
Cel puţin 227 de activiști de mediu au fost asasinaţi în 2020, în medie câte patru pe săptămână
"Sahara României" se întinde deja pe cel puțin 100.000 de hectare. Climatolog: Zonele aride vor fi și mai aride
Angela Merkel nu o să dispară din peisaj. Ce rol important va juca după alegerile germane din 26 septembrie
Boris Johnson, discurs comic la ONU despre climă: Când Broscoiul Kermit a cântat că nu e ușor să fii verde, s-a înșelat
Premiul Nobel pentru fizică a fost acordat oamenilor de știință a căror cercetare a avertizat lumea cu privire la schimbările climatice
Fenomen bizar după erupția vulcanului din La Palma. De ce sunt periculoși norii circulari apăruți
Gheţar din Suedia, acoperit cu o pânză care l-a protejat de încălzirea globală. "Haina" i-a salvat de la topire aproape 4 metri
„Prețurile la energie nu au crescut niciodată atât de repede”. Criza energetică globală este doar la început, avertizează analiștii
OMS: Toate alegerile care ucid planeta ucid și oameni. Schimbările climatice sunt cea mai mare amenințare pentru sănătate
Prințul William: Salvarea Pământului este mai importantă decât turismul spațial
Care este legătura dintre schimbările climatice și fenomenele meteorologice extreme
Clima în politică. Cum ne-au șlefuit schimbările climatice istoria
Țările nu își ating obiectivele climatice. Cu cât trebuie să reducem emisiile pentru a menține încălzirea globală sub 1,5 grade Celsius
Naturalistul David Attenborough avertizează că fiecare zi fără acțiuni pentru combaterea schimbărilor climatice este „o zi irosită”
Zece dintre cele mai protejate păduri ale lumii emit mai mult carbon decât absorb, din cauza oamenilor și a incendiilor de vegetație
Inundații în Glasgow, cu câteva zile înainte ca orașul să găzduiască cel mai important summit pe schimbările climatice
Наиболее уязвимые страны, ведущие меры по борьбе с изменением климата
COP26: O conferință istorică cu privire la schimbările climatice ce ar putea decide soarta lumii
Rezultate încurajatoare ale acțiunilor UE în domeniul climei: în 2020, nivelul emisiilor a scăzut cu 31% față de 1990
Schimbările climatice: ce face UE
Începe Summitul pentru climă COP26. Cu ce mandat merge Klaus Iohannis la Glasgow
Secretarul general al ONU, la summit-ul pentru climă: „Ne săpăm singuri groapa. Să nu ne sinucidem cu carbon!”
Cântecul Gretei Thunberg pentru liderii lumii: „Băgați-vă criza climatică în fund”
Summitul G20 a impus ca obiectiv limitarea încălzirii globale la 1,5 grade Celsius
COP26: Cel puțin 20 state, inclusiv SUA și Canada, se angajează să nu mai susțină proiectele privind combustibilii fosili
Ambasadorul Danemarcei: Nu aţi avut niciodată atâția bani. Este o ocazie unică de a face investiții inteligente pentru oameni și climă
Un nou acord global pentru climă la COP26, după două săptămâni de dezbateri și divergențe
Șase orașe din lume se vor scufunda înainte de 2030 din cauza schimbărilor climatice
Barack Obama, discurs la COP26 despre pericolul schimbarilor climatice: „Nu ne putem permite să fim deznădăjduiți”
Lumea se îndreaptă către o încălzire globală de 2,4 grade Celsius până în 2100, în ciuda angajamentelor climatice asumate la COP26
22 de țări, inclusiv China și India, cer să se elimine capitolul privind „atenuarea schimbărilor climatice” din acordul final al COP26
Boris Johnson: Acordul pentru climă de la Glasgow privind reducerea folosirii cărbunelui este „o realizare fantastică”
Более 50% электроэнергии в Абу-Даби будет производиться из чистых источников к 2025 г
Șefa Comisiei Europene se declară „dezamăgită” de rezultatele COP26: „Este doar un pas intermediar”
Acordul semnat la COP26 vorbește despre reducerea treptată și nu despre renunțarea la cărbune. Șeful ONU: „Este timpul să trecem la modul urgenţă”
Солнечные электростанции дадут США 1 млн рабочих мест и $72 млрд ВВП к 2030 году — исследование
В Бразилии снова зафиксировали рекордные вырубки лесов Амазонки
В ООН предупредили о грозящем Мадагаскару голоде
Что не так с итогами климатического саммита COP26: поясняют экозащитники
В Узбекистане из-за изменения климата подорожал плов
В Беларуси меняется климат. Будет ли расти картофель?
Granturi pentru adaptarea producerii la schimbările climatice
ЕСПЧ начал получать иски граждан в связи с изменением климата
Sergiu Bivol, fermier, despre panourile fotovoltaice: Au venit facturile, avem cu 50% cheltuieli mai mici
Guvernul a aprobat noi facilități pentru producerea energiei din surse regenerabile
Tehnologia de însămânțare a norilor a provocat inundații în țările din Golf. Climatolog: „Nu se poate obține ploaie din cer senin”
Klaus Iohannis a înființat un grup de lucru la Cotroceni care se va ocupa de combaterea schimbărilor climatice
Peste 90% dintre ţările lumii se vor confrunta cu temperaturi extreme din cauza emisiilor de gaze cu efect de seră (studiu)
Alexandra Bocșe, consilier de stat pentru Climă la Administrația Prezidențială: Fenomenele meteo extreme se vor intensifica
Aministrația Prezidențială lansează Raportul privind Educația pentru schimbările climatice
2021 a fost al cincilea cel mai cald an înregistrat vreodată. De ce ultimii 7 ani au fost cei mai călduroși din istorie
Iohannis: Protejarea mediului și combaterea schimbărilor climatice nu se pot realiza fără un parteneriat între instituții și cetățeni
Temperatura oceanelor a atins un nou record în 2021 pentru al treilea an consecutiv. „Încălzirea are consecințe grave”
Ciolacu, atac la Iohannis: Nu rezolvăm criza din energie cu planuri mărețe privind schimbările climatice
ООН: мощный шторм, поразивший страны Африки, вновь напомнил людям о климат-кризисе
Climatolog: Iarna se va transforma și va aduce riscuri asociate. Nu ne mai putem întoarce la ceea ce era acum 150 de ani
Imaginile „alarmante” de pe Pământ, văzute de pe Stația Spațială Internațională
Eurobarometru: Europenii consideră că schimbările climatice reprezintă principala provocare pentru UE
Australia investește 700 de milioane de dolari în protejarea Marii Bariere de Corali. De ce se albesc aceștia
Программа ООН по окружающей среде призывает помочь Киргизии отказаться от угля
Украине грозит критическое снижение урожайности из-за изменения климата — Всемирный банк
КНР предложила США отменить пошлины на солнечные батареи
Многие крупные компании не выполняют собственные задачи по борьбе с изменением климата, - исследование
Ученые: мерзлые болота Сибири и Арктики могут стать источниками выбросов метана
Эксперты Всемирного банка о надвигающемся водном кризисе в Центральной Азии
Зима короче, а лето — длиннее. Синоптик рассказал о белорусском климате
Генсек ВМО: изменения климата могут привести к росту числа вооруженных столкновений
На передовой. Как живут люди, которые уже ощутили на себе необратимые последствия изменения климата?
Ужасающий доклад про изменение климата выходит во время ужасающей войны
Un an de temperaturi record și haos climatic
Jumătate din populația globului este vulnerabilă la schimbările climatice, arată ONU
Schimbările climatice conduc la dezoxigenarea rapidă a oceanelor și dispariția peștilor
Anul 2022, riscurile climatice și provocările la nivel global
Cum ne deplasăm pentru a nu mai alimenta schimbările climatice?
Atmosferă încinsă. Efectul de seră, amplificat de vaporii de apă din atmosferă
Новый доклад МГЭИК предупреждает о «необратимых» последствиях изменения климата
Изменение климата угрожает скрытым под землей сокровищам Великобритании
Кыргызстан будет бороться со смогом вместе с Таджикистаном
Из-за санкций в России срываются сроки строительства солнечных и ветряных электростанций
Переселение народов, голод и вымирание: чем грозит глобальное потепление
Temperaturi record la poli, cu peste 40 de grade Celsius mai mari decât media
Coreea de Sud este devastată de cele mai grave incendii din istoria țării
Producătorii de etanol din SUA pariază pe tehnologia de captare a carbonului, în ciuda eșecurilor de până acum
Кыргызстан провёл первый национальный диалог о роли науки в борьбе с изменением климата
ИНТЕРВЬЮ Изменение климата: времени на адаптацию остается все меньше
Скорость таяния ледников Кавказа увеличилась в 5 раз
Глобальные потери лесов от пожаров в XXI веке существенно выросли
Heatwaves at both of Earth’s poles alarm climate scientists
ООН планирует создать систему раннего предупреждения населения Земли о природных бедствиях
Secretarul general al ONU: Este „o nebunie” să ne întoarcem la combustibilii fosili din cauza războiul din Ucraina
O platformă de gheață mare cât Roma s-a prăbușit complet, în Antarctica. "E un semn pentru ce ar putea urma"
Vikingii ar fi părăsit Groenlanda din cauza secetei, nu a frigului, potrivit unui nou studiu
Premieră istorică. Energia eoliană și solară au generat 10% din electricitatea globală în 2021
В Ашхабаде обсудили результаты и достижения Конференции ООН по изменению климата (COP26)
Названа причина аномального нагрева на полюсах Земли
Micii fermieri din România și schimbările climatice. De la percepție la strategii de adaptare
Energia solară în România și potențialul imens aflat sub ochii noștri
Enel получит грант Евросоюза 118 млн евро на строительство фабрики солнечных панелей
Российский Гринпис против преследования экологических активистов
Климатический кризис вызвал резкое сокращение популяции пингвинов
Экокроссовки и не только: как немцы пытаются изменить мир моды
TotalEnergies и Eneos будут развивать децентрализованную солнечную энергетику
Водородная экономика и глобальное потепление
Предприятие «Нарын» на собственные деньги построит гидроэлектростанцию «Куланак»
Чем опасен закон о строительстве в заповедниках
Провинции Китая построят более 620 ГВт солнечных и ветровых мощностей в период 2021-2025 гг.
Как работают солнечные батареи и во сколько они обойдутся семье
Изменения климата не так сильно повлияли на эволюцию, как считалось ранее — исследование
Из-за климатических изменений насекомых на Земле стало в два раза меньше — исследование
Nisipul pentru pisici ar putea reduce încălzirea globală. Cercetătorii de la MIT vor să facă din el filtre pentru metan
Studiu: Schimbările climatice stimulează frecvenţa şi intensitatea valurilor de caniculă
Agenţia Internaţională a Energiei: Noile capacităţi pentru producţia de energie regenerabilă ar putea înregistra un avans record în 2022
Изменения климата коснутся всех. Как Кыргызстан собирается защищать окружающую среду
Simfonia păsărilor și a gâzelor, tulburată de încălzirea globală
Республика Армения имеет амбициозную климатическую повестку: вице-премьер Амбарцум Матевосян
Компенсация за климатический ущерб пострадавшим странам
Глобальное потепление увеличило число стрекоз в Европе
Oameni de știință: Nivelurile actuale de CO2 din atmosfera Terrei „nu au mai fost văzute de milioane de ani”
Imagini din satelit. Zăpada din Alpi dispare rapid, tendința este îngrijorătoare
Nicolae Ciucă: E nevoie de colaborare între instituții și decizii curajoase pentru a găsi soluții la problema schimbărilor climatice
Euractiv: Parlamentul European a fost lovit de „un tsunami al lobbyștilor” înainte de votul pe proiectul Fit for 55
Солнечная энергетика в Германии: все больше солнца, панелей и инвестиций
Опрос: большинство немцев начали экономить энергию и горючее
„Ne rugăm la Dumnezeu să ne dea apă”. Lacul chilian care s-a transformat într-un deșert
Inundații, incendii și caniculă într-o singură zi. SUA se confruntă cu catastrofe climatice
Cea mai mare scurgere de metan care încălzește planeta a fost descoperită în Rusia
Tanczos Barna: Singura soluţie pentru stăpânirea schimbărilor climatice este creşterea suprafeţelor împădurite
Lacul Amara din județul Buzău a secat, iar acum, peisajul pare desprins din deșert: „Ceva din viața noastră s-a rupt”
Om de știință britanic: „În curând Pământul va fi de nerecunoscut. Înăsprirea climei nu poate fi oprită”
OCDE: Națiunilor bogate nu le reușește să onoreze angajamentul de finanțare pentru climă
Gheţarii din Munţii Alpi devin tot mai instabili şi mai periculoşi: „Această vară ar putea deveni furtuna perfectă pentru gheţari”
Cum ne va schimba încălzirea climei și la ce trebuie să ne așteptăm în viitor. Climatolog: Trebuie să ne regândim modul de viață
Comisia Europeană propune o zi de comemorare a „victimelor schimbărilor climatice”. Timmermans: „Există morţi aproape zilnic în lume”
„Căldura roșie” lovește Europa: „Apocalipsa meteo” anunțată pentru 2050 vine în această săptămână
„Sinucidere colectivă”. Avertismentul șefului ONU: „Jumătate din umanitate se află în zona de pericol”
Raport "șocant" în Australia. Pe niciun alt continent nu au dispărut atât de multe specii
Europa ia foc, apocalipsa de căldură aduce incendii fără precedent. Experții în evoluția climei avertizează: Așa va fi la fiecare 3 ani
Urșii polari, pe urmele urșilor bruni. Schimbările climatice îi determină să caute hrană printre gunoaie
Țările care se confruntă cu risc de crize "în cascadă" din cauza schimbărilor climatice
Joe Biden anunță investiții de miliarde de dolari pentru a face față schimbărilor climatice
Alexandra Bocșe, Consilier de Stat pentru Climă, vorbește la Interviurile despre apocalipsa climatică
Consilierul pentru climă al președintelui Iohannis, despre pragul critic al temperaturii globale: „Efectele vor fi ireversibile”
Planeta se înfierbântă mai repede decât pot oamenii calcula. Apocalipsa de căldură a scăpat de sub control
Extincția speciei umane din cauza încălzirii planetei este „periculos de puțin” studiată de oamenii de știință
Efect al încălzirii globale: Toate țestoasele născute în Florida în ultimii patru ani sunt femele
Fauna şi flora la nivel global ar fi într-un pericol mai mare decât au crezut până acum oamenii de ştiinţă
China pune capăt cooperării cu SUA în mai multe domenii, inclusiv combaterea schimbărilor climatice
Izvorul fluviului Tamisa a secat pentru prima dată în istorie. Noua sursă este la 8 kilometri în aval
Inundații în Valea Morții, unul dintre cele mai aride locuri din lume
Schimbările climatice ne afectează deja. Care sunt soluțiile?
Joe Biden a promulgat planul său de investiţii privind clima şi sănătatea
Valurile periculoase de caniculă vor fi și de 10 ori mai frecvente în unele regiuni din Europa și de pe glob până în 2100 (studiu)
Ученые оценивают стратегию охлаждения Земли с помощью геоинженерного моделирования
Доклад ВМО: если не принять мер, потепление в XXI веке может составить 2,8 градуса по Цельсию
„Mega-seceta” din sud-vestul Statelor Unite este un dezastru climatic nemaiîntâlnit în ultimii 1.200 de ani
Un raport privind schimbările climatice și soluțiile pentru România este lansat în dezbatere publică la Cotroceni .
Miliardarul care deține retailerul de modă „Patagonia” și-a donat compania unei organizații care luptă împotriva crizei climatice
Oxfam: Fenomenul „foametei extreme” s-a agravat puternic în țările cele mai expuse la catastrofe climatice
Oamenii de știință propun un plan controversat de „reînghețare” a Polului Nord și Sud prin stropirea de dioxid de sulf în atmosferă
Scurgerea de gaze din Nord Stream este cea mai mare eliberare de metan dăunător climei din istoria înregistrărilor
Noile generații merită să moștenească o lume nouă. Vino la Climate Change Summit să găsim soluții pentru viitor!
Klaus Iohannis: „În această cursă contra cronometru pentru limitarea schimbărilor climatice este nevoie de implicarea tuturor”
Europa se va confrunta cu un val de frig la începutul iernii, spune Serviciul European pentru Monitorizarea Schimbărilor Climatice
Eurobarometru: 63 % dintre români simt că este responsabilitatea lor să acţioneze pentru a limita schimbările climatice
Căldura extremă, inundațiile și furtunile au cauzat pierderi de 145 de miliarde de euro în UE (raport)
Emisiile globale de CO2 vor crește cu mai puțin de 1% în acest an datorită energiilor regenerabile şi a mașinilor electrice
Încălzirea globală ar putea elibera virusuri mortale conservate până acum în gheaţă
Emisiile de gaze cu efect de seră au atins niveluri record. Ursula von der Leyen spune care e "singura soluție" a omenirii
"Toamna falsă" creează confuzie. În Franța și Spania unde sunt 24 de grade, oamenii umblă în pantaloni scurți și pardesiu
Lumea este la un pas de „momentul fără întoarcere”. Raportul care arată că Planeta este aproape de catastrofă
Cei mai bogați 1% poluează într-un an mai mult decât poluează cei mai săraci 10% în 20 de ani
Klaus Iohannis merge la COP 27. „România susține angajamentul de neutralitate climatică al Uniunii Europene până în 2050”
Șeful ONU avertizează: „Obiectivele climatice sunt la terapie intensivă. Vom fi condamnați fără un pact climatic istoric”
Record de căldură în Montreal, cu 15 grade mai mult decât temperatura medie din noiembrie
Europa s-a încălzit de două ori mai mult decât celelalte continente în ultimele 3 decenii. Care este explicația fenomenului
„Cronica haosului climatic”. ONU: Ultimii 8 ani au fost cei mai calzi din istorie. Planeta ne trimite un semnal de primejdie
Țările bogate vor avea din nou un „cartof fierbinte” la COP27. Statele sărace cer despăgubiri pentru pagubele dezastrelor climatice
Strategia României pentru COP 27. Ministrul Mediului: „Suntem purtătorii de drapel în luptă împotriva schimbărilor climatice”
Iohannis, la COP27: Vremurile pe care le trăim sunt dificile. Limitarea schimbărilor climatice este esențială
Ursula von der Leyen : „Ne confruntăm cu multe provocări, dar schimbarea climei este cea mai mare”
Secretarul general al ONU avertizează că ne îndreptăm spre o climă de iad: „Omenirea are de ales: cooperează sau piere”
Omenirea a devenit o „armă de extincţie în masă”. Avertisment ONU: Un milion de specii, ameninţate cu dispariţia
"Ultima șansă" pentru a proteja natura. Acord "istoric" pentru biodiversitate, încheiat după dispute intense privind finanțarea
Vom rămâne fără pârtii până la finalul secolului, avertizează climatologii. Cel mai negru scenariu: doar o lună pe an cu zăpadă pe Valea Prahovei
În Moldova au înflorit primii ghiocei. Meteorologi: Temperaturi anormale
Ce explicații au climatologii pentru valul de căldură extremă din Europa
Cât ne-a costat încălzirea globală din 1990 și până acum?
Jumătate dintre gheţarii lumii riscă să dispară până în anul 2100
Stratul de ozon se vindecă. Își va reveni complet în 20 de ani
Oceanele lumii, mai calde ca niciodată în 2022. „Vremea de pe tot globul este influențată puternic de temperatura apei din oceane”
Comisia Europeană cere României și altor 13 state să reducă poluarea atmosferică
Un râu cunoscut pentru culoarea de smarald a devenit o uriașă groapă de gunoi plutitor
Anglia interzice vesela din plastic de unică folosinţă. Când intră măsura în vigoare
Europa este la un pas de o catastrofă hidrologică pe măsură ce rezervele de apă subterană se epuizează
Cum ne afectează schimbările climatice sistemul de sănătate: „Virușii devin mai agresivi. Gripa nu va mai apărea doar iarna”
Omenirea este la un pas să depășească 5 praguri climatice critice ce vor declanșa o „cascadă devastatoare” cu efecte ireparabile
Avertisment sumbru la summitul pentru climă, din Dubai. Liderii lumii spun că „semnele vitale ale planetei sunt tot mai slabe”
SUA anunță o contribuție de 3 miliarde de dolari la cel mai mare fond climatic din lume
„Pământul nu ne aparţine, noi aparţinem Pământului”. Apelul regelui Charles al III-lea pentru o „cotitură” în schimbările climatice
Oamenii de știință au descoperit în Himalaya un fenomen uimitor, care încetinește efectele schimbării climei
Schimbările climatice au un efect devastator asupra balenelor și delfinilor
Greta Thunberg critică acordul COP28 privind clima: Este un cuțit înfipt în spatele celor vulnerabili
Acord final la COP28. Sultan Al Jaber, un CEO al petrolului care aplaudă „începutul sfârşitului” petrolului
Activiștii de mediu au blocat o autostradă din Amsterdam ca protest împotriva celei mai mari bănci din țară
Castorii redesenează harta Arcticii. Rozătoarele, aduse de schimbările climatice, au invadat Alaska și fac prăpăd
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Population growth and climate change are the big problems facing the earth in the next 50 years. But are there any solutions?


Many of the issues the Environment Movement has faced over the last 50 years have been difficult, but none has been as formidable as the two challenges confronting it over the next half century, confronting the earth: population growth and climate change.

These two colossal problems, it is clear now, cannot be "solved"; they can only be coped with, and the coping will have to be by governments. The task of the Green Movement will be to keep the pressure on governments, and companies, and individuals, to do what is necessary, however difficult that is.

Both issues are controversial. Some believe the rise in human numbers, from a world population of 7 billion to perhaps 9.3 billion in 2050 - that's the UN's medium estimate - will not be a problem, and certainly there is no plan to bring the estimated 2050 figure down.

But finding food for an extra two billion mouths in a mere 38 years, on top of those who are hungry today, is clearly going to be a Herculean task, and if we disaggregate the world figure into the projections for individual nations, the task seems more daunting still, especially with some of the "high growth" countries in Asia and Africa.

Bangladesh, with an estimated 148 million people at 2010, goes, according to the UN medium estimate, to 194 million in 2050; Pakistan goes from 189 million to 274 million. In some of the poorer parts of sub-Saharan Africa, the projections are quite remarkable, with doublings and even treblings expected in four decades: Kenya goes from 40 million people in 2010 to 96 million in 2050, while Niger, a country in the Sahel semi-desert belt where agriculture is difficult at best, will see its population go from 15 million to 55 million.

Yet the concern for the environment movement will be, can these extra billions be not only fed, but brought out of poverty through economic growth, without the planet being trashed? Can it be done without rainforest being torn down for agriculture, without the fish stocks of the oceans being exploited, without the atmosphere being swamped with climate-changing carbon from thousands of new power stations?

The idea that grapples with this is sustainable development and next week the world community meets in Rio de Janeiro to try to shape the first global sustainable development goals, which would probably concern food, water and energy, and run from 2015.

But even if they are agreed, they can be destabilised by a changing climate. A great fear of far-sighted environmental thinkers is that global warming and its effects will combine with population growth, in interactions which will make things much worse. For example, Bangladesh will find it much harder to accommodate its extra 46 million people by 2050 if, as is expected, it begins to be affected by climate-change-induced sea level rise, with much of the nation below sea level already.

Yet climate change has slipped down the pubic agenda. There are three reasons for this, one being the recession, which affects us now, while global warming is a concern mainly of the future.

The second is that climate change sceptics, hardly any of whom are climate scientists, and many of whom are funded by the fossil fuel industry, have induced a certain amount of uncertainty in the public mind about the issue. And this has been able to take root over the last few years because - and this is the third reason - the warming process appears to have paused.

No-one really knows why. A good guess is the gigantic cloud of sulphur emissions from Chinese power stations, which doubled their output of waste gases between 1996 and 2006: the sulphur particles have the opposite effect of the carbon emissions, and reflect back the sun's heat. But unless the laws of physics are altered, those global carbon emissions, now 33 billion tons annually and rising at six per cent a year, are going to make world temperatures rise considerably in the coming decades with potentially disastrous consequences.

What can the Green Movement do about this? Quite a lot, really, as was evinced by Friends of the Earth's (FoE) "Big Ask" campaign for a climate change law, which would commit the UK Government to make legally-binding annual cuts in its carbon emissions. It succeeded, and in the Climate Change Act, 2008, Britain now has the toughest climate legislation in the world.

Tony Juniper, the FoE director who oversaw the campaign, is aware that climate change is the most difficult of all environmental problems. "It's bloody huge," he says. "It's about everything - aviation policy, transport, energy, nuclear power, agriculture, recycling. With the other issues we can get a tactical victory without all that baggage, but climate is different, and so is the timetable."

So he doesn't think the Green Movement has failed?

"No," he says. "It's work in progress."

There's going to be an awful lot of that work needed by the greens over the next half century.

Rio plus 20: Another talking shop?

The UN sustainable development conference in Rio de Janeiro next week is called "Rio Plus 20" as it marks the 20th anniversary of the celebrated Earth Summit, held in the Brazilian city in June 1992.

The earlier gathering, which brought together more than 100 heads of state and government, created two major institutions to help the world deal with its growing environmental crisis: the UN Convention on Climate Change, to tackle global warming, and the UN Convention on Biodiversity, to tackle the increasing assault on wildlife and the natural world.

The summit's success marked a huge step in integrating environmental concern into world politics. But 20 years on, this summit looks like being a pale shadow of its predecessor, and the most positive outcome is likely to be merely an agreement to talk about sustainable development goals. The lack of excitement is reflected in the guest list.

The heads of state of Brazil, Russia, India and China will be there, But President Obama and the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, will not, nor for that matter will David Cameron. He is sending the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg.



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